Popis FESB BBS datoteka iz 1997

Sekcija #1 - FESB BBS - specificne datoteke

FESBALL.ZIP    82137 05-06-97  >>Sve datoteke za download na ovom BBS-u

FESBNEW.ZIP     1398 05-06-97  Nove datoteke u zadnjih 30 dana

FESBNEW.TXT        0 30-10-97* Nove datoteke u zadnjih 30 dana (ASCII)

STOPWAR.ZIP      555 10-12-92  Poster 'Stop the war in Croatia' (ASCII)

IMPULSI.ZIP     4140 16-07-96  Cjenik telefonskih impulsa

BBSOVI.ZIP      1346 11-01-97  >Popis BBSova u Hrvatskoj

BBS-SI.ZIP      1787 29-10-97* Popis BBSova u Sloveniji

ANETCONF.ZIP   10828 06-03-95  Adrianet konferencije sa opisom

OPUSER.ZIP     26575 10-12-92  Opus CBCS - prirucnik za koristenje

CROANET.ZIP     3054 07-08-95  CroatiaNet - bilten

MAX_HELP.ZIP   17123 06-07-93  Help for Maximus

FESBMAIL.ZIP    1478 11-04-93  Telix script za UL/DL QWK paketa za FESBBBS (B. Rxxxx)

HR-05-96.ZIP   15937 06-05-96  Popis korisnika CroatiaNeta

HRMODQ10.ZIP   23340 14-05-96  HR Modem FAQ v1.0. Cesto postavljana

                               pitanja i odgovori o modemima. (by Bxxxx)

PCBFIDO.ZIP     5704 02-07-96  Konfiguriranje PCBoarda za FidoNet

PRCNET.ZIP      4240 05-11-96  Pravila CroatiaNeta prihvacena vecinom

                               glasova SysOpa CroatiaNeta

CNET0196.ZIP    4759 05-11-96  Mjesecna CroatiaNet statistika by AI

CNET0896.ZIP    4421 05-11-96  Mjesecna CroatiaNet statistika by AI

CNET0996.ZIP    4606 05-11-96  Mjesecna CroatiaNet statistika by AI

CNET1196.ZIP    4753 04-12-96  Mjesecna CroatiaNet statistika

CNET0097.ZIP    4789 03-01-97  Mjesecna CroatiaNet statistika

IGREHR10.ZIP    3482 07-01-97  FAQ za konferenciju Igre.Hr. Verzija 1.0.

CN_PRAV.ZIP    98254 26-10-97* Pravila svih konferencija CroatiaNeta

CNET0197.ZIP    4779 03-02-97  Mjesecna CroatiaNet statistika

CNET0297.ZIP    4762 03-03-97  Mjesecna CroatiaNet statistika

CNET0397.ZIP    4906 03-04-97  Mjesecna CroatiaNet statistika

CNET0497.ZIP    5063 03-05-97  Mjesecna CroatiaNet statistika

CNKM9705.ZIP    2281 09-05-97  Popis CroatiaNet konferencija i moderatora

CNET0597.ZIP    4860 03-06-97  Mjesecna CroatiaNet statistika

TVFILM23.ZIP   29590 04-06-97  TV&FILM.HR FAQ v2.3 ili cesto postavljana

                               pitanja u TV&FILM.HR (D. Axxxxxx)

CNET0697.ZIP    4909 03-07-97  Mjesecna CroatiaNet statistika

CNET0797.ZIP    4804 03-08-97  Mjesecna CroatiaNet statistika

CNET0897.ZIP    4864 03-09-97  Mjesecna CroatiaNet statistika

CEFNET13.ZIP    8230 12-09-97  CEFNet FAQ v1.3. Cesto postavljana pitanja i

                               odgovori o CEFNetu.(by Bxxxx)

CNETQ12.ZIP    10572 12-09-97  CroatiaNet FAQ - Cesto postavljana

                               pitanja i odgovori (by Bxxxx)

CNET0997.ZIP    4840 03-10-97* Mjesecna CroatiaNet statistika

N381T304.ZIP     813 28-10-97* Tablica nodova CroatiaNet/Fidonet mreze 381 (304/1997)

Sekcija #2 - Off line readeri

1ST-111A.ZIP  489136 31-01-94  1stReader v1.11, QWK offline reader, part 1/2

1ST-111B.ZIP  373437 31-01-94  1stReader v1.11, QWK offline reader, part 2/2

1ST-GRPH.ZIP  142114 09-02-94  Graphics (.GIF, etc.) support for 1stReader

1ST111DX.ZIP  294046 31-01-94  1stReader v1.11, 386-compiled .EXE only

1STSPELL.ZIP  145870 31-01-94  Spellchecker engine/dictionary for 1stReader

ADDQWK10.ZIP   40588 18-11-93  Utility to merge QWK mail packets

ADDREP10.ZIP   27794 18-11-93  Utility to merge REP reply packets

BLUEQ131.ZIP   23402 22-09-93  Use QWK mailreaders to r/w messages by BlueWave mail

BWAVE212.ZIP  348880 14-05-93  Blue Wave, offline mail reader, QWK & others

BWDEV201.ZIP   40749 16-02-94  BlueWave packet file specifications

CHIPSENG.ARJ   26603 02-03-93  English language files for CHIPS 1.0 - Shareware from MicroArt!

CLQWK100.ZIP   32486 14-07-94  Removes unwanted information in QWK mail pkts

CP200.ZIP      89299 02-02-94  Cherry Picker: Offline reader tagline manager

CPS10FIX.ARJ  187484 02-03-93  C H I P S ** Version 1.0 ** Date: 11-22-92 

                               *** Sub-version 1.021 with bugs fixed up ***

                               An innovative QWK off-line reader from th

CVTQ110.ZIP    32485 04-02-94  ConvertQ: Util to enhance offline mail quotes

DTQWK14.ZIP   262401 22-06-95  QWK reader w/msgbase and bilingual SAA UI

EZQUOTE3.ZIP   33646 12-05-94  EzQuote v3.0: Text editor for offline readers

HR_SMVGA.ZIP    3059 10-12-92  Briljantno dizajnirani VGA font za

                               Session Manager sa kompletnom dokumentacijom na

                               hrvatskom + blagoslov autora na istom jeziku.

KQWK105.ZIP   237024 08-04-93  KingQWK 1.05 - The latest release of this

                               new FAST, small QWK reader. It has MANY

                               features not found in other readers including a un

MEGAR210.ZIP  201219 10-12-92  MegaMail V2.1, radi i sa QWK paketima

OFFLI156.ZIP  186059 26-10-93  QWK format mail reader with NetMail support

OLX21-TD.ZIP  200526 12-11-93  Off-Line Xpress Test Drive: QWK mail reader

QPRN112.ZIP   142527 13-06-94  Removes unwanted messages from QWK packets

QREP12.ZIP     29213 12-08-94  QRep v1.2 QWK Automated Message Generator, B.Sxxxxxxxx

QWKDOC.ZIP      8219 10-12-92  Konverzija QWK poruka u tekst

QWKFO02.ZIP    16165 22-11-94  Display info about QWK files,date created, etc

QWKIDX11.ZIP    9826 11-04-94  Generate missing .NDX files for QWK & REP mail

QWKIT10B.ZIP   60496 04-02-94  Qwkit: Tagline mgr. for offline mail readers

QWKSL103.ZIP   12715 08-09-94  QWKSLICE: Cut QWK packets into managable sizes

QWKTXT46.ZIP   26319 14-01-94  Converts QWK mail packets to ASCII text

RM13REAL.ZIP  454650 22-06-95  RoboMail 1.3 real-mode offline mail reader

ROBOM13A.ZIP  475043 17-03-94  RoboMail 1.3: Database QWK off-line reader 1/2

ROBOM13B.ZIP  365913 17-03-94  RoboMail 1.3: Database QWK off-line reader 2/2

SLHEA201.ZIP   30837 10-12-92  Creates nice reply headers for SLMR (should work with OLX, too)

SLMR21.ZIP    176285 10-12-92  QWK compatible off line reader

SM106_N.ZIP   242915 10-12-92  Session Manager QWK Off Line Reader

SPBQWK13.ZIP   52270 22-06-95  Converts UUPC/extended's mailbox format to QWK

SPEED140.ZIP  250863 30-03-94  Speed Read QWK reader/message database, J.Sxxxx

SXR401.ZIP    406182 14-07-94  Silver Express v4.01, QWK/OPX offline reader

SXR401P.ZIP   456285 14-07-94  Silver Express v4.01, protected mode version

TAGLX330.ZIP  220660 09-02-94  TagLineXpress: Offline mail reader tagline mgr

YARN-055.ZIP  172803 16-02-94  Store/read USENET news and mail (SOUP format)

--- Readeri za Windows

CMPSND01.ZIP  720886 07-07-94  Male sound files for CMPQWK QWK reader

CQWK140A.ZIP  683334 07-07-94  CMPQWK v1.40: QWK reader for Windows, Pgm 1of2

CQWK140B.ZIP  579455 07-07-94  CMPQWK v1.40: QWK reader for Windows, Pgm 2of2

CSND140.ZIP   363879 07-07-94  Female sound files for CMPQWK QWK reader

FOXM112.ZIP  1986210 22-06-95  Database QWK packet Offline Reader for Windows

ORATR113.ZIP  423351 31-03-93  Off-line mail (.QWK) reader for Windows 3.1

UNIQWK42.ZIP  625937 22-06-95  Offline QWK mail reader w/multlanguage support

WMM12.ZIP     156700 16-05-95  Windows off-line mail reader with message base

WRID110A.ZIP  457779 22-02-94  WIN3:WaveRider QWK/BlueWave offline reader 1/2

WRID110B.ZIP  265045 22-02-94  WIN3:WaveRider QWK/BlueWave offline reader 2/2

--- Popis QWK off-line readera

QWKP9407.ZIP   52086 12-08-94  List of QWK format readers and mail doors

Sekcija #3 - Komunikacijski software

--- Procomm

PCP20TD1.ZIP  184933 15-12-92  Procomm plus 2.0 - test drive (1/3)

PCP20TD2.ZIP  166223 15-12-92  Procomm plus 2.0 - test drive (2/3)

PCP20TD3.ZIP   78643 15-12-92  Procomm plus 2.0 - test drive (3/3)

PCPLUS2.ZIP    96462 15-12-92  Razni scriptovi za Procomm plus

AUTOPRCM.ZIP   51738 17-12-92  Generiranje Procomm .CMD scriptova

TSPFON29.ZIP   55438 21-07-93  Utilities and advice for Procomm Plus.

--- Telix

SLRN_200.ARJ   38515 02-03-93  SLEARN (SALT Learn Utility) v2.00.

                               Automatic script writer for Telix users.

                               Automate logons, complete sessions, even up and downloads

TELIX322.NEW   11582 24-02-94  Information on what's new in Telix v3.22

TLX322-1.ZIP  173809 24-02-94  Telix v3.22 communications program, 1 of 4

TLX322-2.ZIP   66062 24-02-94  Telix v3.22 communications program, 2 of 4

TLX322-3.ZIP  203829 24-02-94  Telix v3.22 communications program, 3 of 4

TLX322-4.ZIP  181658 24-02-94  Telix v3.22 communications program, 4 of 4

TSTLX11.ZIP    21851 19-02-93  Txxx Sxxxx's Salt scripts for Telix comm pgm

XH110.ZIP      92457 04-03-94  XHost 1.10: Host mode/BBS script for Telix3.15

--- Z-modem

CLASSICZ.ZIP  103309 11-02-94  ZCOMM without graphics file xfer display

DIALERS.ZIP    29124 31-12-93  Modem dialing scripts for ZCOMM & YAM. 931127

DSZ0920.ZIP    91491 01-12-94  X/Y/Zmodem protocol file transfer pgm - 940920

DSZ0920N.ZIP    2817 01-12-94  What's new in the 940920 release of DSZ

DSZ0920X.ZIP   39480 01-12-94  X/Y/Zmodem file transfer, EXE version - 940920

GSZ0920.ZIP   112666 01-12-94  X/Y/ZMODEM driver with graphic file xfer display

SCRIPTS.ZIP   112136 31-12-93  ZCOMM/YAM phone/instant dwnload scripts 931127

ZCOMMDOC.ZIP  228392 14-02-94  ZCOMM - documents

ZCOMMEXE.ZIP  192347 14-02-94  Intrgrated comms ZMODEM-90(Tm) + MobyKermit

ZCOMMHLP.ZIP   88615 29-12-93  Help processor and database for ZCOMM

--- Razno

0150TER1.ZIP  627327 01-12-94  Terminate v1.50: DOS comm program, 1 of 2

0150TER2.ZIP  563799 01-12-94  Terminate v1.50: DOS comm program, 2 of 2

9600-16.ZIP    13021 17-12-92  9600+ modems info (text)

ASYNC3.ZIP     11314 17-12-92  Dodavanje COM3

BAYCOM15.ZIP  156707 21-04-93  Packet radio program za radioamatere.

BCOM15A.ZIP   100956 22-06-95  BananaCom v1.5a: Simple communications program

BCUST15A.ZIP  103339 22-06-95  BananaCom Custom v1.5a customized comm program

BGDIAL11.ZIP    8238 02-09-93  Background autodialer for MS-DOS

BIMOD122.ZIP  180477 21-12-92  Bimodem file transfer protokol

BISTRT01.ZIP    3653 21-12-92  Kratke upute za rad sa bimodem protokolom

BTX50.ZIP     117636 22-12-92  Emulacija Videotext sistema BTX

BYTECOMM.ZIP   76347 22-12-92  TSR komunikacijski program (C src)

COM2COM.ZIP    60429 21-07-93  Remote operation of PC by modem

COMMO60.ZIP   189226 06-05-94  DESQview-aware comm pgm w/macros,ext.protocols

CONEX63A.ZIP   65802 28-06-94  Terminal pgm COM,Int14,LAT,PC/TCP,BW/TCP,BAPI

DEPTY309.ZIP  391509 28-01-94  Communication program with MNP5 support

DIALEASY.ZIP   15110 02-11-94  Auto-dials many names/numbers/computers, C.Wxxxxxxx

DIALER.ZIP     55486 10-05-93  Rezidentni dialer, Bug br 5, str 60 (S. Rxxx, J. Dxxxx)

DRWY222.ZIP   228543 22-11-93  DOORWAY v2.22: Allow remote access to computer

FL_200.ZIP    113963 18-11-93  FastLink terminal program by N.Uxxxxxx

GT1700-1.ZIP  129785 05-01-93  GT Power - komunik. sa mocnim hostom (1/6)

GT1700-2.ZIP  185224 05-01-93  GT Power - komunik. sa mocnim hostom (2/6)

GT1700-3.ZIP   70271 05-01-93  GT Power - komunik. sa mocnim hostom (3/6)

GT1700-4.ZIP  112295 05-01-93  GT Power - komunik. sa mocnim hostom (4/6)

GT1700-5.ZIP  130592 05-01-93  GT Power - komunik. sa mocnim hostom (5/6)

GT1700-6.ZIP  123926 05-01-93  GT Power - komunik. sa mocnim hostom (6/6)

ICOM201A.ZIP  339356 01-09-94  Intellicomm v2.01, automated BBS comms 1/3

ICOM201B.ZIP  366165 01-09-94  Intellicomm v2.01, automated BBS comms 2/3

ICOM201C.ZIP  340307 01-09-94  Intellicomm v2.01, automated BBS comms 3/3

LAPTALK.ZIP    43472 18-05-94  Small telecomm program with good script

LBB62.ZIP     103843 06-12-94  Little Black Book 6.2 Autodialer/Addressbook, V.Bxxxx

MODEMD60.ZIP  155425 22-06-95  Modem Doctor: Complete modem/UART diagnostics

MX197.ZIP     210566 22-09-94  MxLight telecommunication program by J.Fxxxxxx

MYCMM230.ZIP  172129 22-06-95  MyComm v2.30 data communications program

PANTHER2.ZIP  345874 26-10-93  Panther 2.0: Freeware communications program

PBILL11.ZIP   143936 03-05-95  Log file analyzer for misc. comm programs

PCUCP101.ZIP  106018 15-06-93  PCUCP v1.01 comm prg between PC & Unix, serial line

ROBOC430.ZIP  524373 03-04-95  Robocomm 4.3: Automated communications program

SDP101G.ZIP   123618 09-02-94  External protocol driver for xyzmodem & kermit

SNUUPM18.ZIP   77956 02-09-93  Simple installation of SNews/UUpc/PMail

SUPCM12.ZIP   217391 06-09-95  Easy, no manual required, complete comm prog.

TM412-1.ZIP   189916 29-09-93  Telemate v4.12 multi-threading comm prg, 1of4

TM412-2.ZIP   198619 29-09-93  Telemate v4.12 multi-threading comm prg, 2of4

TM412-3.ZIP   197728 29-09-93  Telemate v4.12 multi-threading comm prg, 3of4

TM412-4.ZIP   251080 29-09-93  Telemate v4.12 multi-threading comm prg, 4of4

TMCIJ_21.ZIP   78231 17-11-95  Statistika za Telemate

TPC14.ZIP     100982 22-11-94  Dialer:1000 names, various utils, hangman game

TR4-26.ZIP    195019 15-06-93  Operate PC from a remote location, or monitor

TSFILT19.ZIP  107721 15-09-93  Programs for filtering messages, log files, Unix-PC, etc.

TSKERM24.ZIP   52329 15-09-93  Keypads, .bats, logging, and file transfers for MsKermit.

TSQLPC10.ZIP   11796 15-09-93  On home computer (QL) <-> PC file transfer.

TXZM241.ZIP    42972 22-12-94  Zmodem driver - command line & terminal mode, M.Dxxxxx

WHATL280.ZIP   32741 09-03-93  Upravljanje uredjajima na tel.liniji

X25TUT.ZIP     12860 09-03-93  Packet network operations X25 tutorial

YMODEM.ZIP     19812 25-03-93  Opis ymodem protokola

ZCOPY.ZIP      27124 25-03-93  PC - PC prijenos datoteka do 115KBs(+ASM)

ZIP172.ZIP     41399 22-12-94  Fast serial file transfer by Exxx Mxxxx (good)

Sekcija #4 - Utility

387.ZIP        24385 16-12-92  Odlican emulator 80387 koprocesora.

3DBENCH.ARJ    63911 21-12-92  Vrlo efektan VGA benchmark.

3DMENU.ZIP     56619 04-01-93  DOS menu sistem

AAAUUE.ZIP     19703 03-04-95  Aaauue drag,drop encode,de,merge,unzip,extract

ADCLK100.ZIP   24622 22-09-93  Utility for adjusting inaccurate PC-clocks

ADDMEM.ZIP     19206 10-03-93  A memory resident utility (TSR) that

                               temporarily modifies certain aspects of your

                               computer hardware and software to simulate up to an a

ADM216S.ZIP   391844 02-11-94  Advanced DOS Menu/Program Launcher, V.Vxxxxxxx

AMENU13.ZIP    56975 22-12-94  Bootutil program for multiple system configs, K.Jxxxxxx

ASET10.ZIP     80521 16-07-93  Rxxxx's enhanced SET command

ASK.ZIP         1309 16-12-92  Dodatak za BAT programe

ATTR220.ZIP     4626 17-06-94  Interactive file/directory attribute changer

AUTO47.EXE    175232 16-12-92  AUTOMENU - generator menija

AUTOCONX.ZIP  137473 08-09-94  Manager for AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files

BANN040.ARJ    23979 16-03-93  Napisite poruke velikim slovima u text modu (mjxxx)

BAT2EX15.ZIP   37384 16-12-92  Konverzija .BAT u .EXE (v.1.3 + ASM)

BBOOT.ZIP       3420 04-11-93  Boot from B: drive instead of A:

BESTUTIL.ZIP   53026 17-09-93  Another assortment of the miscellaneous utilities

BFIND10.ARJ    45026 16-03-93  Izuzetno brzi program za pretrazivanje

                               datoteka u sistemu, sa ogromnim brojem mogucnosti.

BIGSRT22.ZIP    8896 02-09-93  A Fast in-memory sort filter for large files, T.Kxxxxxxxx

BIGTEXT.ZIP   123515 14-10-93  Converts ASCII text files to .EXE files

BLANK-IT.ZIP    8106 15-03-93  Screen blanker DOS verzija

BMEM2.ZIP      17964 18-03-93  Efikasna zamena DOS-ove MEM komande (DOS 3.3+) (pbxxxx)

BOOST.ZIP       1734 15-03-93  Speeds up your PC up to 15% !!!!!!

BOOT210.ZIP   223455 16-01-95  Sytem configuration with boot-up menus, H.Sxxxxxxxxx

BOOTMENU.ZIP   19165 22-04-94  Autoexec/config bootmenu (with C source)

BT108.ZIP       6126 04-03-94  Boot from drive C:, even with floppy in A:

BUTIL1.ZIP     54283 03-09-93  Vxxxxx Bxxxx's utilities

BUTIL2.ZIP     71615 03-09-93  V. Bxxxx's util.

BUTIL3.ZIP     65133 03-09-93  V. Bxxxx's util.

BUTIL4.ZIP     71007 03-09-93  V. Bxxxx's util.

C64.ZIP        55075 23-04-93  Commodore 64 emulator, req Hercules video card

CFGARC14.ZIP  158992 10-01-94  Store, retreive and edit last 5 config files

CHECK160.ZIP   22822 15-03-93  Command line diagnostic - retrieve PC configuration from batch

CMFLR534.ZIP  150227 21-05-93  Split screen file mgr w/finder/spooler/editor

COMPDATE.ZIP   11630 14-01-94  Quick-compares files; returns errorlevel

COMPRT25.ZIP   30104 10-11-93  Config COM/LPT ports: Show address, IRQ & UART

CONCT304.ZIP   57488 21-05-93  Concatenate files incl on multiple floppies

CONF725E.ZIP  107922 03-10-94  System-Info and Benchmark-Program for MS-DOS, M.Hxxxx

CONFIG61.ZIP  100772 10-11-93  Automatic AUTOEXEC.BAT/CONFIG.SYS system mgr

COPYD11.ZIP    40313 23-12-92  Wsscopyd, copy/format disks, 1 pass, w/source

CP150.ZIP      29637 15-04-94  Copy files, move files, special options

CPCEMU13.ZIP  405462 24-09-96  Amstrad CPC Emulator v1.3 w/ROM, req. 386, VGA

CPCUG.ZIP     145528 17-09-93  A powerful collection of utilities

CSUTIL13.ZIP  204286 08-08-95  Package of 26 PC utilities, reqs 286+, nagware

D2D_38_D.ZIP   96880 24-06-94  Disc-to-disc copy program, U.Wxxxx

DANIX201.ZIP  298088 02-03-94  Collection of 25 Unix-like utils for MS-DOS

DASACOPY.ZIP   37323 08-08-95  Program za kopiranje domaceg autora

DAT13C.ZIP     12455 18-04-94  Display date & time for logging, w/ASM source

DATEINFO.ZIP   17257 02-07-93  Date reminder pgm for AUTOEXEC/Win3.1 startup

DBLCAP10.ZIP    6392 30-06-94  Keyboard CapsLock double press setting

DEMM.ZIP        6949 02-06-93  Extended memory stats/diags

DINSTL10.ZIP   90250 22-12-94  Software Install Utility v1.0, D.P.Sxxxxxxxx

DIRCM304.ZIP   95524 17-05-93  Like DOS REPLACE command with delete option

DIRDF122.ZIP   35704 14-09-94  Commandline utility to compare directory contents

DOAT.ZIP        3865 31-08-93  Execute command AT specified time

DOSC090.ZIP    82587 24-09-96  DOS-C: MS-DOS compatible operating system

DOSDIR21.ZIP   26538 30-08-94  Portable MSDOS/UNIX/VMS directory API w/C src

DOSED517.ZIP   15364 30-06-94  Cmd line editor with completion and emacs-keys

DOS_LOG.ZIP     4557 10-05-94  DOS command line logging to file. TSR. w/src

DS421B.ZIP    179140 20-12-93  Directory Scanner 4.21b: DOS disk/file manager

DSHELL.ZIP     29739 24-03-94  Mali DOS meni sistem velikog kapaciteta, autor: Sxxxxx Dxxxxxxxxx

EATMEM11.ZIP   26331 20-04-94  Reduce available memory for testing pgms,w/src

EBL405.ZIP     50317 06-07-93  Extended Batch language plus v4.05

ECHON.ZIP       1063 06-07-93  MsDos echo command without the CR/LF

EDCNF101.ZIP  106852 03-10-94  EDITCNFG: Use to edit AUTOEXEC/CONFIG files

EL.ZIP          2734 06-07-93  Set errorlevel in batch programs

ENQR-25.ZIP     6787 24-06-94  A simple ask to return errorlevel for batch files

ENVED10.ZIP    15844 08-09-94  Modify environment & write changes to AUTOEXEC

EPUPTIME.ZIP   31668 17-11-93  Non-TSR displays system running time and log

ERRLVL12.ZIP   20007 20-04-94  Displays errorlevel of previous program, w/src

EVERY15.ZIP    11113 31-08-93  Every v1.5; periodic program run utility (interesting)

EXEC33B.ZIP    96825 29-12-93  Swap program to XMS, EMS, or Disk, spawn another program.

EXPAKFX1.ZIP   11546 15-02-93  Rjesava probleme kod packed file corupted

FCMP200.ZIP    15437 17-11-93  File compare, ASCII/hex, auto/manual search

FDS225.ARJ     19859 16-03-93  Statistika slobodnog mesta na disku v2.04 (mjxxx)

FFF48.ZIP     198078 22-12-94  File Finder Pack, with fuzzy search. J.Dxxx

FFILE20.ZIP    54986 12-08-94  Identify file type by its contents, F.Lxxxxxx

FFIT162.ZIP    42541 23-12-92  Copies files to disks optimally (knapsack)

FILEC106.ZIP   13602 25-11-93  Filename completion at the DOS prompt

FILEMV06.ZIP    6985 19-05-93  Fast and safe file move tool

FILEX13.ZIP    48636 22-09-93  Identify files by extension (database)

FILUP401.ZIP   54462 18-02-94  Copy updated files based on a control list

FIND221.ZIP    31734 14-04-93  FIND - fastest file and zip search for DOS

FINDFI36.ZIP   17886 01-04-93  Find file/s and change to directory if req'd

FIXPAT12.ZIP    5881 04-05-94  Removes trailing backslashes from dir. names

FORTN404.ZIP  113504 03-06-94  Fine-tunes DOS FOR command w/options

GD350.ZIP      14274 06-06-94  Goto Dir - Quickly move to another directory

GET25.ZIP      84539 07-01-94  General batch enhancer incl. keyboard, scr, disk, mem utils

GETKEY11.ZIP   11882 07-01-94  GetKey v1.01 batch file keypress utility

GO220.ZIP     194067 13-04-93  Install-archive-from-a-diskette program

GO_V_10.ZIP    14879 12-05-94  NCD-like dir. utility with no external files

GRABASC.ZIP     8268 11-06-93  TSR Tekst ekran u datoteku (+C src)

GRABB360.ZIP   53066 07-06-93  Hvatanje slike ekrana na disk (tekst/graf)

GRAFIT30.ARJ   56848 16-03-93  Program za ispis grafite, marfijeve

                               zakone ili slicnih saljivih poruka....

GUARDIA.ZIP     8641 14-01-93  Zastita sifrom EXE i COM fajlova

HFM320.ZIP    360716 27-10-93  Filemanager & archive shell, compares 2 directory lists

HHD327.ZIP      8581 17-06-94  Hxxxxx Hxxxxx's directory lister, many options

HHFF303.ZIP     5371 17-06-94  Hxxxxx's directory file finder, many options

HILOAD10.ZIP   18416 27-05-93  Oslobodite DOS-memoriju TSR programa...

HOLDIT10.ZIP    7148 08-07-93  Like DOS' PAUSE w/timeout & errorcode w/srcTP

INTER44A.ZIP  362359 23-03-95  Rxxx Bxxxx's MS-DOS Interrupt List

INTER44B.ZIP  362182 23-03-95  Rxxx Bxxxx's MS-DOS Interrupt List

INTER44C.ZIP  345249 23-03-95  Rxxx Bxxxx's MS-DOS Interrupt List

INTER44D.ZIP  354067 23-03-95  Rxxx Bxxxx's MS-DOS Interrupt List

JPP.ZIP       270257 23-04-93  Emulates a ZX Spectrum 48K RAM Z80-based micro

KEYBASM.ZIP    14052 15-06-93  Keyboard driver (ASM source)

KEYCHK11.ZIP    7430 25-08-93  Control batch file decision making from keybd

KEYMAP00.ZIP   14440 15-06-93  Redefiniranje tastature - ASM source

KILL.ZIP        9454 18-03-93  Brzo reformatiranje disketa (vkxxxxx)

KRYPTO11.ZIP   13338 03-09-93  File or directory tree encryption utility using chaos

LF34.ZIP       23994 20-05-93  Find files on any drive/optionally execute cmd

LIBRA.ARJ      21970 16-12-92  User interface for Microsoft LIB program

LINKLN10.ZIP   22977 01-12-94  Create links to EXE and COM files,O.Fxxxxx

LKMUP251.ZIP   50470 21-07-93  Lock'm-up v2.5 Password protect PC

LOCAT201.ZIP   17407 03-06-94  File finder with user-defined config-file

LOCK-CMD.ZIP    3560 28-01-94  Control Num/Caps/Scroll locks from command line

LOGE151.ARJ    39551 18-03-93  Vodjenje statistike rada na racunaru (mjxxx)

LOGIN.ZIP      69015 20-07-93  Secure Systems login for the PC, Sxxxx Pxxxxxx

LOGIN_DS.ZIP    8760 20-07-93  A simple password protection, Dxxx P. Sxxxx

LS26.ZIP       23841 01-04-93  List file directories with many many options

MARIO_BE.ZIP   32191 28-05-93  Batch Enhancer by Mxxxx Bxxxxx

MARIO_UT.ZIP   50894 11-06-93  Nekoliko korisnih programa (Mxxxx Bxxxxxx)

MDEL13.ZIP     11594 17-03-94  MDEL v1.3: Delete matching files, except some

MDIR300.ZIP    60904 08-09-94  Change directories/run pgms in DOS with mouse

MEMMAP.ZIP      8833 27-05-93  Pregled sadrzaja memorije (Pascal source)

MENDES11.ZIP   74691 20-12-93  Menu Designer v1.1: Batch file menu system

MKEY100.ZIP    45751 04-05-94  MagicKey: HELP popup autotyper w/Internet list

MOU105.ARJ     49026 16-12-92  Driver za glodavca za C i Pascal sa podrskom

                               za "pravu" strelicu u text modu (kao Norton Utilities 6.0)

MOUSEB03.ZIP    5296 05-04-94  Use a mouse to copy and paste in texmode, S.Hxxxxx

MPACK1_4.ZIP   41399 01-09-94  Encode/decode MIME messages, smart uudecode, J.Mxxxx

MS_NOT01.ZIP   50419 30-06-94  Execute a command EXCEPT on specified files, J.Yxxxxxxx

MYZ80111.ZIP   93271 20-07-93  Sxxxxx Cxxx's Z80 CP/M Z-System emulator

NETRUN22.ZIP    8065 16-05-95  Convert COM/EXE pgms to ASCII. No decode req'd

NNANS193.ZIP   71141 13-04-93  Enhanced/fast ANSI.SYS driver/tsr with source

NUCPY203.ZIP   28022 28-04-94  Automatic file update/report management tool

ONCEV151.ZIP    8974 07-12-93  Run programs during boot, but just once a day (or week)

PASSW13P.ZIP    8288 21-07-93  Password v1.3 protect your HD or FD

PASSWRD9.ZIP   15117 17-09-93  Simple password protection at boot-up

PATHFIND.ZIP    5830 02-09-93  Like WHERE but looks only from PATH dirs

PBATCH12.ZIP   86101 14-09-94  Batch Enhancer: Menus, Mouse, Hotkeys, Colors

PC-LOCK.ZIP    21322 28-05-93  Zakljucajte PC softverski

PCL200.ZIP      7052 04-11-93  Program to protect your PC from other people

PCLOCK21.ZIP   38086 17-09-93  PC-lock v2.1 protect even from floppy boot

PCPROMPT.ZIP    3980 12-07-93  13 Best Prompts from PC Computing Mar 1991 Issue (BART!)

PCTAGS1.ZIP   176711 12-07-93  DOS & OS/2 source code retrieval system

PD0805.ZIP     14336 16-07-93  Microsoft update: SMARTDRIVE v4.2 for DOS 6.0

PF_1D.ZIP     112811 04-05-94  Advanced Disk Management System (Menu Driven)

PKZDATE.ZIP    20796 02-09-93  PKZDATE v0.0.3; latest file dater

POCK41.ZIP    166978 01-09-94  PocketD+ v4.1: Award-winning DOS army knife, J.Rxxxxxxx

POCK44.ZIP    174367 08-08-95  PocketD+ v4.4: Award-winning DOS army knife

PRINTD.ZIP      4031 24-06-94  PrintDump - Dump contents of any file

PROMPTR1.ZIP    5981 12-07-93  A collection of funny prompts, needs ansi.sys (or similar)

PROTDRX.ZIP    24667 08-08-95  PC boot password protection

PW-SYS.ZIP     35952 28-05-93  Trazi pasword kod ukljucivanja racunara.

PWRBT14J.ZIP  148004 14-07-93  PowerBatch v1.4j; A kind of a batch language plus compiler

Q87_371.ZIP   114273 03-04-95  Math Accelerator and Emulator, from QuickWare

QDPMI101.ARJ   72624 10-02-93  Dpmi for qemm

R071MNU.ZIP    27107 24-03-93  Meni sistem - kreiranje meni interfejsa za rad sa rac.

R072ZCP.ZIP    11045 24-03-93  Kopiranje na disketu do poslednjeg bajta

RCD21.ZIP      27840 07-02-94  Rxx's change directory

READ131.ZIP     9791 14-07-93  Batch file utilities: readln & readkey

REDAR.ZIP      10939 19-03-93  Brisanje nepotrebnih datoteka sa diska (znxxxxxx)

RING14D.ZIP    14233 20-04-94  Ring console bell, optionally on error, w/src

RKINST24.ZIP  251488 01-12-94  Install program Windows/DOS w/data compression

RM-T130.ZIP    18014 24-06-94  Removes protected files including directories

RM210_AS.ZIP   15058 25-04-94  File and directory removal utility, A.Sxxxxxxxx

RONSET25.ZIP   65196 14-07-93  Environment variable programming language by Rxx Bxxxx

RVMS100.ZIP    70357 29-12-93  RVMS v1.00: FreeWare menu. Automenu look-alike

SAVDIR25.ZIP   12917 01-04-93  Save current directory to a batch file

SAVEDIR.ZIP    10038 16-07-93  Save current dir to a self restoring batch file v2.4

SAVEPATH.ZIP   10341 16-07-93  Save current path setting to a self restoring batch file

SC.ZIP          5672 19-03-93  Zamenjuje funkciju find file i CD (mxxxx)

SCD185.ARJ     21183 19-03-93  Pregled prostora koji zauzimaju direktorijumi (mjxxx)

SCHOOSER.ZIP   97112 18-03-93  Easy Chooser 1.0, shell za rad sa dirs/files (zzxxx)

SD-400.ZIP    158633 24-05-93  StupenDos v4.0 directory/file management util.

SDEL210.ZIP    18548 01-04-93  Delete any files including in sub-direcories

SFS100.ZIP    197701 26-03-94  Encrypting filesystem for DOS/Windows, P.Gxxxxxx

SHAREFIX.ZIP    9836 29-07-94  Utility to fix problems with MS-DOS SHARE

SHOWTD26.ZIP   14393 08-04-93  Show current time/date with many options

SHROOM2D.ZIP   23463 04-02-93  ShellRoom v2.0d: Swap program from MEM to disk

SIMKEY.ZIP      3395 01-06-93  Simulator tastature by Ixxxx Sxxxxx

SORTF237.ZIP   10156 15-09-93  V. Bxxxx's fast text sort utility (not a filter)

SPARKL28.ZIP   45118 16-07-93  Batch enhancer "Adds a little sparkle to batch files"

SPCMKR11.ZIP  174526 26-03-94  SpaceMaker, Duplicate file search and delete

SPLIT60G.ZIP   31646 26-03-94  Split/rejoin files by lines/bytes per file

SPLITF11.ZIP   12180 15-09-93  Split large file into chunks, Gxxx Sxxxxx (w TP src)

SPUTILS.ZIP   102314 20-07-93  Collection of mouse/batch/general utilities

STACKEY3.ZIP  335593 20-07-93  Stackey stuff keys & BatUtils by CTRLALT Associates

STRTDWM2.ZIP   12667 22-11-94  System startup util for periodic pgm execution

STRUZFDA.ZIP   15461 20-05-93  Sxxxx's file and directory attribute utility

SUBDIR.ZIP      5489 25-05-93  Subdirectories and their sizes

SWAPC202.ZIP   43468 24-03-94  Save AUTOEXEC & CONFIG, change, flush & boot

SWEAR1.ZIP     49063 13-03-94  Four powerful utility prgs for files/dirs, S.Txxxx

SWNG17.ZIP     18951 03-06-93  Swap to disk utility for Norton Guides NG.EXE

SYSCAN.ZIP     26867 16-01-95  A system information screen, B.Mxxxxxx

SYSMON30.ZIP   46858 31-08-93  System Monitor, reports problems early

TBT323.ZIP     51627 22-11-94  TurboBAT: Compiles DOS batch file to .COM file

TCPY203.ZIP    50999 03-06-94  TurboCopy, Speedy multi-volume file transfer program

TESTX33.ZIP     6977 02-06-93  Utility to test extended memory

TEXTLIFE.ZIP   62030 14-10-93  Turns text into self displaying .EXE file

TF77.ZIP        7525 02-09-93  TurboFind file finder program.

TIPOTE2A.ARJ  112358 30-03-93  TIPOTEK - editor konturnih fontova 1/2

TIPOTE2B.ARJ   88884 30-03-93  TIPOTEK - editor konturnih fontova 2/2

TOADUU21.ZIP   24299 22-12-94  UUE/UUD v2.0 (w ASM), D.Kxxxxxxxxx (good)

TREESZ02.ZIP   11052 22-09-93  Graphically displays the directory (good)

TS5DOS11.ZIP   21181 15-09-93  MsDos 5.0 (or 4.+) specific programs. (setser,driveoff)

TSBAT46A.ZIP  116884 23-03-95  A collection of useful batch files and tricks

TSRCOM35.ZIP   79947 08-12-93  TSR memory management utils (mark/release/...), (good)

TSTSR19.ZIP    77831 17-06-94  TSR programs

TSUTIL41.ZIP  133739 01-12-94  Txxx's 1st utility set

TSUTLB20.ZIP   72721 15-09-93  Txxx's 2nd utility set (touch, chars, dire, setgra)

TSUTLC21.ZIP  101617 23-03-95  Txxx's 3rd utility set (dirf,dirinfo,doubles,hidden,split,...)

TSUTLD22.ZIP   87015 01-12-94  Txxx's 4th utility set

TSUTLE22.ZIP   73506 01-06-93  Txxx's utils lock kbd, mailsplit, tdel, cmos

TSUTLF14.ZIP   54981 17-03-94  Txxx's 6th utility set

UCOPY_12.ZIP   17273 10-05-94  Copy/move new & updated files skipping others

UCPASS.ZIP     28848 28-05-93  Ugradnja pasworda u COM i EXE fajlove.

UFI109A.ZIP    48677 18-04-94  Universal File Information

UNSTAL03.ZIP   55065 17-02-95  Rxxxxxxxx UnInstall for DOS and Windows

UUDO15.ZIP     19676 02-11-94  Multi-file/multi-part 'smart' uudecoder

UUDVD-04.ZIP   46165 08-08-95  UUdeview: Smart UUencode/XXencode/MIME decoder

UUEXE525.ZIP   32311 03-01-94  R.E. Mxxxx' fast multi-section UU/XX EN/DEcode

UUTIL104.ZIP   36990 15-12-93  Unikum utilities    UL:kxxx

VADOL_CD.ZIP   11840 20-05-93  Vadol Change Directory: Easy CD, quick access

VGABLK1A.ZIP    3087 25-11-93  TSR (memory resident) VGA screen saver

VGAPAL10.ZIP   13343 11-06-93  Text mode color changing program

VKEYB.ZIP      20959 15-06-93  Program za izradu keyboard drivera.

VSAVE200.ZIP   34651 23-09-93  VGAsave free VGA screen saver, B.Jxxxxxx

WAITER.ZIP     11697 28-04-93  Batutl: Counts down, allowing user to bail out

WHERE21.ZIP    13200 08-12-93  A file finder utility, with C source

WHEREIS.ZIP    11637 09-11-93  A simple file finder utility

WHEREV22.ZIP   13535 07-01-94  A file finder utility, with C source, H.Vx

WIZ28A.ZIP     28026 07-02-94  Rxx's fast file finder

WUTILS.ZIP    130675 11-06-93  10 utility programa

XD120.ZIP      17131 06-06-94  Replacement for DOS DIR-command, S.Hxxxxx

XDISK300.ZIP   51849 03-06-93  Resizeable EMS RAM disk

XMEM1.ZIP       8011 03-06-93  Mali utility za extended memoriju

XSET410.ZIP   152913 01-12-94  Put ANYTHING in environment variable, S.Mxxx

XSUM10.ZIP     28537 25-05-93  Computes CRC-32, MD4 & MD5 checksums of files

Z1.ZIP          5726 25-05-93  Pregled sadrzaja datoteka u grafickom

                               modu za korisnike Herculesa (sa YU slovima)

Z80-201.ZIP   328003 20-07-93  ZX Spectrum 48/128 emulator 'Z80' v2.01

ZSIM24.ZIP    358403 03-06-94  Z80 emulator + CP/M-80 BIOS to run CP/M

--- 4DOS

1CAT.ZIP       27626 03-04-95  4DOS & NDOS command line disk catalog program

4BTMUTIL.ZIP    5794 14-07-94  BTM's save/restore 4DOS env. w/Windows & more

4DECOMP.ZIP     7919 10-03-94  Batcomp decompressor for 4DOS 5.0 BTMs

4DHS10.ZIP     10295 12-01-94  Hindsite v1.0 command completion for 4DOS v5.0

4DOS55A.ZIP   251052 06-12-94  4DOS command.com replacement v5.5 rev A (1/2)

4DOS55B.ZIP   258406 06-12-94  4DOS command.com replacement v5.5 rev A (2/2)

4EDIT20.ZIP   117522 28-06-94  Full-screen 4DOS file description editor

4FILE317.ZIP  107442 29-07-94  Directory manager and 4DOS 'file notes' editor

4UTILS83.ZIP  150101 28-06-94  4DOS/NDOS description editor and file finder

ACE4D02.ZIP    45385 04-03-94  4DOS comment editor w/Borland-style interface

BKUP10.ZIP     32796 30-06-94  4DOS BTM pgm for updating PC with new files

CONF720E.ZIP  106392 29-07-94  PC-CONFIG: Sysinfo/Benchmark program

EZ-BTM10.ZIP   67008 28-06-94  4DOS BTM files: loaders/regular/libraries/help

RMD200.ZIP     61260 28-02-94  Safe directory tree remover for 4DOS, R.Sxxxxx

SB4_4DOS.ZIP  724212 05-04-94  Soundblaster support for 4DOS v5.x unknown_cmd

TFC22C.ZIP     43136 31-01-94  Floppy cataloguer for 4DOS/NDOS users (+TPsrc)

Sekcija #5 - Arhiviranje

AC214B.ZIP     48826 13-04-93  Converts compressed archive formats

ACT-18.ZIP      9959 17-02-95  Archive Comparision Table, J.Bxxx

AM105.ZIP     230889 22-12-94  Front end for ARC, ZIP, ARJ, LZH, UC, etc.

APPNOTE.ZIP    12399 27-04-93  PKZIP 2.0+ data structures for util developers

AR002.ZIP      27970 08-08-95  Compression archiver with C source, no wildcards, H.Oxxxxxx

ARCCMNT3.ARC   26012 12-03-93  Automagicly add Archive Comments to .ARC files

ARCE41A.ZIP     9462 07-01-93  Vxxxxx Bxxxx's fast ARC extraction program


                               podrzava LZEXE, PKLITE,DIET i SCAN.

ARJ241.FIX      1766 07-08-93  BAT datoteka za ispravak buga u ARJ v 241

ARJ241A.EXE   223856 06-09-93  Arj file archiver by Rxxxxx Jxxx

ARJ242B.EXE   279918 23-03-95  ARJ v2.42 Beta 3: Test release of ARJ archiver

ARJCMNT4.ARJ   10753 12-03-93  This program is designed to be an easy repleacement

                               for the popular archiver, ARJ, to comment files.

ARJVW161.ZIP  186826 28-04-94  ARJ 2.41 viewer for NC 3.0&4.0 & VC 4.0

AUTO_10.ZIP   196556 29-07-94  Menu driven shell for modems, PKZIP & PKUNZIP

AUTO_11.ZIP   198310 06-09-95  Menu driven shell for PKZIP, MS-DOS and more

AV407.ZIP      66892 02-11-94  Archive view: Free ZIP etc directory viewer

CODEC31.ZIP    82768 14-03-95  COmpressor/DECompressor from Italy

COMPRESS.ZIP   17898 10-12-92  Unix kompatibilna kompresija za PC

CRUSH1.ZIP     63857 29-07-94  CRUSH v1.0 - <ASP> Super-compressor for DOS

CRYSAF.UC2     51926 20-04-94  UltraCrypt and UltraSafe for UltraCompressor II archiver

DEZIP20.ZIP    35606 18-01-93  ZIP extractor with Turbo Pascal 5.0 source

DIET110A.EXE   31232 10-12-92  Integrated file manager and compressor

                               for data and executables (TSR too)

DISLT115.ZIP   28151 23-04-93  DISLITE, expands all PKLITEd files to original

EXLITE2.ZIP     8391 10-03-93  Produces a decompressed program EXLITED.COM

                               (which you can rename as desired).

                               This program is hard-coded to uncompress PKLITE'ed .COM

FPACK12.ZIP    39849 10-03-93  Program for packing whole disks into a diskfile.

                               FPack generates a simple EXE-file which extracts by its own.

FV143.ZIP       9296 20-04-93  View dirs of ARC/DWC/LBR/LZH/PAK/ZIP/ZOO/SFXs

HAP300RE.ZIP   25992 15-04-94  Hamarsoft HAP 3.00 archiver re-release, H.Fxxxxxxx

LARCH308.ZIP   57954 28-06-94  Archive manager for ZIP,ARC,PAK,LZH,ARJ,ZOO

LHA213.EXE     43861 10-12-92  LHA v2.13; superb file archiving utility.

                               Almost as fast as PKZIP, and provides better compression.

LHAVW161.ZIP   95272 28-04-94  LHA 2.55 viewer for NC 3.0&4.0 & VC 4.0

LIMIT12.ZIP    30777 03-05-95  Data compression archive utility, J.Lxx

LSIZE251.ZIP   30207 10-03-94  Resize large ZIP/ARJ/LZH into smaller volumes

LZEXE91.ZIP    44177 10-12-92  Fxxxxxx Bxxxxxx's EXE file compression utility

OTPAK_13.ZIP   32740 28-06-94  Automatsko otpakiranje arhiviranih datoteka. Autor: Dxxxx Pxxxxx

PAK210.EXE     91392 10-12-92  Jos jedan arhiver (u SFX obliku)

PALRUN10.ZIP   64284 10-12-92  Izvodjenje zipiranih programa

PKLTE115.ZIP   41520 10-12-92  Pxxx Kxxx EXE file compressor

PKUNZIP.EXE    29371 25-01-93  Dezipper (v 2.04)

PKXARC.COM     12242 10-12-92  Dearchiver (v. 3.5)

PKZ204G.EXE   202752 03-03-93  PKWARE zipper ver. 2.04 (SFX format)

QAZ_354.ZIP    77069 13-10-94  Almost Universal Archive Viewer/file finder, R.Rxxxxxxxxx

R059LZW.ZIP    24101 24-03-93  Kompresija/dekompresija podataka

RAR1_53.EXE   157332 17-02-95  Multifunctional integrated archive manager, E.Rxxxxx

RECOM105.ZIP   14837 10-12-92  Skidanje/dodavanje komentara .ZIPu

RVS113.ZIP     48001 22-06-95  RView Shell: View/extract contents of archives

SAR1.ZIP       24898 17-02-95  Streamline Archival Utility

SEPRATE1.ZIP    2607 06-09-95  Separates ZIP files into two smaller parts

SHEZ106.ZIP   287025 03-04-95  Shell for ZIP/LHA/ZOO/ARC/ARJ/SQZ/PAK/UC2

SHEZVIEW.ZIP    6592 10-12-92  Define viewers for Shez

TAR320C-.ZIP  175692 08-08-95  DOS/UNIX tar w/.Z/(g)zip/hardware support

TOZIP51.ARJ    18173 28-12-92  This program will convert file collections from various compression

                               techniques to the enhanced compression levels available through the

UC2INS.EXE    170696 20-04-94  UltraCompressor II archiver from AIP-NL

UC2R2.EXE     268214 12-08-94  UltraCompressor II archiver from AIP-NL, repost

UNARJ241.ZIP   38638 29-06-93  ARJ archive extractor C source code

UNLZEXE7.ZIP   13989 10-12-92  Uncompress EXE files compressed with LZEXE (+ C src)

UNP331.ZIP     26867 04-05-94  Compressed general executable file expander

UNZ512X.EXE   148162 22-11-94  Info-ZIP's self-extracting unzipper (pkzip 2.04 compatible)

UNZ512X3.EXE  236134 22-11-94  Info-ZIP's self-extracting unzip (with 386 version)

UNZIP512.ZIP  406161 22-11-94  Portable UnZip, version 5.12, source code distribution

ZIP-KIT9.ZIP  136863 10-12-92  Korisni programi uz PKZIP

ZIP201.ZIP    245904 04-11-93  Info-ZIP's portable ZIP v2.0, C source code

ZIP20X.ZIP    176495 09-11-93  Info-ZIP's portable ZIP v2.0, MS-DOS EXEs

ZIPBR111.ZIP   44143 28-04-94  ZIP Brand FAST!: Comment ZIP archives quickly

ZIPCVT28.ZIP   12504 15-04-94  Converts ZIPs to 2.04 maximum compression

ZIPVW161.ZIP   98385 28-04-94  ZIP 2.04 viewer for NC 3.0&4.0 & VC 4.0

ZOODOS.ZIP     43315 10-12-92  Zoo arhiver za DOS - UNIX kompatibilan

ZT160.ZIP      96249 10-12-92  ZIP tools

Sekcija #6 - Antivirusi

--- McAfee utilities

3NSH160.ZIP   183856 25-04-94  NETShield v1.60 antivirus NLM for NetWare 3.x

4NSH160.ZIP   182659 25-04-94  NETShield v1.60 antivirus NLM for NetWare 4.x

CLEAN117.ZIP  275653 30-08-94  McAfee CLEAN-UP virus remover for PC's/LAN's

DAT-212.ZIP   202343 01-12-94  Virus signature data files for McAfee's scn-,vsh-,..

LANGV106.ZIP  186735 29-06-93  Foreign language modules for SCAN and CLEAN

M-DISK.ZIP     13579 10-12-92  Ciscenje Boot i Particijskog sektora

SCANV117.ZIP  256314 30-08-94  McAfee VIRUSCAN virus scanner for PC's/LAN's

SCN-217E.ZIP  389618 03-04-95  McAfee VirusScan for DOS, new version of SCAN.EXE

SENTRY02.ZIP   14802 10-12-92  McFee Virus Detection system

VCOPY66.ZIP    32740 10-12-92  Scaniranje kod kopiranja

VIRDT117.ZIP   76261 30-08-94  McAfee VIR.DAT V117 for McAfee NetShield NLM v1.6

VSCHEK10.ZIP    5765 02-03-94  Checks if McAfee VShield anti-virus TSR loaded

VSH-217E.ZIP  532423 03-04-95  McAfee antivirus TSR, new version of VSHIELD.EXE

VSHLD117.ZIP  147190 30-08-94  McAfee VSHIELD TSR virus prevention program

WSC-217E.ZIP  570584 03-04-95  McAfee VirusScan 2.1.0 for Windows

WSCAN117.ZIP  311384 30-08-94  McAfee VirusScan for Windows V117

--- Ostalo

AUTOSN20.ZIP   20846 10-12-92  Trazenje virusa u arhivama

BULL-216.ZIP   19842 23-03-95  F-PROT Professional 2.16 Update Bulletin in ASCII

CHK4BOMB.ZIP    8895 10-12-92  Tragac i killer Trojanskih konja.

CM8105C.ZIP    85327 03-05-95  ChekMate 1.05c: Detects known/unknown viruses

DISKSE24.ZIP   29858 24-01-94  DiskSecure: Protects hard disk partition table

DLCHK12.ZIP     9267 10-12-92  Trazenje virusa u arhivama

DSII242.ZIP    32750 28-04-94  BIOS-level anti-virus with access control

FIXUTIL6.ZIP   29653 24-01-94  BIOS detection & recovery from BSI viruses

FP-213A.ZIP   484139 30-08-94  Virus Protection system by Fxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx

FP-216.ZIP    536403 23-03-95  Virus Protection system by Fxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx

HS-V358.ZIP    17540 26-03-94  HS v3.58: Boot virus detection and repair pgm

I_M221.ZIP    327027 17-03-94  Integrity Master data integrity/anti-virus sys

MYTHSV10.ZIP   35570 22-11-93  Computer Virus Myths by Gxxxxxxxx/Rxxxxxxxxxx

PASS-AV.ZIP     3386 30-06-94  [PASS:] Anti-virus software authentication

PVICTIM.ZIP    10734 10-12-92  Hvatanje nepoznatih virusa (PIPPS)

QWXYC01.ZIP     7745 08-08-95  Removes WXYC virus from HDs and diskettes

TBAV632.ZIP   279084 23-03-95  Thunderbyte anti-virus pgm (complete) v6.32

TBAVW632.ZIP  206978 23-03-95  TBAV anti-virus for Windows v6.32

TBAVX632.ZIP   90502 23-03-95  TBAV anti-virus - processor optimized versions

TTRAP132.ZIP    9825 08-08-95  Trojan activity detector/protector

VCHECK.ZIP     16363 10-12-92  Pregled .ZIP i .ARc datoteka sa SCANom

VDS30S.ZIP    293006 03-04-95  Antivirus /w scanner, integrity checker

VIRSIM2C.ZIP   61405 01-09-93  Virus Simulator audits anti-virus security

Sekcija #7 - Clipper

--- Clipper S'87

BAKREST.ZIP     8508 10-12-92  Source za BACKUP & RESTORE za Clipper !

MEM_UTIL.ZIP   48112 10-12-92  Programi za rad sa .mem datotekama

CL_UTI1.ZIP     1860 10-12-92  Razni utility potprogrami za clipper.

CL_UTI2.ZIP     2408 10-12-92  Jos malo utility potprograma za Clipper.

DISPLA20.ZIP   21758 10-12-92  Prikaz tekst datoteke iz Clippera

FMTGEN.ZIP      9523 10-12-92  Generator maski by Dxxxx Jxxxxxx

LSTRU.ZIP       3057 10-12-92  Listanje strukture DBFova. Clipper source.

MIHA3100.ZIP   89148 10-12-92  Cl S'87 - Mxxx Mxxxxxx LIB

ZBESEDO.ZIP     1505 10-12-92  Cl S'87 - Broj slovima (SLOVENSKI)

CLTIPS01.ZIP    6808 10-12-92  Trikovi i napomene za C S'87 by D.Jxxxxxx

WILDCA.ZIP      3009 15-12-92  Rad sa WILD CHAR definicijama

VSIX42.EXE     99715 15-12-92  Clipper S'87 V.E.Six LIB za user

WRAPFLD1.ZIP    2531 21-12-92  Clipper - word-wrap kod unosa

WORKB15.ZIP   157289 21-12-92  Clipper zamjena za program DOT

CLIPDL11.ZIP   11247 05-01-93  Cl S'87 - Clipper program to dial a phone (+ src. .PRG & .ASM)

COMSOFT1.ZIP    4599 05-01-93  Cl S'87 - Communication lib for Clipper

CLIPCALC.ZIP    7559 20-01-93  Kalkulator za Clipper

XLIB.ZIP       11233 22-01-93  Emulacija GET ... READ za clipper.

XTRACT87.ZIP    5530 22-01-93  Ekstrahiranje Funct/Proc iz programa

ZIP2BAR.ZIP     1557 22-01-93  Cl S'87 - Stampanje bar-koda (USPS) na EPSON stampacima

HR_INDEX.ZIP    4982 10-03-93  Funkcija za indeksiranje po HR abecedi.

R070CLW.ZIP   155844 22-03-93  Korisnicki interfejs za Clipper

R071CLC.ZIP    92291 22-03-93  Kalkulator na Clipperu za ugradnju u aplikacije

DBFTEST.ZIP    11943 30-03-93  Provjera ispravnosti DBF datoteke (Mxxx Mxxxxxx)

--- Clipper 5

CGWRKA10.ZIP  236887 08-09-94  Clipper lib for fast & prototyping development

CL-CLK10.ZIP    6685 28-04-93  Clock for Clipper 5.0, with Clipper source

CLTAB100.ZIP    7269 28-04-93  Align your Clipper (Summer/5.0) programs

EDOACLIP.ZIP    2967 24-03-94  Funkcije pisane u assembleru za Clipper. (mouse, video...)

                               SOURCE & OBJECT datoteka, autor: Exx Jxxxxxxx

FW14.ZIP      583012 07-04-94  Fivewin v1.4: Clipper for Windows library

HLPSY204.ZIP   44418 03-10-94  Easy Help System for Clipper 5 w/help topics

IS_READY.ZIP    3104 17-02-95  ISPRINTER() za LPT1-LPT3 i COM1-COM4 portove

NFLIB21.ZIP   209016 29-04-93  Nanforum Toolkit v2.1, docs/library/NG, 1/2

NFPAT1.ZIP      2742 12-07-93  Patch#1 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for Clipper

NFPAT2.ZIP      4931 12-07-93  Patch#2 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for Clipper

NFPAT3.ZIP     15349 12-07-93  Patch#3 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for Clipper

NFPAT4.ZIP     14717 12-07-93  Patch#4 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for Clipper

NFPAT5.ZIP      2831 12-07-93  Patch#5 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for Clipper

NFPAT6.ZIP      9102 12-07-93  Patch#6 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for Clipper

NFPAT7.ZIP      8838 12-07-93  Patch#7 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for Clipper

NFSRC21.ZIP   361450 29-04-93  Nanforum Toolkit v2.1, src code/Make file, 2/2

NUM2STR.ZIP     1552 17-02-95  Ispis brojcane vrijednosti slovima u Clipperu

R075CLPR.ZIP   13842 22-03-93  Preview u Clipper-u

R078CLDE.ZIP    9712 22-03-93  Clipper demo programi

R083TAB.ZIP     6123 24-03-93  Primeri koristenja DBedit funkcije i TBrowse objekata

R084BCK.ZIP    13422 22-03-93  Clipper: rezervne kopije (backup)

R087ME.ZIP      8488 22-03-93  Editor na Clipper-u

RBARLB10.ZIP   17367 25-11-93  Clipper library with Progression Bar functions

RBCKLB10.ZIP   59602 14-09-94  Clipper Library w/compressed backup functions

RCMPLB20.ZIP   25182 10-11-93  Clipper library w/file compression functions

RFNTLB10.ZIP  237303 24-01-94  Clipper Lib w/ screen font functions & editor

RPCXLB11.ZIP  177687 24-09-96  CA-Clipper library with graphic functions

RSHPCX13.ZIP    6696 12-07-93  Clipper lib to show PCX-files on EGA/VGA/SVGA

VS_905.ZIP    548243 22-02-94  Vxxx Sxx's Clipper ToolBox v9.05

Sekcija #8 - C programi

ACTLIB17.ZIP   87337 12-11-93  General purpose libs w/source for C/C++ pgmers

AR002.ARJ      26192 14-12-92  C source programa za arhiviranje

BESTL231.ZIP  397375 08-09-94  Extensive C programmer's library (FreeWare)

BGITS4-0.ZIP    4997 15-12-92  BGI driver for TSENG 4000 chipset

BLTC18.ZIP    256393 02-03-94  Bullet multi-user DBF/btree toolkit DOS C/C++

BSPLINE.ZIP     2293 11-04-94  C++ src for simple b-spline curve algorithm

BSTRNG11.ZIP   22153 03-04-95  BASIC string functions for C and C++

C--0190A.ZIP  452728 05-04-94  SPHINX C-- compiler ver 0.190a with examples

C-EVAL.ZIP     22265 28-06-94  C source to evaluate mathematical expressions

C7PATB.ZIP     48484 16-02-93  Patch za Microsoft C

CCL110JE.ZIP   34993 03-11-93  Coroutine class library for Borland C++

CENVID9.ZIP   235480 17-02-95  C interpreter/batch-enhancer/macro-language

CEPHES22.ZIP  309327 01-02-93  Mathematical function library in C language

COMLIB12.ZIP   20531 24-03-94  Communications lib for Turbo C, w/sample prog.

CSLIB16A.ZIP  780666 03-04-95  C++ dbase system for Borland C compilers, T.P.vxx dxx bxxx

CSLIB16B.ZIP  796305 03-04-95  C++ database system for Borland C++ 3.1

CXT232.ZIP    331355 25-04-96  C Exploration Tools, C Source Analysis

DVTIF1.ZIP     16170 15-12-92  Tiff graphic format C program for dump, pack & unpach TIFF picture

EMSIF24A.ZIP   68279 29-09-93  EMS interface for Borland/Turbo/MS C[++]

FDS_C_09.ZIP   61155 23-09-93  C programming examples from Mexico for Turbo C 2.0

GIFSAVE.ZIP    14203 28-06-94  C source to save GIF images

JULIN105.ZIP   34073 26-10-93  Source in C for calendar date calculations

LINGUA13.ZIP   44327 05-04-94  Easy multi-language support for C programs

LT9002.ZIP     27523 22-01-93  Lan oriented C programs

LZPIP104.ZIP   68042 25-04-96  Compressed/deflated file access library

MATRIXC.ZIP    11361 28-06-94  C source for matri algebra and 3D line shapes

MATRX042.ZIP   40927 28-04-94  Small Matrix Toolbox for C programmers (w C), P.Kx

MC302EMB.ZIP  215593 11-04-94  MICRO-C Embedded Control kit - Test-drive vers

MC302PC1.ZIP  195192 11-04-94  MICRO-C PC 'C' compiler v3.02

MC302PC2.ZIP  277076 11-04-94  MICRO-C PC Example programs

MONEY.ZIP      11220 14-10-93  C++ class to fake Decimals/BCD's using floats

MOU.ZIP        27049 22-01-93  Turbo & MS C mouse C routines

MTL110JE.ZIP  148259 22-09-93  DOS multithreading library for Borland C++

MXMS_161.ARJ  132307 16-12-92  Kompletan opis QWK formata + C source za

                               Maximusov QWK Off Line Reader

NETCLB30.ZIP  198351 03-05-95  C library for calling Novell Netware APIs

NNUTL101.ZIP  249857 02-09-93  C source library/tutorial for neural networks

ODOORS41.ZIP  424923 05-05-93  C library for creating professional BBS doors

OPTC38.ZIP     12762 25-03-93  Hints for efficient programming in C

PCL4C34.ZIP    71802 05-05-93  Asynchronous communications library for C

PCTJ1188.ZIP   29707 25-03-93  PC Tech Journal sources

PLST_133.ZIP   38255 25-03-93  Parselst v.1.33 nodelist processor - C sources

PMW116.ZIP     73855 03-05-95  DOS/4GW replacement for Watcom C/C++

PPORT.ZIP      28492 02-11-94  TC routines for parallel port data transfers

RECIO202.ZIP  131425 10-06-94  C library reads/writes files as records/fields

SFTC21F1.ARJ  315350 10-02-93  SoftC database library

SFTC21F2.ARJ  315888 10-02-93  SoftC database library

SNIP9404.ZIP  427057 28-04-94  1.1+ Mb of free C source/info, 35% PC-specific

SPAWNO41.ZIP  105190 10-12-92  Zamjena za spawn.. funkcije u C/C++

                               (prije izvodjenja pozvanog programa pozivajuci

                               program sebe spremi u EMS/XMS/disk)

SPLINE29.ZIP   65929 29-01-93  Interpolate using splines under tension

SVGACC21.ZIP  219365 10-06-94  SVGA Graphics Library for MS & Borland C/C++

SWAP300.ZIP    89196 05-04-93  C routines allow swap of app to disk, XMS, EMS

TCIO.ZIP       77445 25-04-96  Input/output functions for C and C++

TDAT11.ZIP     26322 25-04-96  Date and Time Functions for C and C++

TECH01.ZIP    119390 15-04-94  Techniques C++ Class Library w/src, K.Bxxxxx

TXMS.ZIP       16479 25-04-96  C Functions for Extended Memory Access Via XMS

UNZIP42.ZIP   215375 11-03-93  C source za UNZIP

WGT4.ZIP      686104 06-05-94  Wordup Graphics Toolkit v4.0 for TC++/BC++

XMS101JE.ZIP   60421 09-11-93  XMS array template class for Borland C++

Sekcija #9 - Pascal programi

3DLAB103.ZIP  158027 14-07-94  Wolfenstein-3D type graphics for TP 7.0, K.Fxxxxxxxxxx

3DLIB30A.ZIP  179832 05-04-94  3D animation lib for TP/BP/TPW/C++, Core, 1of2

3DLIB30B.ZIP  224797 05-04-94  3D animation lib for TP/BP/TPW/C++, Tools,2of2

ANTCOP11.ZIP    6011 29-09-93  Turbo Pascal copy-protecting unit

BBSKT30A.ZIP  282535 09-12-93  BBS/door programmer's toolkit v3.0a for TP6+

BP7SB100.ZIP   30859 06-05-93  Source beautifier for Turbo/Borland Pascal 7.0

BPL70N14.ZIP  289173 28-01-94  Turbo Pascal TPL run-time library replacement

CADTHF10.ZIP    4039 29-09-93  CadThief TP unit for trapping ctrl+alt+del

COMTTY30.ZIP   19657 14-07-94  Serial COM-unit, terminal emulator, w/TP src

DBMS010A.ZIP   44927 24-06-94  Pascal OOP Database Management System

DSUTIL12.ZIP  324597 11-02-94  Dos utilities for TP

GIFSRC.ZIP     41304 22-12-94  Experimental GIF handling TP source + asm, J.Gxxxxxx

GRAVIS20.ZIP  422039 08-08-95  Graphic User Interface library for BP7/TP7

GRAVIS6.ZIP   230940 12-05-94  Graphic User Interface for Turbo Pascal 6.0

INTRFC70.ZIP   66178 13-04-94  Dump BP 7 .TPU, .TPP, and .TPW files

KEYMACRO.ZIP   24577 03-01-94  Keyboard Macro Unit for Turbo Pascal (w src)

MNGLR130.ZIP   39192 13-04-94  Turbo Pascal source files mangler/scrambler

MOUSETPU.ZIP    8772 11-02-94  Mouse handling routines for TP

NEWMEM11.ZIP   34289 03-10-94  Memory management units for Turbo Pascal, A.Bxxxxxxx

OPENFIL3.ZIP    3225 17-09-93  TP unit to print list of open files

OUTFILT1.ZIP    4602 14-09-94  More pipe for Turbo Pascal programs

PACKOBJ.ZIP    34169 22-02-93  Compressing BINOBJ-like utility w/TPas example

PARSTP25.ZIP   48669 17-03-94  C++/TP math parser w/functions & symbol table

PASCSRC.ZIP    70147 22-12-94  Coronado Enterprises Pascal Tutor, sources

PASCTXT.ZIP    92937 22-12-94  Coronado Enterprises Pascal Tutor, text

PASPAGER.ZIP   61142 06-12-94  TP5+ source generator for selfdisplaying texts

PAVT199.ZIP   539841 08-08-95  PAvatar, Add AVT/1, ANSI, VT102 to your TP5.5+ programs

PRBGI097.ZIP  357241 22-02-93  BGI driver for dot matrix & laserjet printers

PSCAL108.ZIP   11927 05-07-94  Calendar functions for Borland/Turbo Pascal 7

PSLST102.ZIP    8861 02-02-94  List functions Object for Borland Pascal

PSSTR108.ZIP   17017 02-02-94  String, variable & keyboard functions for BP7

PSVSR100.ZIP    4160 03-10-94  TP: Restores user's screen when app terminates

PVT100.ZIP     45284 06-12-94  VT100 Terminal Emulator tweak in Turbo Pascal 6+, w/src

SCANH326.ZIP  101850 07-02-94  ScanHelp, produce help files from TP source code

SIO100.ZIP     40317 22-12-94  Turbo Pascal 6+ serial I/O source code

SIO103.ZIP     41741 17-02-95  OOP Turbo Pascal 6+ serial I/O source code, G.Cxxxxxx

SORTS100.ZIP   12545 22-09-93  Various TP sorts for arrays and TCollections

SPO110.ZIP    112147 02-06-93  TPU Peephole Optimizer for Borland Pascal v7.0

SWAG9408.ZIP  794741 06-12-94  SWAG: A huge library of PD Turbo Pascal code

SWAPUNT7.ZIP   29122 20-10-93  TPU/QPU to add Swap & Execute to your TP progs

TP-TOOLS.ZIP   28929 13-06-94  TP 5.0 toolkit (clocks, mouse, dir lister)

TPFHDK10.ZIP   15929 21-01-94  Txxx Sxxxx's Turbo Pascal FAQ to HLPDK, R.Lxxxx

TPRCDR10.ZIP   59644 13-04-94  TPU 6.0/7.0 for recursive directory access

TPSERIO2.ZIP    5840 13-06-94  TurboPascal serial I/O routines (FOSSIL) src

TP_ASCII.ZIP   12467 27-12-93  Ascii chart, especially for TP

TRIDV308.ZIP  142369 03-01-94  TriDoor: Turbo Pascal BBS door pgmr's toolkit

TSFAQP22.ZIP   76361 23-03-95  Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Txxx's answers

TSPA3355.ZIP  107058 22-09-93  Turbo Pascal 5.5 units for (real:-) programmers

TSPA3360.ZIP  107233 22-09-93  Turbo Pascal 6.0 units for (real:-) programmers

TSPA3370.ZIP  107706 22-09-93  Turbo Pascal 7.0 units for (real:-) programmers

TXT2UNIT.ZIP   16305 06-12-94  Convert a text into a Turbo Pascal unit source

TXTT100.ZIP    56461 22-12-94  TP/BP 7.0 library for text mode fonts + palettes, T.Bxxxxxxx

VESATP11.ZIP  329320 05-07-94  Enhanced graphics library for Turbo Pascal

Sekcija #11 - Baze podataka

ATSAY.ZIP       2208 17-12-92  DBase III - print to file

BASCSTAT.ZIP    5536 17-12-92  DBase III - statisticke rutine

BITSET.ZIP      5165 17-12-92  DBase III - rad sa bitovima i bajtovima

BITWIS.ZIP     21796 17-12-92  DB3+ - promjena memorijskih byteova

BRIEFMAC.ZIP    5914 17-12-92  DBase III - Brief macroi za programere

DMAST31.ZIP   393659 16-01-95  Menu driven dBase clone, R.Sxxxxxx

DXT132.ZIP    175876 06-09-95  DBASE Exploration Tools, Source Analysis

PB.ZIP         34240 12-07-93  Poštanski brojevi u ex. YU - DBF fajl

POPDBF40.ZIP  149855 05-04-93  TSR: Popup view, edit, print, read dBASE files

RMS32B.ZIP    603432 03-05-95  Menu operated biblio/reference system

SNAP502.ZIP   314516 26-02-93  SNAP 5.02 - xBase documenter (+Clipper 5)

SSQL23.ZIP    195648 26-02-93  SQL cmd processor - create/update/query tables

XFORM.ZIP      45463 20-05-93  Convert report/label/dbf to dbase III+ prg/sdf

XREF140F.ZIP  141001 20-05-93  Data dictionary utility for DBF and NDX/NTX files

Sekcija #12 - Obrada teksta, editori

--- Obrada teksta, editori

ADD304.ZIP     97281 02-06-93  Add up a column of numbers in a text file

ANSIPC10.ZIP   75227 22-02-93  ANSI graphics editor w/extensive mouse support

ATCOMP16.ZIP   22997 08-03-94  @COMPARE v1.6: Smart text file comparison

AURORA2.ZIP   440989 23-03-95  Aurora full-featured shareware editor, syntax coloring

BIGTXT20.ZIP   17130 18-05-94  Transates your text to BIG text

BOXER50A.ZIP  296334 06-05-93  Boxer5.0a Editor:mouse,undo,mult files&windows

CHANG408.ZIP   77500 02-11-94  Change strings in text files

CREAD211.ZIP   42442 11-02-94  An advanced MSDOS text file browser by C.Bxxx

DOS5ED.ZIP     23261 12-03-93  Patch DOS 5 editor default to *.* not *.txt

EDRHR15B.ZIP  189923 02-05-94  EDT like editor, DOS/WIN binary distribution

EDRHR15S.ZIP  371190 02-05-94  EDT like editor, source code distribution

FILTR21.ZIP    15225 01-09-94  Text file searcher, simultan. multi-term check

FIXCH401.ZIP   55116 11-02-94  Replace non-printable ASCII codes

FIXTX407.ZIP   70303 02-11-94  Translate text file characters en masse

FORTEX2.ZIP    12367 28-05-93  Formatiranje ASCII teksta za ChiWriter

FVW222.ZIP     38788 13-10-94  FView - simple text file viewer, C.Gxxxxx

HEX101.ZIP     35146 14-07-94  HEX v1.01: HEX/ASCII binary file editor

HLPDK80.ZIP   354921 31-08-93  DOS/Win3/DV-X/Text & OS/2 Help Development Kit

LCOMP110.ZIP   96359 18-04-94  Compares contents of two ASCII list files

LED101.ZIP     16846 18-04-94  Programmable Line EDitor for DOS

LIST91B.ZIP   107511 23-03-95  Vxxxxx Bxxxx's file browsing program

ME141.ZIP      41197 22-11-93  Small but powrful Hex/ASCII full screen editor

MELITE.ZIP    224130 10-06-94  Multi-Edit Lite, programmer's text editor

MINED.ZIP     123609 27-09-93  Small but powerful editor for MsDos, Unix, VMS (incl. source

MULCO407.ZIP   92789 02-11-94  Multicolumn text with headers, dBase supported

NEDIT17A.ZIP  302244 13-10-94  NED v1.7a A powerful text editor for programming

NGS_10.ZIP     26013 30-06-94  Norton Guides Sourcer v1.0, decompiles NG file

NONULLS.ZIP     4148 28-05-93  Filter for non-printable characters (C src)

PAGE1_4.ZIP    13765 03-05-95  Quick text file viewer useful for large files

PAGIN502.ZIP  147017 22-06-95  Paginates text (headers, indexes, sorting...)

RDANSI10.ZIP    5035 22-11-94  ANSI and ASCII file viewer

READ502.ZIP   228130 22-06-95  Free viewer, also make any text self-viewing

READI305.ZIP  166627 29-12-93  Text file reader - designed mainly for blind people

READ_203.ZIP   36704 12-11-93  An advanced MSDOS text file browser (good)

REPSTR31.ZIP   14554 12-01-93  Remove or modify strings in text files

RSS30.ZIP      26632 08-06-93  Rxx's smart existential dictionary search pgm

RUM10.ZIP      10293 15-12-93  Rapid Unix/MS-DOS text file translator, v1.0

SEDIT110.ZIP  343534 22-09-94  SEDIT v1.10 Text editor with spelling check, J.Sxxxx

SHRLCK20.ZIP   97633 08-06-93  Sherlock 2-window interactive textfile compare

SMED101.ZIP    85877 25-04-96  Text editor with accelerated smooth scrolling

SPLTJD13.ZIP   13235 24-01-94  Splits a large text file into multiple files

STPRT203.ZIP   24088 28-03-94  Unformatted ASCII file formatter/printer

SYEDIT11.ZIP   93648 15-03-94  EdIt! Text editor, LANtastic support, S.Yxxxx

TAKE1304.ZIP   97626 09-06-93  Take1st:  Remove duplicates in a text file

TDE22.ZIP     342082 23-04-93  PD multi-window/file bin & text ed w/ C & asm

TRIVED09.ZIP   25460 25-04-96  FOSSIL/console vi-subset, secure for BBS w/src

TSF2CM15.ZIP   37181 03-09-93  Comparison of two files, etc.

TSFCOM24.ZIP  174826 03-09-93  A set of programs for manipulating text files.

TSFILT21.ZIP  116403 08-03-94  Programs for filtering messages, log files, Unix-PC,..

TSFLTB17.ZIP   65371 08-03-94  Easily customizable general filters, for text or binary

TSFLTC16.ZIP   70417 08-03-94  More filters: dump,col,concat,cut,detab,rep,rot13,undump

TSPELL24.ZIP  115826 27-09-93  Screen oriented spelling checker & word frequency counter.

VIM20BIN.ZIP  210409 14-01-94  Vi Improved v2.0: vi-like text editor EXE+docs

VIM20SRC.ZIP  282259 14-01-94  Vi Improved v2.0: vi-like text editor source

XBROW26.ZIP    42660 07-04-94  A simple text file browser, w C and asm, Hxxx Vx

--- QEdit

AMAC41G.ZIP    94795 11-12-92  Qedit macros

MRKIKEYS.ZIP    6365 11-12-92  Qedit 2.x Mxxxxxxx konfiguracija

QCP208.ZIP     56789 11-12-92  Kompajliranje iz Qeditora.

QE-GLOSS.ZIP    3663 11-12-92  Qedit 2.1 macro GLOSSARY - expand coded words

QEDATER.ZIP     1869 11-12-92  Makro za ispis datuma u Qeditoru

QEDIT3C.ZIP   206441 07-04-94  QEdit Advanced, SemWare's shareware text editor

QEKEYS.ZIP     31056 11-12-92  Simulacije poznatih editora u Qeditoru

QM2.ZIP         8501 11-12-92  QEdit mouse driver 2.0

QMAC21.ZIP     41168 11-12-92  Skup macro datoteka za QEdit

QNG21.ZIP      53896 11-12-92  Norton Guide za QEdit

QQHELP.ZIP     30563 11-12-92  Shell za QEdit

QTOOLS.ZIP    136305 11-12-92  Dodaci za QEdit

TSQED17.ZIP    27920 21-07-93  Macros and configurations for QEdit text-editor. /Txxx Sxxxx/

TSTSE10.ZIP    30273 17-02-95  SAL macro sources to extend The SemWare Editor


--- WordPerfect

BKBILD1A.ZIP  141470 17-03-94  Bookbild Pamphlet Publisher v1.0A for WP51DOS

BOOKWN1A.ZIP   76627 17-03-94  Bookbild Pamphlet Pub. v1.0A for WP52/Win

BYDES10.ZIP   241776 11-12-92  WP 5.1 graphics design & desktop

EQUATHLP.ZIP   20383 12-03-93  WP 5.1 Help for Equation editor

GCATWN3A.ZIP  106915 17-03-94  Graphcat: Clip Art catalogs in WP60,52/Windows

GCATWP3A.ZIP  113850 22-03-94  Graphcat: Clip Art cataloger for WP60,51/DOS

GENRLTBL.ZIP    4468 03-06-93  General WordPerfect 5.1 Troubleshoot.Guide

GIF2WP37.ZIP   28497 03-11-93  Convert GIF images to WordPerfect WPG format

GRAPHCT2.ZIP  132377 28-05-93  Graphics catalog builder (WP 5.1)

GRAPHLP.ZIP     4789 03-06-93  WP 5.1 help za grafiku

HELPWP50.ZIP   75393 03-06-93  WP 5.1 window program

IMGCAT20.ZIP   42792 22-06-95  Creates catalogues of images in graphics files

LTRHEAD3.ZIP  160152 22-03-94  Letterhead Kit/DOS: Forms retrieval in WP60,51

LTRWIN21.ZIP  145819 22-03-94  Letterhead Kit/Win: Forms retrieval in WPWIN52

MTWP.ZIP      178718 12-11-93  More tools for WordPerfect 5.x

PSWPG100.ZIP   12135 22-11-93  PS image preview for WP. Req Ghostscript, PBM+

SET.ZIP         3020 24-06-93  WP 5.1 SET

TABLEHLP.ZIP   41590 24-06-93  WP 5.1 Table Helps & hints

TABLEREF.ZIP    9510 24-06-93  WP 5.1 Table texts

TO5_205.ZIP    34956 24-03-94  Convert WordPerfect 5.x to ASCII, many options

WCLIP11.ZIP   150913 24-03-94  Wood Clips Sampler Set 1: WPG Clip Art v1.1

WPDRAW35.ZIP   45753 23-04-93  View/browse WordPerfect 5.x graphics (*.WPG)

WPEQN12.ZIP    31245 20-01-93  Konverzija formula iz Latex-a u Word Perfect

WPLABELS.ZIP   11838 28-05-93  Printing labels with WordPerfect

WPMD3.ZIP      66061 17-11-93  Fixes damaged WordPerfect 5.x files

WPMG0391.ZIP   33869 28-05-93  Zbirka macroa za WordPerfect

WPTOOL52.ZIP  221076 17-11-93  Collection of WP 5.x utilities and macros

Sekcija #13 - BBS SW

MAX200-1.ZIP  302075 27-01-92  Maximus BBS 1/4

MAX200-2.ZIP  163180 20-01-92  Maximus BBS 2/4

MAX200-3.ZIP  149462 25-01-92  Maximus BBS 3/4

MAX200-4.ZIP  310463 20-01-92  Maximus BBS 4/4


125ADEV.ZIP    31520 27-10-93  Powerboard BBS 1.25A Developer's Kit

ANOI.ZIP       13805 11-03-93  File lister za Max-a

AUR134A.ZIP   207712 16-07-93  BBS-system Aurora v1.34b (swedish version)

AUR134AS.ZIP  135530 16-07-93  BBS-system Aurora v1.34b source

AUR134AZ.ZIP  206760 16-07-93  BBS-system Aurora v1.34b (english version)

BBSLISTR.ZIP  112010 16-03-93  Let users list favourite BBS's for Maximus 2

BBSMENU.ZIP    27401 14-07-93  BBSMenu select between different BBS programs

CLDRP310.ZIP  145937 06-07-93  Monitors, and optionally sends messages to, users

                               who drop carrier, input timeout, or use Leech Z-Modem.

DANMAX10.ZIP  112508 14-07-93  Danmax v1.00 Danish menus etc for Maximus v2.01

DC_106.ZIP     42340 08-06-93  Display callers, Many features! sysop

                               feature included, no nightly maintance.

DLX70BBS.ZIP  491148 06-06-94  DLX multi-user BBS. Freeware version, w/TP src

DS100.ZIP      62263 06-07-93  DS allows users on other fidonet systems to query

                               your systems user base. Handles Squish and *.MGS mail

ELO-CHAT.ZIP   19083 16-03-93  Automatski cosysop, inteligentni chat

FLIST24.ZIP    28083 11-03-93  File lister za Maximus

FLM122.ZIP     24579 11-03-93  Flexible File List Manager for Maximus and Binkley

                               (filelist, magic list, okfile list - BT2.56!)

FLSORT11.ZIP   12288 14-05-93  Very fast BBS file list sorting utility

JVAS109.ZIP    60848 14-05-93  JVArcServ v1.09: 'Archie' server for FidoNet

KM295E.ZIP    115532 17-05-93  Kmail: QWK-compatible mail door for PCBoard

LSTGEN15.ZIP   13788 17-05-93  Generates ALLFILES.LST from BBS file lists

MAXBANK2.ZIP   90772 11-03-93  TimeBank for Maximus 2.0

MAXULR12.ZIP   13359 17-06-93  Maximus upload reporter

MFL10304.ARJ   51264 07-06-93  Latest version of Maximus File Lister

                               From: Antares BBS Home of MFL

MITOP100.ZIP   25135 14-07-93  MaintTop v1.00 show up/download and callers stats for Maximus

MKMSG201.ZIP   36010 11-03-93  Makemsg creates a msg from a txt file. Bug fix.

MSTRV12.ZIP    18502 18-02-94  Enhanced AllFiles generator for Maximus BBS

MT102.ZIP     206417 08-06-93  MaxTools - 16 Tools for the Max Sysop

MUTT100.ZIP    25086 11-03-93  Maximus User Time Tank, v1.00

NBROW150.ZIP   49617 14-05-93  BBS door that allows users to search nodelists

P-CALL20.ZIP   52790 17-03-93  Generate a bulletin *.BBS file use LASTINxx.BBS

PB125A_1.ZIP  138938 27-10-93  Powerboard DV-aware BBS, easy config, 1 of 4

PB125A_2.ZIP  331614 27-10-93  Powerboard DV-aware BBS, easy config, 2 of 4

PB125A_3.ZIP  235176 27-10-93  Powerboard DV-aware BBS, easy config, 3 of 4

PB125A_4.ZIP   98785 27-10-93  Powerboard DV-aware BBS, easy config, 4 of 4

PRFL108.ZIP    37586 21-05-93  BBS door which allows users to enter profiles

RDUSR.ZIP      28979 25-06-93  List User Name/City/Phone# by Priv

REGQ101.ZIP     3271 08-08-95  Registration Questionnaire v1.01 This is Maximus .BBS file

                               for every BBS runing Maximus! By Dxxxxxx & Gxxxx of

SQSH_111.ZIP  669670 22-11-94  Squish 1.11 - DOS version. Flexible

                               EchoMail processor for FidoNet systems.

STATS2.ZIP      9940 25-06-93  Maximus 2.0 Statistics generator

SX503M1.ZIP   566984 22-11-94  AgX v5.03: maildoor for Maximus v2.0x

TAGS03.ZIP     36510 09-06-93  Display users OLR tagged message areas

TCALL110.ZIP   49723 09-06-93  Today's Caller Bulletin Maker for Max

TMS116.ZIP    118362 17-03-93  Statistics Generator for Onliners Max2.0 Dos & OS/2 version

UBX005.ZIP     64026 17-06-93  User's bulletin express system (Maximus)

WANT4MAX.ZIP    6155 17-05-93  Files Wanted Bulletin Generator.

Sekcija #15 - Printeri

2CLP1P31.ZIP   17597 31-01-94  Print large texts in 2 columns on 1 page, D.Mxxxxxx

2COL56.ZIP     50018 06-09-95  Print 2 columns on dotmatrix,deskjet,inkjet

4PR410.ZIP    284294 04-03-92  4-6 stranica na A4 formatu (laser)

8PDJ500C.ZIP   10253 30-06-94  Prints 8 pages of text per page on HP DJ500

BARMN15E.ZIP   51466 24-08-93  Barcoding system for Epson and HP printers

BKPRN1_5.ZIP   17679 20-07-93  Bookprint v1.5 print booklet form on a HP Ljets

BOOK420.ZIP    88659 28-06-94  Print booklets on Laserjet & Epson printers

BOOKLS.ZIP    126554 22-06-95  Formats documents into PC Booklets

BOOKLT.ZIP     55078 22-06-95  Formats documents into PC booklets

DJLP_112.ZIP   16054 22-09-93  Prints 2 pages of text on 1 page - for Desk/LaserJet

DLS200.ZIP    117967 01-06-93  Sistem za stampanje disketnih labela

DMP205.ZIP     53121 20-07-93  Resident print spooler, spools to disk, memory

DMPLAS.ZIP     34886 02-09-93  Dmplas v1.0 convert matrix conrols to laser controls

DSP110.ZIP     24511 13-07-92  DS-Print - formatiranje izlaza na stampac

DVIPS551.ZIP  546281 31-08-93  Convert a TeX DVI file to PostScript, v5.518

DVIPSSRC.ZIP  587454 31-08-93  DVIPS sources v5.518

EGAPRTSC.ZIP    6277 13-07-92  Zamjena za Print Screen - mijenja IBM 'extended ASCII'

                               evropske znakove u ISO evropske znakove (ASM src)

FHPRTSC.ZIP    18607 13-07-92  Hercules graphics print screen (+ASM src)

FOLD33.ZIP     53800 15-12-93  Print text in 2 or more columns; many options

FUSETUP.ZIP    10723 27-10-90  Fujitsu printer setup

GS261286.ZIP  212419 01-07-93  Ghostscript v2.6.1, EXE for 286 machines

GS261386.ZIP  404518 01-07-93  Ghostscript v2.6.1, 386/486 EXE w/extended mem

GS261INI.ZIP  336189 30-08-93  Ghostscript v2.6.1, required files + examples

GS261WIN.ZIP  294698 01-07-93  Ghostscript v2.6.1, EXE for Windows 3.x

GSVIEW10.ZIP  175177 30-08-93  Ghostview 1.0 for Windows. Need Ghostscript2.6

HERC-EPS.ZIP    3053 13-07-92  Hercules graphics print screen on Epson printer (PASCAL src)

HP4SIGN2.ZIP    4236 03-01-94  Displays messages on HP 4 LaserJet LED display

HPPRT_20.ZIP   17222 15-07-93  Printtool for HP laserjets to print text files

JETCOL36.ZIP   86169 06-09-95  Print 2 columns/both sides on laser/deskjet

LABPLS13.ZIP   70291 05-08-93  LabelsPlus: Shipping/address label design/prnt

LJ4UTL13.ZIP   39136 07-04-94  Quickly changes LaserJet 4 printer settings

LJLPT11.ZIP     7582 14-09-94  Print text in Laserjet 132x66 landscape mode

LJPRT206.ZIP   61824 15-07-93  Print 4 txt pages on sheet of paper w/LJII-III

LPTX700.ZIP    33784 18-01-93  Redirect PRN to file (+ ASM source)

LQ100.ZIP     477050 05-01-93  Epson LQ 100 drivers

LQ570V11.ZIP   14309 16-02-94  Menu-driven printer setup (Epson LQ570)

LT50_1.ZIP    601086 22-03-94  Lasertwin5 HPIII emulation 4 all printers, 1/2

LT50_2.ZIP    719940 22-03-94  Lasertwin5 HPIII emulation 4 all printers, 2/2

LX.ZIP          3474 09-06-93  Slanje ESC/P sekvenci stampacu iz DOS-a.

OVS.ZIP        44911 11-06-93  Upravljanje printerom

P821_V23.ZIP   30470 13-06-94  Print up to eight pages to one sheet, HPDJ/LJ4

PASCII17.ZIP   15746 22-04-94  Prepares ASCII file for printing, J.Jxxxx

PCPS750.ZIP   102898 01-09-93  Print ascii to Postscript, 2up etc. (DOS/OS2)

PL.ZIP        134919 25-06-93  Printlord - program za matricne stampace

POSTER15.ZIP  124996 08-08-95  Generate large posters, signs, and banners

POST_NG.ZIP    25522 09-06-93  Norton Guides za Postscript

PPRINT55.ZIP  111098 25-06-93  Print manager

PRFONTS2.ZIP   51139 01-09-93  Font designer/downloader for 9 pin printers

PRINTD.ZIP     72710 11-06-93  TSR za upravljanje printerom

PRNF242.ZIP   225562 05-08-93  Set printer & manicure ASCII text for printing

PRT132.COM       188 09-06-93  Print 132 kolonskog ekrana

PRTDR803.ZIP   34687 28-05-93  COM/LPT port redir. to any other port or file

PS-SIGN.ZIP     4939 25-06-93  Digitalizacija potpisa za PostScript

PTLS.ZIP       31741 11-06-93  TSR Printer Spooler za sve vrste memorije.

R051BIT.ZIP    15699 24-03-93  Kreiranje Bitstream Fontware CSD tabela

R055LAS.ZIP     4026 24-03-93  Programiranje laserskih stampaca - svi primeri

R071PLJ.ZIP     1990 24-03-93  Programiranje laserskih stampaca 1

TAPEL.ZIP      33024 08-11-93  Generate tape label cards - Epson LQ comp. printer on LPT1

TSPRN16.ZIP    99682 30-09-93  Printing text files with various printers.

TWOSIDE.ZIP    27507 09-06-93  Print on both side of paper

UBAR22.ZIP     27321 24-08-93  Prints 11-digit Postal Delivery Point bar code

WBAR42.ZIP     87370 24-08-93  Print Postnet bar codes on labels/letters/env.

XPRT62.ZIP     58984 06-09-95  Formats text for output to laser printer

YA2SIDE8.ZIP   28644 22-07-94  Printer utility for 2 sided printing

YACPU11.ZIP    22980 02-09-93  Yet Another Calendar Printing util for HP III v1.1

Sekcija #16 - Networks

212FX.ZIP      99772 15-12-92  Novell Netware 2.12 fixes

212TOK.ZIP      3536 15-12-92  TRNSH.OBJ replace for LAN_DRV_001 diskette

215PATCH.ZIP   12011 15-12-92  Novell Netware 2.15 patch

286DWN.ARJ     43338 15-12-92  Patch for NetWare v2.2 & v2.15 when DOWNing f/s

386PRN.ZIP     10568 15-12-92  Novel NetWare 386 problems & solutions

3C5321.ZIP     28315 29-12-92  Netware 2.11 install supplement for 3COM Etherlink

50Z70.ZIP      10577 29-12-92  Patch for IBM 50z & 70 for Netware 2.0a

ALOGIN12.ZIP   17756 29-12-92  Automated Login (v1.2) for LANtastic NOS (+C src)

ALOGIN20.ZIP  253952 08-08-95  Awesome Login: Graphical (BMP) Novell login

BFAST.ZIP      84925 30-11-93  Borland rutine za Novell Btrieve.

BLOGN12A.ZIP  146649 22-07-94  Visual shell for Novell's login.exe

CHAT207.ZIP    21863 20-07-93  On-line messager between two Novell (2.x) users v2.07

CMAIL27C.ZIP  174718 07-07-94  Free electronic mail program for any LAN

CNETEST.ZIP   381934 10-11-93  Novell Certified NetWare Eng. practice tests

COMRT100.ZIP   63292 08-08-95  Modem sharing program for Novell Netware

DMLOGN70.ZIP   47168 03-05-95  Login/Logout utility for security, order on networks

DOSMNU71.ZIP  415213 06-09-95  Powerful/easy menu system for PCs and networks

DOSQUE21.ZIP   37032 17-06-94  DOSque job queueing utility for networks

DSPBIN10.ZIP    8640 08-08-95  Displays logged in user bindery info

ETHLD104.ZIP  167627 04-02-94  ETHLOAD 1.04: LAN analyzer ODI,NDIS,DEPCA,PKT

ETHRHOST.ZIP   18411 08-08-95  Unix-style host and ethers parser for Novell

FAXBAT20.ZIP   54228 06-09-95  Fax server for Novell and other LANs

FPSERV32.ZIP  105547 25-10-93  FPServer: Enhanced Novell PSERVER replacement

FSL12A.ZIP    111494 14-07-93  Full Screen Login: Enhanced Novell login util.

IPXCTRL1.ZIP   31849 30-06-94  LAN node remote control & monitoring with IPX

LANLOC13.ZIP  291333 01-09-94  Novell software meter/license system

MACBRD20.ZIP   45407 05-04-94  Novell IN/OUT type of notice board program

MAILTO.ZIP      8958 18-05-94  Pegasus-compatible cmd line mailer for Novell

MASUSR13.ZIP  545161 22-02-94  WIN3:Add/delete/modify/list many NetWare users

MIR122.ZIP     34477 05-01-94  Replicates Novell NetWare dirs and trustees

MNWERASE.ZIP    2210 22-04-94  Erase multiple NetWare 2.x/3.x accounts, C src

MUM13A.ZIP    581076 30-06-94  Add, delete, modify & list many NetWare users

NCAPT12A.ZIP   78066 30-06-94  NiceCapt: Capture front end for Novell NW 3.x

NEOS-10.ZIP   206737 07-07-94  Full-featured LAN for MSDOS computers, 286+req

NET-AD11.ZIP  228791 10-05-94  Ethernet; Collects address and protocol info

NET-CO51.ZIP  758834 08-08-95  NET-CONTROL: LAN monitoring and recording

NETADR13.ZIP    4399 31-03-93  Assign queue by station, v1.3, src&docs,Novell

NETCB06B.ZIP   43440 22-07-93  Novell network IPX chat box (supports routers)

NETCHAT.ZIP     6910 18-05-94  Allows 'live' multi-way conversations on a LAN

NETLOC10.ZIP   38071 21-07-93  Restrict application and log usage on Novell net

NETSCN10.ZIP   14033 15-03-94  Network integrity checker

NFS024-M.ZIP   87967 02-05-94  MS-DOS NFS client for MS LanMan/HP/3com TCP/IP

NFS024-T.ZIP   87989 02-05-94  MS-DOS NFS client for Trumpet ABI 3.x TCP/IP

NFS101-N.ZIP  181727 16-05-95  MS-DOS NFS client for Novell LAN WorkPlace

NFS101-W.ZIP  200342 16-05-95  MS-DOS NFS client for pktdrvr (WatTCP builtin)

NICEPH10.ZIP   82090 05-04-94  PH client for packet driver. Good with PMail

NLOGIN16.ZIP  106788 01-09-94  NiceLogin: Login front end for Novell Netware

NMDM21.ZIP     43647 20-12-93  MODEM server u Novellovoj mrezi

NUTIL02.ZIP    72819 16-05-95  Companion Utils to nfs*.zip (ls,unix2dos,etc)

NVCHAT1C.ZIP  126267 08-09-94  Chat 1.0c, unlimited users/channels/servers

PAUDIT11.ZIP    8598 31-03-93  Summerize PAUDIT report v1.1, src&docs, Novell

PCNT302A.ZIP  264141 08-08-95  Page counting print server for Novell

PHONET32.ZIP   18949 20-07-93  Phone chat util. for Novell, works in Windows3

QLST14.ZIP     10149 31-03-93  List ALL print queue jobs v1.4,src&docs,Novell

QVIEWP22.ZIP  338265 08-09-94  Manage many print queues on Netware with mouse

SACCT16.ZIP    21210 07-07-94  SetAccnt: View/change user account balances

SAPTRAK2.ZIP   93033 04-05-94  SAPTrack: Novell network analysis utility

SELECT15.ZIP   21022 31-03-93  Printer selection by menu v1.5,src&docs,Novell

SGPROP13.ZIP   38698 01-09-94  Set/GetProperty:View/Change bindery properties

SHWUSR20.ZIP   11501 08-08-95  Displays logged in user info by connection id

SOFTCOP.ZIP   374276 17-11-93  Intelligent DOS & WINDOWS software metering

TALK-13.ZIP    57047 28-04-94  Unix-compatible talk pgm, uses Crynwr driver

ULIST5.ZIP     76373 03-05-95  Enhanced replacement for Novell userlist pgm

USERINF1.ZIP   20911 08-08-95  Returns group and last login info on a user

VPHONE11.ZIP   22081 08-08-95  Realtime VoicePhone on Netware/SBlaster

WOMENU22.ZIP  103331 13-06-94  MS-Windows menu system for Novell & other net

XFS176.ZIP    149797 29-07-94  XFS v1.76: Network File System (NFS) Client

Sekcija #17 - Diskovi

1PASS10.ZIP     9851 22-12-92  Kopiranje disketa u jednom prolazu

ACD210.ARJ     52124 14-12-92  Another Change Directory - kao NCD ali mnogo bolje

ANAD207.ZIP   123190 22-07-93  AnaDisk Complete Diskette Utility v2.07 (fix,copy,..) Sydex

ATFMT100.ZIP   35138 22-07-93  FMT v1.00 a high capacity formatter (new:1.066) (good)

BBSEE20A.ZIP  262126 15-02-93  Powerful, easy-to-use disk catalog system.

                               Options to catalog disks, catalog

                               inside ARC, LZH, ARJ, and ZIP files, import most BBS file li

BBSEE20B.ZIP  106125 15-02-93  Powerful, easy-to-use disk catalog system. [2 of 2]

BOOPS.ZIP       3453 31-08-93  Boops; Floppy Boot Bypasser

BOOTFUN0.ZIP   23702 03-05-95  Changes floppy boot program or serial number

CDISK637.ZIP  268285 25-02-93  Sistem za katalogiziranje disketa (+sve

                               vrste arhiva, BBS allfiles, automatic comments, ..)

COMBI113.ZIP   48422 13-07-93  RAM disk & disk cache sharing XMS memory

COPS407.ZIP    64252 02-11-94  Copies files modified since given date

COPYQ312.ZIP  168214 05-01-94  Fast multiple disk format/copy/verify. SYDEX

DCAT10.ZIP     47544 06-07-93  Rxxxx's disk cataloger

DCF494.ZIP    110084 08-08-95  Very fast 1-pass diskette copy utility

DDEL200.ZIP     9844 17-05-93  DIRDEL v2.00 - deletes non-empty directories

DELDUP23.ZIP   11353 20-07-93  Delete duplicate or older files in directories

DF460.ZIP     222289 15-04-93  Directory Freedom v4.60: Directory Manager

DFL340.ZIP    215379 07-04-94  Duplicate File Locator 3.40 scans archives too

DFREE36A.ZIP   20972 29-07-94  Shows bytes formatted/used/free per drive, E.Mxxxx

DIM14A.ZIP     76595 17-05-93  Disk image archiver, copyer w/password prot.

DIRCO403.ZIP  102244 22-04-94  Updates files based on source directory

DIRCP100.ZIP   26647 03-10-94  Compare two directory listings, display diffs

DIRNFO11.ZIP   12832 22-12-94  Directory information utility, M.Lxxxxxx

DIRS100.ZIP    44882 28-04-94  Directory/file manager copy,move,del,etc. VGA

DIRTO407.ZIP  129441 02-11-94  Directory lister and totaller

DIS323.ZIP    137374 31-08-93  Directory Manager v3.23 (impressive)

DISKF20E.ZIP   61121 06-12-94  Fill up diskettes and leaves no empty sectors, C.Rxxxxxx

DIXCPY21.ZIP   15670 18-02-94  Easy use single pass disk copyer, ext. formats

DKCARE30.ZIP   28924 16-05-95  Run DOS's Defrag,Scandisk,Chkdsk via menu

DSKKAT21.ZIP  181727 27-04-93  Program to help maintain diskette library info

DSKRW237.ZIP   56855 22-03-93  FAST 1pass disk copy and disk image handling

DSTRKD82.ZIP  211554 27-04-93  DiskTrak: Diskette collection manager for DOS

EBAK43.ZIP    216234 16-05-95  Easy Backup v4.3: Compressed Backup System

EDIR137.ZIP    37188 08-08-95  Directory lister that recognizes files

EI30.ZIP      244431 06-09-95  Create self installing distribution disks, J.Txxxxxxx

ESS1.ZIP       67102 09-12-93  3 DOS tools: 1Pass dskcopy/FastDskwipe/kbd dvr

FBR181.ZIP     16858 22-07-93  V. Bxxxx's fast backup/restore program v1.81

FILL502.ZIP    84267 16-05-95  Stuffs as many files as possible on disk

FILUP503.ZIP   51482 06-09-95  Copy updated files based on a control list

FIPS12.ZIP    106049 16-01-95  FIPS nondestructive partition split utility, A.Sxxxxxxx

FLEXP250.ZIP  189324 06-05-93  Flexibak Plus: Hard disk backup w/compression

FLPKIT10.ZIP   38572 03-10-94  5 Utilities help you speedup and test floppies

FM53.ZIP      102579 22-09-93  FormatMaster Menu driven Floppy Disk Formatter

FMTFIX11.ZIP    5628 25-04-94  Fix for long floppy format delay in MS-DOS 6.2

FORMQ172.ZIP   36242 09-03-93  A Quick Multiple Diskette Format/Verify

FRE561.ZIP     20313 02-02-94  Multi-drive disk space check info with graph

FTOUC101.ZIP   11735 14-09-94  Add final touch to your distribution disks, S.Dxxxxxxxx

HFM403.ZIP    389169 22-12-94  Filemanager & archive shell, compares 2 directory lists

HICPY25B.ZIP   61035 13-07-93  High density disk copier, using hard disk

HIDEDISK.ZIP    9192 09-03-93  O(ne)mogucavanje pristupa DOS drive-u

HIDESHOW.ZIP   15787 09-03-93  Sakrijte direktorij

HUNTER.ZIP     51340 25-03-93  Trazenje datoteka po tekstu

IDE-C.ZIP       7898 01-04-93  Ispis podataka o disku - C source (S. Dxxxxxxxxx)

KD10.ZIP       17489 14-03-95  Recursive directory/file removing utility, R.Sxxxxxxx

KG-DF105.ZIP    5529 03-05-93  Disk Free: Disk free/used as % of total, w/src

KILL.ZIP        7904 01-02-93  Removes a dir and all its files and subdir's

KILLBAK4.ZIP    8137 26-05-93  Brisanje datoteka po disku

MAC-ETTE.ZIP   19667 31-08-93  Mac-ette v1.0 util to read Mac 1.4 meg diskettes (great)

MAINTAIN.ZIP    2389 06-09-95  Run unattended maintenance on all DOS drives

MASTER20.ZIP   56532 13-09-93  Prepare diskettes as masters for duplication

MBACK210.ZIP  206432 02-09-93  MegaBack Hard Drive Backup System, Patri-Soft, SW

MFA11.ZIP      25093 24-08-93  Allocates files on diskettes space-efficiently

OBSLT10.ZIP     7899 14-04-93  Recursive delete files older than selected age


PMCAT56.ZIP    99833 08-06-93  PMCAT+ 5.6 - Katalogiziranje disketa

QCW110.ZIP    350163 08-08-95  QCOPY 1.1: Floppy disk duplication/format util

QDEL032.ZIP    22946 20-04-93  Del dir tree FAST. Options, fun, statistics

QKOPY340.ZIP   93290 22-02-94  Quikcopy v3.40: Quick file/diskette copier

RESOLV12.ZIP   51633 17-02-95  Duplicate file disk utility with purge, D.Gxxxxxxxx

RMYG13.ZIP      5657 14-04-93  Jxxxxx Gxx's tiny Unix-like file removal util.

SDEV105.ZIP    29325 07-02-94  Shows disk space and other drive info, J.Sxxxx

SEEK202.ZIP    17396 02-11-94  Fast file-find w/grep-like string srch option

SFCOMBO.ZIP    47884 08-08-95  Finds files easily on one or many drives

SHCPY201.ZIP   25824 17-02-95  Copy files with read-after-write CRC verification

SHOWF251.ZIP   31398 20-07-93  Intuitive display of disk FAT & dir structure

SKRIVEND.ZIP    2052 26-05-93  MD, RD, CD za skrivene direktorije

SLICE.ZIP      13930 26-02-93  Jedna datoteka na vise disketa(asm source)

SMARTPMT.ZIP    3471 20-07-93  Flushes SmartDrive deferred writes on DOS pmt.

SPKT460S.ZIP  291762 21-05-93  HyperDisk disk cache w/HyperKey & HyperScreen

ST2DOS10.ZIP   16365 24-05-93  Make Atari ST written floppies DOS-readable

STUF10CS.ZIP   26349 24-02-94  Stuff 1.0: Optimize diskette space during copy

TCPY202.ZIP    50117 12-11-93  Fast multi-volume file copy pgm, many options

TEENFMT2.ZIP    6997 13-10-94  A small memory resident msdos disk formater, S.Jxxxxxx

TELED212.ZIP   87622 02-09-93  Teledisk v2.12 - xfer disk into a file

TPZDR124.ZIP   17088 13-04-94  ZapDir: Directory tree killer for MSDOS/DRDOS

WALKDIR.ZIP    11236 14-04-93  Walk through directory structure & print info

WIPEVK11.ZIP   15721 07-01-94  Deletes files by overwriting them by V.Kxxxxxxx

WSSI527A.ZIP  158704 24-06-93  Disk indexer, ARC/ARJ/GIF/LBR/LZH/ZIP/ZOO,1of2

WSSI527B.ZIP  116964 24-06-93  Disk indexer, ARC/ARJ/GIF/LBR/LZH/ZIP/ZOO,2of2

XDCPY200.ZIP   15266 09-11-93  Copy diskettes without swapping, S.Hxxxxx

XRD.ZIP        10440 26-02-93  Uklanja direktorij koji nije prazan

XRD20.ZIP       9054 16-01-95  Extended RD - Removes also subdirs and files, V.Kxxxxxxx

Sekcija #19 - PC aplikacije

ACODE.ZIP     120460 18-03-92  USA/Int pozivni brojevi

AW219E.ZIP   1452694 08-08-95  Astro-World for Windows v2.1-9 (English)

BAM361.ZIP    207766 13-06-94  Bank Account Manager v3.61: Family finance mgr

BLOK.ZIP      125397 20-05-93  Program podoben SIDEKICK-u(preveden v nas)

BMCWRD20.ZIP   34566 23-09-93  Menu driven crossword creater, B.Mxxxxxxx

BPM27A.ZIP    280088 06-12-94  Business Plan Master template files

BRAIN12.ZIP    77723 26-03-94  Neural network simulator based on backprop

CAL.ZIP         1557 26-02-93  Print kalendara

CAL33.ZIP      41502 06-09-95  Display a calendar for a month or year

CALMT40C.ZIP  160690 15-07-93  CalendarMate v4.0

CHALNG12.ZIP  146529 03-01-94  Word Challenge 1.2 SAT-quality vocabulary game

CLC177.ZIP     63100 06-09-95  Command Line Scientific Calculator w/ graphs

CLK231.ZIP     28228 28-01-94  TSR displays time/date w/ international support

CLOCKSH.ZIP     3606 15-07-93  Put a digital clock on the display (w ASM)

COMPUTE.ZIP    16176 20-05-93  Kalkulator u komandnoj liniji (ASM source)

CONVR407.ZIP   80720 02-11-94  Convert dBase, ASCII-delim, fixed, 1-2-3

CROATIAN.ZIP  308286 15-03-94  Word Translator Croatian Edition - is a

                               pop-up English-Croatian-English translator and dictionary.

DATEVR01.ZIP   80203 14-09-94  Calculator: (date) +/- (days)=(weekday,date)

DAYPLAN.ZIP     9130 20-05-93  TSR podsjetnik, planer, alarm

DBM101.ZIP    263226 22-12-94  Database or Daily Business Manager, cardware, Zxxxxx Jxxxx

DDOG15.ZIP     10796 16-07-93  DateDog v1.5 reminds you of important dates

DEMOS401.ZIP  375954 16-02-94  Create tutorials, demos, menu systems, etc.

DW_COOK.ZIP    44672 22-11-94  Dxxx Wxxxxxx's Recipe/Cookbook Manager v1.10

EASTER12.ZIP    5140 17-05-93  Calculates the date of Easter in any year

EVIDDA10.ZIP  207988 22-11-94  Configurable database for lending libraries

EZDIARY1.ZIP   71819 11-02-94  Small menu driven diary program with encrypton, S.Txxxx

FASTYPE.ZIP    87669 17-06-94  Naucite tipkati malo brze nego sada !!!

HC122D-1.ZIP  465592 13-10-94  Hydraulic cylinder ind. app. v1.22. Disk 1of2

HC122D-2.ZIP  438805 13-10-94  Hydraulic cylinder ind. app. v1.22. Disk 2of2

HO_PS120.ZIP   82645 06-09-95  Burglar alarm that requires no extra hardware

JMR.ZIP       511673 06-06-94  Raytrace renderer for organic molecules

JSPEL202.ZIP  218715 28-01-94  ASCII text file spell checker, J.Jxxxx (nice)

KALEND1.ZIP     9967 12-03-93  Zgodan kalendar

KALENDAR.ZIP    2557 26-02-93  Ispis kalendara, BASIC source.

LM51C.ZIP     351686 22-12-94  Label Master mailing list program, R.Sxxxxxx

LOTTO45.ZIP    18758 17-06-94  PROGRAM ZA LOTO 6/45

MOLWT23.ZIP    47864 03-04-95  Molecular weight and solution calculator

MV130.ZIP      60872 17-03-94  Displays, prints pictures of atomic structures

NEURAL15.ZIP   84881 08-11-93  Back propagation neural network simulator (with source)

NUM2WORD.ZIP   43199 16-07-93  Number to words translator in four languages

NZ30.ZIP      103104 22-06-95  New Zealand immigration calculator v3.0

OTD_201.ZIP   136633 16-01-95  What happened on this day (historical database)

PC1410.ZIP    162086 16-07-93  Personal Calendar v14.10 (clock,cal,remind,notepad)

PERI20.ZIP     26757 13-10-94  Show periodic table of elements - name/atomic weight

PSIHO2.ARJ    144513 17-06-94  Zbirka domacih psiho-testova. Zgodna stvar

READW308.ZIP  171910 14-10-93  Free WKS/WK1 file viewer

REM23-00.ZIP   44532 16-07-93  Reminder service v2.3pl0, similar to Unix 'calendar'

REM3011.ZIP   133641 29-12-93  Sophisticated calendar/alarm program by D.Sxxxx

REMIND49.ZIP   50402 05-08-93  Remind rel 4.9; forget about forgetting

ROT13.ZIP       3982 16-01-95  Program za sifriranje i desifriranje

                               tekstova istoimenom metodom, autor: Zxxxxx Lxxxxxxxx

RSENGLSH.ZIP  691915 08-08-95  Russian<>English dictionary,wordprocessor,font

SCHCAT02.ZIP  105254 13-10-94  School timetable manager for teachers

SHOWTD.ZIP     11196 05-08-93  Show current time/date with many options including a clock

SLUH.ARJ        4099 28-03-94  Program za kontrolu sluha

SM31A.ZIP     419887 25-04-94  SymbMath v3.1: Symbolic calculator w/learning

SOUND.ZIP      10284 29-12-93  Provjera sluha

SP120.ZIP     239274 08-04-93  SmartPhone: International phone/geography ref.

TEL11.ARJ      54289 24-03-93  Telefonski imenik v1.1 (bxxxxx)

TODO399A.ZIP   44457 25-08-93  "To Do" list manager v3.99a

TODOSW.ZIP    308782 25-08-93  Personal calendar from TODO Software

TORG320.ZIP   169759 13-04-94  Simulates qualitative organic analysis

TPRO2_03.ZIP   54426 08-11-93  Teacher's aid for creating classroom tests

TRGOVINA.ZIP  125494 24-03-94  Program je namjenjen za samostalno vođenje trgovine.

                               Ovo je DEMO-VERZIJA

TSCDAR11.ZIP   43576 01-09-94  Perpetual calendar in English and Finnish

TSCHEK14.ZIP   64445 03-09-93  A Unix-like spelling checker (for MsDos ascii files).

UNITS4.ZIP     39393 14-01-93  Konverzija mjera (snaga,brzina,volumen,...)

USMETR11.ZIP   25916 05-04-94  USMetric convert between metric and US system, A.Jxxxxx

WT4W30CE.ZIP  785183 03-04-95  Eng<->Croatian word/phrase dict. & translator

--- Kucne aplikacije

22.ZIP         13385 10-12-90  Mali imenik

ADDRESS.ZIP    16520 22-06-95  Address Book: Organize by Name/Adr/Phone/EMail

AIDE_TUT.ZIP   55708 08-04-92  Tutorijal prve pomoci.

BAM351.ZIP    217983 23-04-93  Bank Account Manager: Family finance mgr

CDMSTR67.ZIP  172691 09-04-93  Compact Disk manager

CDS52.ZIP      91343 24-03-94  CD Scan v5.2: Music CD cataloguing system

CONX12.ZIP    254660 03-04-95  CoinsNexus v1.2: Numismatic collection records

DOLLS26.ZIP   434718 31-01-94  Collectors database for business and hobbyists

EPI_TEST.ZIP  100261 30-03-94  Testirajte svoje mogucnosti !!!!.

IMPULS!.ARJ    17715 16-01-95  Program za izracunavanje telefonskog racuna u domacem,

                               mobitel ili medunarodnom prometu, autor: Vxxxxxx Jxxxxxx

LUNGDIS.ZIP    47970 26-02-93  Saznajte vise o bolestima grla

MDB261.ZIP    134554 16-01-95  User-friendly music collection database v2.61, D.Bxxxx

MOVILG26.ZIP  185899 10-01-94  Keeps track of video movies you collect

NAME32.ZIP    169441 05-08-93  Namebase 3.2: Name/Address/Telephone Database

TOPSI.ZIP      13295 09-04-93  Izrada ovitaka za audio kazete

TPMKR20.ZIP    87002 06-05-94  Music database and audio cassette label maker

TRACUN.ZIP     69682 22-02-93  Program Tekoci racun je namenjen vodenju

                               tekocega racuna na osebnem racunalniku.

VIDCAT70.ZIP  119222 20-07-93  Videocasette Catalog Program v7.0 by Wxxxxxx Jxxxxxx

--- Ucenje

ENGLISH.ZIP   423629 26-02-93  Ucenje Engleskog kroz igru

GERMAN.ZIP    103041 26-02-93  Engleski - Njemacki - ucenje

OTD_18.ZIP    126422 26-03-94  What happened on this day in history?

RUSEN135.ZIP  246788 18-11-93  Russian-English memory-resident dictionary

SPANMATH.ZIP   33090 20-05-93  Ucenje spanjolskog pomocu eng.i matem.

--- Elektronika

DSPICE0B.ZIP  182275 26-10-93  128Mb Spice 2g6 circuit simulator. Req 386/387

DSPICE0S.ZIP  437142 26-10-93  C Sources for Spice 2g6. Req. DJGPP & F2C_LIB0

ELCT30C1.ZIP  147314 22-09-94  Finite Element Analysis system for PC

ELCT30C2.ZIP  337061 22-09-94  Finite Element Analysis system for PC

ELCT30C3.ZIP  309200 22-09-94  Finite Element Analysis system for PC

ELCT30C4.ZIP  345996 22-09-94  Finite Element Analysis system for PC

FAISYN20.ZIP   60205 22-11-94  Electronic filter synthesis program

FILTRY10.ZIP   59885 03-11-93  Aids in design of active and passive filters

SIM120BN.ZIP  442158 08-12-93  SIMIC logic and fault simulator. Part 1 of 2

SIM120DC.ZIP  556242 08-12-93  SIMIC logic and fault simulator. Part 2 of 2

--- Muzika

AC37MUSD.ZIP  219142 15-03-94  Create music, print it, transpose it, play it

BLAST13.ZIP   188787 18-01-93  Sound Blaster driver & direct access routines

DMPS254.ZIP    24821 30-09-93  Dual Module Player Shell v2.54

GITAR134.ARJ  104645 28-03-94  Programma completo per imparare gli accordi

                               sulla chitarra. Serve anche per accordare. Bello!

LONGP100.ZIP  563957 14-07-94  LongPlay v1.0: RAW, AU and WAV player for DOS

MEGPL100.ZIP   67923 31-12-93  MegaPlay v1.0: MODplayer for SB/SBPRO/LPTx

MGKPLA11.ZIP   21436 17-11-93  MGKPLAY v1.1 modplayer for PC-speaker/SB/LPT?

MICPLAY1.ZIP  453028 06-09-93  WIN3: WAV & MID player, supports 4DOS descrip.

MODED301.ZIP  233496 08-11-93  ModEdit - a 4-track digitized music editing package

MORGL100.ZIP  101740 13-10-94  Music module player, T.Nxxxxxxx

MP219B.ZIP     98788 08-06-93  MOD player v2.19b - Supports any existing audio-output

                               hardware (including PC speaker), plays in stereo, quadrofonia

MSTAR33.ZIP    95209 03-01-94  Christmas carols. Req. VGA, 286 or later CPU

TUMODU36.ZIP   36814 26-01-94  Three utilities to help organize MOD files

VECTOR12.ZIP  242814 06-06-94  MOD file editor

Sekcija #21 - Rjesavanje problema HR, SI, BA i ostalih abeceda

--- Tastatura

HRTIPK15.ZIP  147207 05-04-94  Razni utility za rjesavanje problema s domacim znakovima,

                               autor: Dxxxx Pxxxxx

TIPKA133.ZIP   37849 23-03-95  Program za definiranje HR tastatute, autor: Txxxxxxx Bxxxxxx

YUKB.ZIP        4960 10-12-92  YU/USA tastatura (+ASM)

YUKEY.ZIP       3410 10-12-92  Kratki driver za YU tastaturu (ASM source)

ZKEY.ARJ       11532 30-03-93  ZKey keyboard driver v1.0 (dzxxxx)


--- Ekran

YUEGA.ZIP       1521 10-12-92  YU ili internacionalni znakovi za EGA

FOGGYS.ZIP      8801 10-12-92  YU slova za VGA u raznim standardima

FOGGYDD.ZIP    20068 10-12-92  DualDriver ( VGA Video & Keyboard ) SingleFont Builder v3.00

FILTER.ZIP     11761 10-12-92  Ako nemate HR slova na ekranu. žčćšđ=zccsd

VGAYUCPI.ZIP   23787 10-12-92  YU znaci za EGA/VGA

YUFONTS.ZIP    11756 10-12-92  Yu fontovi za EGA/VGA (4 standarda)

YUHERC.ZIP      3949 10-12-92  Yu slova na Hercules kartici

YUFOG.ARJ      25030 30-03-93  YU slova na VGA po bilo kom rasporedu (gbxxxxx)

YUFONT.ARJ     13296 30-03-93  SVE sto vam treba da biste na VGA imali YU slova

--- Konverzija razlicitih standarda

UYU20.ZIP      35517 05-04-93  Prijedlog D.Rxxxxxxxxxx za rjesenje YU muka

CCONV210.ARJ    9945 16-03-93  Konverzija kodnih rasporeda YU slova u tekstu (dzxxxx)

POSKOK.ARJ     19627 19-03-93  Konvertor kodnih rasporeda po Ukras-u (stxxxx)

KON106.ZIP     12112 30-03-93  Konverzija nasih slova po razlicitim

                               standardima za tekst i DBF datoteke (Mxxx Mxxxxxx)

--- Printer

YUSTARLC.ZIP    4891 10-12-92  YU slova na STAR LC 10 printeru

LC2410YU.ZIP    6558 10-12-92  DOWNLOAD YU SLOVA ZA STAR LC24-10

DOWNYU.ZIP      7299 10-12-92  Download YU set for STAR LC10

STARYU.ZIP      2247 10-12-92  YU znaci za Star printere LC-10, NL-10, LX-1000

YUNEC.ZIP       6766 10-12-92  YU slova za NEC printere

YU_DWNL.ZIP     2108 10-12-92  Set download datoteka za printere


YULQ1000.ZIP    1434 10-12-92  YU znakovi za Epson LQ1000 (draft i LQ)

YU41.ZIP       10312 10-12-92  YU slova na EPSON LX-ovima (ima i cirilicu)

--- Za Corel Draw

YU1.ZIP       133089 10-12-92  YU fontovi za Corel Draw (1/4)

YU2.ZIP       124565 10-12-92  YU fontovi za Corel Draw (2/4)

YU3.ZIP       117634 10-12-92  YU fontovi za Corel Draw (3/4)

YU4.ZIP       139827 10-12-92  YU fontovi za Corel Draw (4/4)

CROREL1.ZIP   169666 10-12-92  HR znakovi za COREL DRAW! 2.0 (1/2)

CROREL2.ZIP   172168 10-12-92  HR znakovi za COREL DRAW! 2.0 (2/2)

TORONTO.ZIP    62686 20-01-93  HR font Toronto za Corell Draww


--- Za razlicit SW

LITTCHAR.ZIP    7537 10-12-92  YU znakovi u LITT.CHR (TURBO C 2.0 BGI)

CHILASER.ZIP   82977 10-12-92  YU laser fontovi za CHI WRITER

YU2E.ZIP        4760 10-12-92  YU znaci za EPSONe (zgodno za Chiwriter)

SLO_FAX.ZIP     6260 05-01-93  Sumevci za nekatere tipe FAX modemov


LC10_CZS.ZIP   49790 07-01-93  Vsebuje editor za znake in downloader in nekaj narejenih fontov.

BAN_BOLD.ZIP    5524 10-03-93  Bold HR slova za Banner Maniu

WP_YU.ZIP      12197 18-03-93  Word Perfect 5.1 YU utilities (dmxxxx)

MSORT100.ZIP   11277 10-05-93  Sortiranje ASCII datoteka po raznoraznim rasporedima znakova

                               (crippled shareware by Mxxx Mxxxxxx)

Sekcija #22 - Programski jezici

A86V322.ZIP   173408 17-06-93  A86 assembler package v3.22

ASMED-1.ZIP    85915 30-06-93  The integrated assembler programmer's editor

ASMENV19.ZIP  121108 02-03-94  ASMEnv v1.9: Borland-style IDE for TASM/MASM

ASMGEN3.ZIP    69946 30-06-93  ASMGEN; generate cross-ref assembly code

ASYLIB11.ZIP   85284 04-02-93  AsyLIB, communications functions for QB 4.x

BASTRUC1.ZIP   26195 09-12-93  Re-structures BASIC source code

BASUPD10.ZIP   31852 04-02-93  BASIC Update Library for QuickBasic 4.x

BCF7713B.ZIP  216073 09-04-93  Fortran-77 compiler/linker/debugger ver 1.3b

BIN.ZIP         4905 01-07-93  Exe2bin replacement

BLTQ18.ZIP    195693 02-03-94  Bullet multi-user DBF/btree toolkit QB/BASIC7

BUBBLE.ZIP     74063 01-07-93  Bubble Chamber beta version (asm)

D86V322.ZIP    82306 06-07-93  D86 debugger package v3.22

DMPPRG20.ZIP   46842 10-02-93  Dump program file in mixed disassembly and source code.

DOS32V12.ZIP   39813 17-11-93  386 32 bit DOS extender for ASM pgmers, w/src.

ELMOP10.ZIP    21050 19-05-93  Library of MS FORTRAN callable DOS functions

FORT-FMT.ZIP   29328 12-11-93  Text to FORTRAN FORMAT statement generator

FTNCHK27.ZIP   83431 10-11-93  Rxxxxx Mxxxxx's Fortran source code checker

FXT132.ZIP    189087 06-09-95  FORTRAN Exploration Tools, Source Analysis

FXTW106.ZIP   295863 06-09-95  FORTRAN Exploration Tools, Source Analysis

GLIB19.ZIP    189485 04-02-93  GLib library for QuickBasic, 290+ routines

GTMOUS12.ZIP   75139 28-05-93  Graph mouse in TEXT mode for TVision, OPRO etc

ID12.ZIP       26078 06-07-93  Intelligent Disassembler v1.2

LOGO1.ZIP      27683 28-03-94  Simplified version of LOGO language for DOS

OBJ2ASM.ZIP    12136 06-07-93  OBJ to ASM (sorry, no docs...)

OBJTOO21.ZIP   49480 04-02-93  Tool for QuickBasic .OBJ file manipulation

OVRUMB10.ZIP    6613 30-11-93  Use upper memory as overlay buffer

PYGMY14.ZIP    84263 01-09-93  Full Forth system. Files, blocks, metacompiler

QBDRAW17.ZIP   75424 10-06-94  QBDRAW: Graphics drawing pgm for QuickBASIC

QBMOUSE.ZIP    96107 31-12-93  Mouse routines for MS QuickBasic

QBWINFNT.ZIP   55284 28-03-94  Display Windows fonts in DOS QBasic/QuickBasic

QBWIZ13.ZIP    34015 04-02-93  Lib gives access to QBASIC internal variables

RNDGEN10.ZIP    6913 29-12-93  Random number generator for various distributions

RTOOLS.ZIP    252516 14-01-94  Macro assembler/editor w/high-level structures

SS-ANSI.ZIP     4784 17-01-94  ANSI screen libraries for FST Modula-2

SVGAPV20.ZIP  229072 07-04-94  SVGA Graphics library for MS PDS & MS VBDOS

SVGAQB21.ZIP  229255 10-06-94  SVGA Graphics Library for MS QuickBASIC 4.x

TASM276.ZIP   126792 05-04-93  Table-driven cross assembler, for many CPUs

TBASE3.ZIP     41214 23-12-92  OOP library to manipulate Dbase III files.

TIDY642.ZIP   116703 17-06-94  Clean up Fortran-77 programs, w/Fortran source

TSBASE12.ZIP   27552 23-09-93  Programmer's tools base: base, basecalc, scancode

TVMAGIC1.ZIP   28087 24-06-93  Create TurboVision dialog boxes w/hidden msgs

UNTIL22.ZIP   181669 03-05-95  Until v2.2. A very portable Forth in C

VSPRTV11.ZIP   78554 08-03-94  Sprite support library for QB 4.x or PDS 7.x

XASM220.ZIP   165398 18-04-94  Twelve cross assemblers (65xx, 68xx, 80xx)

XL21F386.ZIP  148965 10-01-94  XLISP-PLUS 2.1f 3/486 prot mode executable

XL21FDOC.ZIP   64408 10-01-94  XLISP-PLUS 2.1f documentation (ASCII format)

XL21FEXE.ZIP  105585 10-01-94  XLISP-PLUS 2.1f 80x86 executable

XL21FPSD.ZIP  113059 10-01-94  XLISP-PLUS 2.1f documentation (PostScript)

XL21FREQ.ZIP  137605 10-01-94  XLISP-PLUS 2.1f required files

XL21FSRC.ZIP  236283 10-01-94  XLISP-PLUS 2.1f source code (in C)

XL21FWIN.ZIP  106856 10-01-94  XLISP-PLUS 2.1f Windows 3.1 executable

Sekcija #26 - Atari, MAC i ostali kompjuteri

--- MAC

COMPACT.PRO   103552 27-01-93  Arhiver za MACINTOSH, format .CPT

MACSEE4B.ZIP  256832 03-06-94  Read/write Mac disks on PC. DOS & WIN3.x. DEMO

P2M_PACK.ZIP   33821 24-06-93  Konverzija text datoteka PC i MACa

ZTERM.CPT     110592 27-01-93  Komunikacijski program za MACINTOSH

--- Atari

CQWK_101.LZH   57630 20-04-93  ATARI offline reader

RAMDISK.LZH     5067 04-10-93  RAMDISK.ACC

STSPEECH.LZH    9018 04-10-93  Vas ST govori...

WORD400.LZH    16178 04-10-93  ACC ASCII editor

FRE_RAM.LZH     1310 15-10-93  ACC koji pokazuje kol. sl. RAM-a

KRAMDISK.LZH    2129 15-10-93  KRAMDISK.PRG   ramdisk...

TIME.LZH        1983 18-10-93  Digitalni sistemski sat u kutu ekrana...

WATCH.LZH       2331 18-10-93  Analogni sistemski sat u kutu ekrana

Sekcija #27 - Amiga software

3DTTT.LHA       9059 05-04-93  Trodimenzionalni Tic-Tac-Toe /Amiga/

ABVBBS47.LZH    5248 11-02-94  About Virtual BBS (VBBS), a new mouse driven BBS for the Amiga!

ADD36K.LZH      4304 15-12-93  Utility like Add21k, but frees more Chipmem

AELM119.LHA    60359 17-02-93  AmigaUUCP Mailreader, version 1.18

ALEXANT.LHA    33271 20-07-93  Compugraphic font for DTP or WB2.0

ALGERIA.LHA    33842 20-07-93  Compugraphic Font for wb2.0 or DTP

ALL2LHA.LHA    10760 04-03-93  Change LZH-ZOO-... to LHA /Amiga/

AMEV107.LZH    99968 03-05-93  Amiga Mail Elite V1.07 QWK reader

AMGIF.LZH      11737 20-12-93  Convert IFF to GIF

AR131.LHA      72409 20-12-93  Amiga Report #1.31 - 10/29/93

AR200B.LZH     64512 05-05-93  Amiga Reader V2.0 QWK reader

ARCITECT.LHA   14184 20-07-93  Compugraphic Font for wb2.0 or DTP

ARCTIC2.LHA    29092 20-07-93  Compugraphic font for DTP or WB2.0

ASCOPE.LHA     26003 08-06-93  8 channel digital oscilloscope /Amiga/

ASTEROI1.LHA   73794 05-04-93  Asteriods igra (ista kao i ona iz arkada!) /Amiga/

ASTROLOG.LHA  132875 13-07-93  Amiga port of 'astrolog' with graphics.

AUDIODIG.LHA    6606 07-07-93  Do it yourself audio digitizer /Amiga/

AUDOC113.LHA    6817 06-07-93  AmigaGuide/AutoDoc/C header file doc utility

BB14C.LHA      20189 05-05-93  BaudBandit 1.4c Zamjena za serial device

                               (brzi prijenos na 14.4K) /Amiga/

BIRTH15.ZIP     4579 21-04-93  Sjetite se rodjendana na vrijeme... /Amiga/

BUBBLES.LHA     2188 14-04-93  Bubbles in your workbench /Amiga/

CBLNK110.LHA    5155 02-09-93  Neka treperi i Amigin cursor!

CHOP10.LHA     20829 20-12-93  Cut large files in little pieces

COPMA110.LHA    3132 22-09-93  Copper Master za assembler programere...

CPLAY190.ZIP   44466 21-04-93  Chamalion Player 1.90 (svira sve vrste modula) /Amiga/

CYCLPH.LZH     17969 22-07-93  MIDI package

C_CED.LHA       6893 22-02-94  CygnusEd utilities for C programmers

DAISY.LZH        636 21-06-93  Make the Amiga's narrator device (AmigaSingsDaisy.lzh)

DANFLICK.LZH    4307 23-12-93  'Barrett/post' about 4000 flicker

DATERCLL.LHA    8355 30-04-93  Scheduler for birthdays, exams, dentist, appointments... /Amiga/

DBASE23.DMS   230683 16-02-94  Powerful database program version 3.4 (OS2.0+ only!)

DCLCK200.LHA    6424 01-09-93  Digitalni Clock na Workbench ekranu.

DCS.EXE         3888 12-07-93  Disk coder system (zastitite diskete od

                               kopiranja -odlican rezidentni program )

DP45-46P.LHA  107439 04-03-94  This patches DPaint-AGA V4.5 to V4.6

DP46PTCH.LHA    5435 04-03-94  Patches small bug in Dpaint 4.6

DRMTER06.LHA   82013 30-04-93  Very fast terminal program with

                               bidirectional transfer option /Amiga/

DVC2_41.LHA    60815 13-12-93  Database programm with password option, requires OS2.0+

FAGIF120.LHA   19442 14-06-93  Fastest GIF viewer on the Amiga /Amiga/

FM22.EXE       51540 17-05-93  FileMaster V2.2 (unregistered) Bolji od

                               DiksMastera i slicnih /Amiga/

HKFONTS.LHA    24234 21-07-93  Bitmap fonts by Hxxx

HOW2COD6.LHA  140897 07-06-93  Amiga programming guidelines

HST-DUAL.LHA   16596 14-04-93  From USR HST to Dual Standard /Amiga/

IDLE_LED.LZH    5005 23-12-93  Turns the power led into a cpu load indicator

INF12.LHA       6094 27-12-93  Extended AmigaDOS INFO command!

INTEL-OU.LHA    2353 14-04-93  Zanimljiv IFF! pogledajte... /Amiga/

INTELOUT.LHA   19170 27-12-93  Picture based upon Commodore's sticker

JJJ           143760 20-07-93  Demo koji je bio na drzavnoj prezentaciji!

                               madeby Jxxxx Ixxxxxx (i hope you will like my hard work !)

JRCOMDOC.LZH   58978 17-05-93  Dokumentacija za COMM program JRCOMM (Amiga)

KESHKLOK.LHA    7253 27-12-93  Disk cache, also shows time and free mem

LASTHOPE.EXE   26692 21-04-93  Last Hope za vase pokvarene diskete /Amiga/

LAV_11.LHA     17730 16-02-94  Amiga load average monitor

LIBEXAMP.LHA    3052 29-12-93  Example code for implementing reqtools.library

LIGHT10.EXE     4404 23-04-93  Ligntening Text 1.0 (Pretvara text u izvrsni fajl) /Amiga/

LOCKUP13.LZH   78981 06-07-93  Un-/lock hd from workbench (samo OS 2.0+)

LOGIN080.LHA   48272 14-04-93  Amiga Security Package--freewar, 2.0+ only /Amiga/

MEGAPO.LHA      2874 18-06-93  Grow up your pointer! /Amiga/

MEMQWK21.ZIP    2534 23-04-93  Ubrzava kopiranje blokova memorije /Amiga/

MIDPG103.LHA   39260 22-07-93  General-purpose MIDI toolkit

MINIFONT.LHA    6428 22-07-93  Small bitmap fonts (6 and 8 points)

MTV11.EXE       3824 23-04-93  Animirani MTV Logo u kutu ekrana /Amiga/

MULTIREQ.LHA   64631 30-04-93  FileRequester library /Amiga/

NUMTR100.LHA    6490 22-09-93  Preracunavanje brojeva izmedju baza.

NUMY-ONE.LHA    7496 02-09-93  Nerijesen matematicki problem

PCL2.EXE        1716 12-07-93  Pointer clear, 100% zastita od virusa (u memoriji J)

PCQ12B.LZH    396822 15-02-93  PCQ Pascal 1.2b (PD version) /Amiga/

PCQ12SRC.LZH  153010 15-02-93  PCQ Pascal version 1.2 (source) /Amiga/

PCTD203A.LZH   68648 13-12-93  Software IBM-PC emulator, does VGA

PGSPRINT.LHA   88524 11-02-94  All PageStream printer drivers

PMREAD.LZH     96449 07-07-93  Integrated news/mail reader sys /Amiga/

PPACK21.ZIP    10916 23-04-93  ProPacker V2.1 za ProTracker module /Amiga/

PPNEW.LHA     177818 07-06-93  New version of powerpacker lib  /Amiga/

PROPEEK.ZIP     7244 17-05-93  ProPeeker (korisno za progrmere) /Amiga/

PROTECT.EXE     2356 28-04-93  Zasticuje diskete od kopiranja /Amiga/

PURGE20.LHA     8004 06-07-93  Completely erases the file /Amiga/

Q-BLUE07.LHA  113985 23-04-93  Q-Blue 0.7 QWK reader (neregistrirana verzija) /Amiga/

RECOVER.LHA     6656 07-07-93  Recover - An easy file recovery program

                               for 2.x, by Gxxx Cxxxxxxxx.

REMCM110.LHA    7121 01-09-93  Skida komentare iz C i assembler programa

REORG233.LHA  104649 14-06-93  Shareware disk optimizer KS2.0+ only /Amiga/

SCHED_10.LHA   10053 16-02-94  Small Taskmanager, like TaskX.

SINFO100.LHA    7540 30-09-93  SomeInfo V1.00 system information

SPEC16.LHA    132594 18-06-93  Emulates a 48k Sinclair Spectrum  /Amiga/

SPLEENHA.LHA   12867 15-06-93  A screenhack; IFS fractal on workbench /Amiga/

SQUIRE.LHA     13978 22-07-93  Compugraphic font for DTP or WB2.0

TANKYO22.LHA   15158 05-04-93  Tank you beta version 0.22 (Artilery duel game) /Amiga/

TARGT200.LHA    8115 01-09-93  IGRA: upucajte metu u Workbench prozoru

TDB1_0.LHA     36102 29-12-93  89+GUI Database for Terminus functions/commands, requires OS2.0+

TERM33CO.LHA  413981 18-06-93  Term 3.3 Common

TERM33IN.LHA  328561 18-06-93  Term 3.3 International version

THOR10.LHA    354255 13-12-93  Offline reader system for QWK/ABBS/MBBS. Requires OS2.0+

THOR_FIX.LHA   25675 13-12-93  Fix for THOR and problems with key checking.

TIPDRAW.LHA     1554 29-12-93  Fast blitter line draw routine

TRAPII.ZIP     13807 28-04-93  Trap II V1.11b Prati izuzetke (exceptions).

                               Korisno za programere /Amiga/

TRMS20C.LHA   494220 22-02-94  V2.0c of TERMINUS. Freely redistributable!

TURBOA20.LHA    7168 18-10-93  Run the A2088 bridgeboard at 9.54MHz

UNARJ.LHA      13833 30-04-93  UnArj /Amiga/

UNZP51D3.LHA   85079 23-03-93  Unzip za Amigu, podrzava PKZIP204 format

UUXT22.LHA     84083 31-12-93  Feature packed UUcoder with WB support

VCLI52.LHA     29478 30-04-93  Voice Recognition (Version 5.2) /Amiga/

VPORT593.LHA   23296 22-07-93  GEnie ViewPort - 5/93

VRHUNAC3       56738 20-07-93  390 minuta je moja AMIGA trebala da

                               osjenci ovu ray-trace sliku (slika je u vezi sa jjj)

WINDOWBL.LHA   76604 22-02-94  3.0 only AGA eye candy.  Looks great.

WINTO245.LHA    1228 02-09-93  Najbolja velicina DOS prozora!

WLMT4714.LHA  139264 08-02-93  Welmat offline mail reader, update /Amiga/

WMTOOL47.LZH   31299 08-02-93  Welmat offline mail reader, tools update /Amiga/

WTORONTO.TXT    3905 08-06-93  CBM statement about future plan /Amiga/

XSTAT.LHA      37497 13-07-93  UUCP utility to compute phone cost & other statistics

ZIP-19G.LHA   126307 04-03-93  Archiver for .zip files /Amiga/

ZIP201X.LHA   132153 31-12-93  Archiver for .zip files

ZOOM.LHA        9722 04-03-94  Zoom on the WB. Useful for aligning icons

ZVIRUS.LHA     53945 22-09-93  Jedan od najbolji, ako ne i najbolji virus killer za AMIGU. Ima

                               stvarno sve sta vam moze zatrebati u borbi protiv ovih napasti.

Sekcija #28 - Igre

!PIRADA.ZIP    52927 22-12-92  Igra sa kartama (EGA/VGA)

$JILL.ZIP     304083 22-12-92  Arkadna avantura, 256 boja (VGA/EGA/CGA Sound Blaster)

1BLAKE.A01    359430 14-01-94  Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold 2/4

1BLAKE.A02    359400 14-01-94  Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold 3/4

1BLAKE.A03    202197 14-01-94  Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold 4/4

1BLAKE.ARJ    359633 14-01-94  Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold - A 3D-view shoot-em-up

                               based on the Wolf3D engine. Requires VGA 386+ 1/4

1GATE14.ZIP   698947 11-11-93  GateWorld - Volume 1, "The Seed Ship". Duke Nukem-style

                               scroller from HomeBrew Software. Requires VGA.

2BIT101.ZIP    90561 29-12-92  The best two bit poker game !!!!

4DUKE.A01     359400 17-01-94  Duke Nukem II 2/4

4DUKE.A02     359400 17-01-94  Duke Nukem II 3/4

4DUKE.A03      39701 17-01-94  Duke Nukem II 4/4

4DUKE.ARJ     359633 17-01-94  Duke Nukem II - Continuing adventures of Duke Nukem.

                               Requires VGA, 286+. Supports Adlib, SoundBlaster. 1/4

AC94.ZIP      128929 10-05-94  AMERICHAOS 1994 by Brian Rose Bands of

                               genetically-altered motorcycle bandits tough

                               enough to shrug off shotgun blasts prowl ruined

ADVENT1B.ZIP  247355 28-01-94  Advent Adventure Writing System - Update to 1.01b. Bug fixes.

ALDOTOP.ZIP    18475 28-09-93  Igra aldo (EGA/VGA color)

ANACREON.ZIP  150826 10-05-94  Anacreon: Reconstruction 4021, a game system set in a dark

                               future governed by the shades of Clausewitz and Machiavelli.

BARONB.ZIP    325065 09-11-93  Baron Baldric - A Keen-like scroller with some humor.

                               Requirements not listed.

BIG2.ZIP      173610 22-11-93  Big2 - 4-player (you against 3 computer opponents)

                               card game from Hong Kong. EGA+ required.

BLACKBOX.ZIP  125418 13-09-93  Black Box - DOS adaptation of the game by Parker Brothers.

                               Find the hidden balls by shooting rays into the box. EGA+.

BLAST.ZIP      92486 15-12-93  RUSENJE ZIDA

BLITZ11.ZIP   246165 28-01-94  Tank Blitz - Move a tank around, destroying other tanks

                               in the process. Requires VGA, 286+. Supports SoundBaster.

CAPFLAG3.ZIP  250220 21-01-94  Capture the Flag - New version 1.3.

CCR.ZIP       343892 12-01-94  Collosal Cave Revisited - Remake of the

                               original Adventure. With TADS source.

CHR22B.ARJ     23559 04-05-94  Konjske trke - igra domaceg autora

COMIC.ARJ      88807 14-05-93  Avantura kap. Comicsa

CRIME.ARJ      29878 24-03-94  Klasicna tekst-avantura

CRTE.ARJ       28719 23-04-93  Poznata igra za dva igraca (S. Sxxxxxxxxx)

CRYPTO11.ZIP  134317 30-03-94  Cryptogram puzzle game, K.Rxxx

CRYSTAL.ZIP   199519 30-03-93  Interesantna arkadna igrica, odlicna VGA grafika

CSTONE1.ZIP    66206 17-06-93  CornerStone - A spinning-wheel colored-tile puzzle game.

DBLOCKS.ZIP    26334 23-04-93  Tetris za dva igraca istovremeno

DDICE.ZIP      31862 10-05-94  Fantasy role playing game dice utility

DEMOSRAZ.ARJ   47795 13-10-94  Demo verzija igre SRAZ

DLINK.ARJ      81319 14-05-93  Igra slicna tetrisu

DREAM2_1.ZIP  259215 05-07-94  Pinball Dreams 2. Odlicno. File 1/2

DREAM2_2.ZIP  245863 05-07-94  Pinball Dreams 2. File 2/2

DUEL201.ZIP    19367 09-11-93  Duel - A text-mode combat simulator between you

                               and the Black Knight, using a card-based combat system.

EURV15.ZIP    115842 01-12-94  Europe! Geography Game, requires mouse

FLY8100D.ZIP  247816 27-09-93  Flight Simulator with wire-frame graphics. Requires

                               VGA, 386DX recommended. Supports ET4000 video cards.


                               kompletna verzija logičko-arkadne igre 

                               Bitka za Hrvatsku na PC! Pozdrav iz

GCRIB110.ZIP   34747 29-11-93  Defend a space station with your artillery. Requires VGA, mouse.

HEROES.ZIP    438572 28-06-94  The Tantalizing Trio - Defeat Wild Hare and his band of

                               villains by guiding three Heroes with unique special

                               powers through TEN levels of

HUGO2.ZIP     327216 05-08-93  Detektivska avantura

HWITZ095.ZIP  325934 30-06-94  Howitzer - A tank artillery game. Requires 386+,

                               SVGA w/256k video memory with VESA support.

                               Suooprts mouse, resolutions up to 1024x768 an

JAMB.ZIP       22048 18-01-93  Igra jamb, autor: Ixxxx Mxxxxxx

JAMB1.ZIP      21738 16-01-95  Fantastično uspješna domaća verzija igre JAMB.

JETPK11.ZIP   287582 06-09-93  Move around vertical maze using ladders and your "jetpack".

                               Requires VGA, suppots Adlib, joystick.

KILO.ZIP      508488 29-09-93  By Epic MegaGames. Kiloblaster is a fast-action arcade game

                               reminiscent of Galaxian with lots of innovative, high-tech features!

KVIZOVKA.ZIP   34687 26-02-93  Popularna igra slovima

LLAMA.ZIP     254182 06-09-93  Llamatron - Off-beat version of Atari's Robotron.

                               Supports SoundBlaster. VGA.

LSRCHESS.ZIP   39418 06-09-93  Laser Chess - Chess-like game from

                               COMPUTE! Magazine, 1987. Players move mirrors,

                               delectors, and splitters and fire the laser cannon.

MAHJNG40.ZIP  184271 21-04-93  Mah Jongg v4.0:  addictive solitaire game. Play with

                               colorful Chinese tiles or design your own with the

                               include tile editor -- hundreds o

MANOR.ZIP      47927 21-01-94  Hampton Manor - Find out what has been

                               going on in a mysterious manor for the past 100 years.

MINES10F.ZIP  107321 15-03-94  Minefield Stomping Game from Finland

MYNES.ZIP      73118 12-01-94  Mynes - Shareware Minesweeper-type game with more options.

                               Requires VGA(?) and mouse.

NTRAID01.ZIP  642719 30-06-94  Night Raid - Artillery game, where you attempt to shoot down

                               paratroopers. 286+, VGA required. Sound support, 386 recommended.

OFFROAD.ZIP    13648 05-08-93  Desert racing game

PAS.ZIP        14917 10-12-92  Najbolji pasijans! To morate imati! Uputstva u prilogu.

PINBALL2.ZIP  838009 28-06-94  Epic Pinball update - New version of Epic Pinball

                               (replaces old version).

PRISONER.ARJ   53626 14-05-93  Oslobodite zatvorenika...

PT200.ZIP      44354 27-09-93  PhantomTris 2 - A Tetris clone with a board that zooms in/out.

PYRO221.ZIP    75058 29-11-93  VGA graphics game, moving around a building setting off explosives.

SANDSTRM.ZIP  193506 18-05-94  Obarajte scudove patriotima VGA/SVGA,

                               mis obavezan Sand storm V 2.0

SCORCH.ZIP    160547 01-12-93  Like Tanx but beter. (VGA).

SHADOW1.ZIP   685798 28-03-94  Shadow Caster. Odlican Grafika. (1/3).

SHADOW2.ZIP   343695 28-03-94  (2/3).

SHADOW3.ZIP   370435 28-03-94  (3/3)

SM2V11.ZIP    150802 11-11-93  StarMines II - Two-way scrolling space shoot-em-up.

                               Requires 286+, VGA.

SMARIO.ZIP     46174 30-03-93  Igra Mario Brothers VGA

SNAKE.ZIP       8099 22-09-94  Zmija za DOS (u tekst modu).

SNAKE_PG.ZIP   78510 10-12-92  Igra SNAKE, autor: Gxxxxx Pxxxxx

SOD1.ZIP      294761 15-09-93  Spear of destiny. Kao Wolf3d. (1/1).

SOD2.ZIP      222505 15-09-93  Spear of destiny. Kao Wolf3d. (2/3).

SOD3.ZIP      145936 15-09-93  Spear of destiny. Kao Wolf3d. (3/3).

TANX.ZIP      122407 29-09-93  Borba tenkova. Odlicno.

TOPPLER.ARJ   156352 24-03-94  Jedna fina platformska igrica za sve rusofile

TSGAME12.ZIP   42141 03-09-93  Three educational games including a management game.

TSGMEB15.ZIP   76539 03-09-93  Txxx's educational games: typevade, revegame, witpin.

TSGMEC11.ZIP   78070 03-09-93  Txxx's educational games: ascigame, linegame, wordexam

TSGMED12.ZIP   78143 03-09-93  Learn national flags as educational games (good).

TSGMEE10.ZIP   67374 03-09-93  Classic Hangman and Towers of Hanoi

UNNKHZ10.ZIP  361128 22-11-93  Unnkulian Zero/One-Half - Unnkulian Zero demo,

                               and Unnkulian One-Half mini-adventure.

VGABOMB.ZIP    38193 23-04-93  Igra za artiljerce

VLIFE161.ZIP  149455 24-06-94  Conway's game of Life for 386+VGA

WOLF_1.ZIP    328556 17-03-94  Castle of Wolfestain. (VGA). Odlicno ako volite.

WOLF_2.ZIP    288212 17-03-94  Wolfestaine (2/2).

WORLD10.ZIP    75103 03-06-94  The World Is Mine - Text-based game of military and economic

                               conquest. Play against the computer or other opponents.

YAMB.ZIP       84903 29-09-93  Igra jamb domaceg autora.

YUBLUE.ARJ     54621 21-04-93  Logicka igra za SVGA kartice (sezam:axxx)

YUMB_22.ARJ    91513 21-04-93  Yumb - Jamb (sezam:jxxxxx)

ZBTET20.ARJ    28542 21-04-93  ZBtet 2.0 - jos jedan tetris (dxxxxx & bxxxx)

--- Igre za MS Windows

1MERLIN.ZIP   180180 17-06-93  Merlin's castle

AMAZE303.ZIP   48572 17-09-93  3D maze game for Windows 3.X. Version 3.03.

BCUBES.ZIP     18494 17-06-93  BrainCubes v1.00 (good)

BOG.ZIP        29854 18-06-93  Bog for Windows v1.05 word finding game (like boggle)

BOXWORLD.ZIP   34362 05-01-94  Boxworld - Simple puzzle-type game moving

                               boxes to particular locations.

CHESS.ARJ      49580 21-04-93  Mouse play chess in Windows enviroment

CHESS321.ZIP  225860 12-01-94  GNU Chess - GNU Chess for Windows, version 3.21.

CRYPTO15.ZIP  142004 16-01-95  Cryptogram puzzle game, K.Rxxx

DARE.A01      339686 12-01-94  Dare to Dream 2/2

DARE.ARJ      359400 12-01-94  Dare to Dream -  Graphical adventure game for Windows 3.X. 1/2

DES4WIN.ZIP   104091 31-03-93  Destroyer for windows (poznata igra 'podmornica')

DRAW530.ZIP    70183 18-06-93  Draw 5 v3.0 video poker (good)

FRUSTRAT.ZIP   56941 30-06-94  Interesantna igra za Windowse

GAZ1.ZIP     1367697 01-12-94  Monopoly in outer space, N.Kxxxxx S.Hxxxxxx

GAZ2.ZIP     1292022 01-12-94  Monopoly in outer space, N.Kxxxxx S.Hxxxxxx

GAZ3.ZIP      718869 01-12-94  Monopoly in outer space, N.Kxxxxx S.Hxxxxxx

HANGMAN.ZIP    75566 24-06-93  Hangman for Windows v1.01

MEMO_PRG.ZIP  141776 10-05-93  Memo za Windowse, Bug br 5, str 54

PATUMAN2.ZIP   43951 17-09-93  Windows Pac-Man clone.

PENT1020.ZIP   50213 24-05-93  Pentomino,logicka igra za windowse

PZL8.ZIP       14860 24-06-93  Puzzle-8 for Windows v1.02

REVERS.ZIP     10516 02-07-93  Reversi game

SIMPSON.ZIP    34697 02-07-93  Simpsons v1.02 puzzle

SOKO.ZIP       32268 26-02-93  Sokoban for Windows 3

SOLAR.ZIP     485097 04-10-93  By Epic MegaGames. The game of Solar Winds... Discover the plot

                               to overthrow the government, and kill bad guys in the process.

SPANIT.ZIP    176509 07-01-94  Span-It! - Create a solid line in the

                               horizontal or vertical direction while your

                               opponent or the computer tries to do the same on the

SUPERZ.ZIP    103843 04-10-93  By Epic MegaGames. SuperZZT episode 7,

                               the Monster Zoo. Intruiging puzzle-type game.

TETRISS.ZIP    20447 17-02-93  Tetris za windowse

TMANIA.ARJ      5388 21-04-93  Igra, slagalica slova (dxxxxp)

WATORW.ZIP     43381 06-07-93  Windows fish & sharks game

WINCHKRS.ZIP   16301 07-01-94  Checkers - Play against the computer.

WINFIGHT.ZIP   69106 06-07-93  WinFight v0.5a desktop game

Sekcija #31 - Matematika

ANALYS40.ZIP   63038 27-05-93  FFT,Wavelet,Coherence,Filter,Graph,Correlation

C-CALC20.ZIP   67190 22-12-94  Complex number calculator with macros, J.Sxxxxxx

CLA20.ZIP     276051 05-08-93  Calculate many characteristics of a square matrix

CNC.ZIP        42305 05-08-93  Complex number calculator v1.0

CURVE11.ZIP    23798 04-11-93  Linear & nonlinear curve fits to user's eqn.

CYCLO.ZIP      47305 25-08-93  Cyclo creates cycloids (mathematical plot)

DELPX03.ZIP   396197 22-11-94  Time-series data analysis, exponential fitting

EVAL106.ZIP    29653 25-08-93  Command line math function evaluator (slight nag)

FAQLP310.ZIP   21232 03-11-93  Frequently Asked Questions about linear programming

FAQNL310.ZIP    5982 03-11-93  Frequently Asked Questions about non-linear programming

FUDG-231.ZIP  524795 02-09-93  Extensible data analysis and curve fitting

ITERAT31.ZIP  175861 21-01-94  Iterate shows iteration theory-chaos-fractals

JKMATH14.ZIP  489633 16-01-95  Matrices, Graphs, Probability, RPN Calc by J.R.Kxxxxxx

KSTAT337.ZIP  604722 28-03-94  General statistical data analysis and graphs

LIE43.ZIP      94224 02-11-94  Lie analysis of differential eqns, exact solns

LINSYS10.ZIP   36061 25-08-93  Generalized solve simultaneous linear equations (M,N < 21)

LP261.ZIP     247216 02-09-93  Linear/mixed/integer programming optimizer

MAFIA2C.ZIP   417899 28-03-94  Complex math calculation utilities package

MANDBROT.ZIP   30513 05-08-93  Display Mandelbrot Set

MAT-X41.ZIP    98844 03-04-95  A general math program with graphics

MATCAL12.ZIP   40408 03-05-95  Matrix Calculator with Wordstar-like interface

MATHFC23.ZIP   27937 30-08-93  Mathematical expressions calculator, Gxxx Kxxxxxxxx

MATHPL36.ZIP  122309 22-06-95  Mathplot v3.6: Math function plotting

MATHPROB.ZIP   29123 17-03-94  Math problem generator for school teachers

MATHSHOP.ZIP   51819 14-04-93  Mathshop: A game-like math drill for age 6-12

MEVAL113.ZIP   83008 27-10-93  Mxxxxxxxx's Floating point expression evaluator (w C)

MFLOAT10.ZIP   77904 17-09-93  Mfloat v1.00 subroutines package high precision arithmetics

MRCRY209.ZIP  296920 22-02-93  Math solver, from Borland's Eureka, Shareware

MTW0100.ZIP   324487 03-04-95  Numerical mathematics toolkit for Windows

MVSP21I.ZIP   305462 22-11-94  A MultiVariate Statistical Package 2.1i

NONLIN30.ZIP  234198 26-03-94  Nonlinear regression analysis + curve fitting

POLYSIM.ZIP    25912 31-08-93  Modified simplex optimization

PREDICT.ZIP    36676 31-08-93  Predictor v1.0 interpolation program

ROMANCVT.ZIP   16809 27-05-93  Convert Roman numbers to/from Arabic, w/C src

ROTATE13.ZIP    4227 05-08-93  Rotate number matrices (ASCII)

RSC310.ZIP     72751 27-10-93  Resident scientific expression calculator from Russia

SGNLS313.ZIP  122453 10-03-94  Illustrates signal processing concepts w/plots

SM32A.ZIP     440634 14-03-95  A Symbolic Calculator with Learning

SOLVEQ10.ZIP   35509 30-08-93  Find the roots of a polynomial (N < 31)

SQFFT11.ZIP   214057 10-05-94  Fast Fourier Transform programs, D.Cxxxxx

SYMBOL56.ZIP  132153 06-09-95  Mathomatic v5.6: Symbolic math program

TS1ST20.ZIP    44511 21-07-93  Statistics: Univariate statistical measures. (Txxx Sxxxx)

TS2ST22.ZIP    75105 21-07-93  Statistics: Multiple (OLS) regression analysis.

TS3ST17.ZIP    45985 21-07-93  Statistics: Transformations of observations.

TS4ST17.ZIP    34545 21-07-93  Statistics: Correlation analysis.

TS5ST15.ZIP    78544 31-08-93  Least absolute deviation (LAD) multiple regression.

TSBITS17.ZIP   70508 23-09-93  Base conversions, decimal bit calculations.

TSDEMO16.ZIP  111650 09-11-93  Assorted graphics demonstrations of functions etc.

                               VGA graphics is required for the new show.

TSDRAW16.ZIP  108002 30-11-93  Graphical presentation of equations and LP problems

TSFIMA12.ZIP   74145 05-08-93  Programs of financial mathematics.

TSFUNC13.ZIP   64274 05-08-93  Calculates, tabulates, and plots your functions.

TSJOG14.ZIP    24092 17-09-93  A simple calculator and pacer for a jogging enthusiast.

TSLIN34.ZIP   114808 07-12-93  Friendly linear programming and linear goal programming

TSMATR11.ZIP   65576 05-08-93  Standard matrix calculations. Product, inverse, etc.

TSNUM12.ZIP    73306 17-09-93  Various programs in numerical analysis.

WINFIT15.ZIP  198126 22-06-95  Fits data to any linear or non linear model

WLPLT259.ZIP  288016 06-09-95  Mathematical Plotting Program, w/mouse

XYSEE40.ZIP   129038 03-01-94  Algebra/Geometry/Trig Math Visualization pgm

Sekcija #32 - InterNet, CARNet - razne datoteke

AUTHOR33.ZIP   38632 03-04-95  Email addresses of 243 MS-DOS shareware and PD authors

AUTHWN07.ZIP   12942 25-04-94  Email addresses of 65 Windows shareware and PD authors

BGI20.ZIP     384454 22-06-95  Computer-based Internet tutorial for beginners

FTP-LIST.ZIP  359656 22-06-95  List of FTP sites providing Anonymous FTP

FTP.FAQ        10389 23-12-93  ALL about FTP

FTPLIST.ZIP    58279 13-07-93  List of Internet sites with FTP & mail access

GEODUM13.ZIP  195479 03-01-94  GW 2.0 vers. Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet

GET12.ZIP       2960 21-06-93  Unix script to FTP files from any MS-DOS site

I-GROUPS.ZIP  323970 23-03-95  List of Internet Interest Group Mailing Lists

INADBK21.ZIP  446630 22-06-95  Internet Address Book -  Thousands of Sites

IN_SVC.ZIP     15662 02-03-94  Yxxxxx's list of Internet services

IPWIN.ZIP     152258 21-06-93  InfoPop/Windows: Hypertext guide to Internet

MODER47.ZIP    24178 03-04-95  A list of MS-DOS FTP sites and moderators

MSDOSANN.ZIP    3764 21-06-93  Info on MS-DOS uploads announce mailing list

NAL006.ZIP     42380 15-09-93  Not Another (Internet) List interface, 8/93

NEWF9403.LST   12840 07-04-94  Annotated new Garbo files list, March 1994

NEWSGRPS.ZIP  155972 22-06-95  Lists of Active Newsgroups, Dxxxx Lxxxxxxx + al.

PACKFTP.ZIP   461044 17-02-95  Anonymous FTP Sitelist conversion program

PEGDOC.ZIP      2180 07-07-94  Text intro to Internet guide model

PEGTXT.ZIP     44514 07-07-94  Org-specific Internet guide model (DOS text)

PEGW51.ZIP    175931 07-07-94  Org-specific Internet guide model (WP 5.1)

SAT13ASC.ZIP   62408 25-04-94  Internet Guide for VAX/VMS systems, ASCII vers

SIMLIST.ZIP   319131 06-05-94  Text format list of all MSDOS files on SimTel w/descrip.

USEFUL35.ZIP   27584 10-06-94  The Most Useful PC Programs at SimTel and Garbo

USEN9406.ZIP   66634 30-08-94  USENET Readership report for June 94, B.Rxxx

USENEWS.ZIP    86665 22-06-95  Usenet Netiquette, creating new newsgroups, etc advice

--- CARNet

PRAVILA.ZIP     1872 12-11-93  Pravila za korisnike CARNet mreze

Sekcija #33 - FidoNet

--- Fidonet Documents & texts

POLICY4E.ZIP   24654 10-12-92  FidoNet policy document

POLICYZ2.ZIP    1574 10-12-92  Zone 2 Policy & Procedures Guide

EP1FINAL.ZIP    9108 10-12-92  EchoMail Policy

ECHOPOL.Z62    10612 10-12-92  General ECHOmail policy

RULES002.ZIP  121212 10-12-92  European Echomail policy

FIDONET.ZIP    21682 10-12-92  What is Fidonet

HISTORY1.ZIP    7631 10-12-92  Povijest Fidoneta (1/2)

HISTORY2.ZIP    6070 10-12-92  Povijest Fidoneta (1/2)

HYSTORYG.ZIP    8170 10-12-92  Povijest Fidoneta - njemacki

--- Nodelist (Pkzip 2.04)

NODELIST.ZIP  797178 17-09-97  Nodelist

PTTNODES.ZIP    2212 17-03-93  FNPTT MAILNet nodelist

PTT_R38.274      472 30-09-93  FNPTT MAILNet/Region 38 nodelist

-=-    Fidonet SW   -=-

--- Nodelist utilities

QNODE142.ZIP   70119 10-12-92  Nodediff procesor & Nodelist version 6 & 7 generator

PLST_133.ZIP   37773 10-12-92  Parselist v. 1.33

EDITNL40.ZIP   19250 10-12-92  NODELIST editor.

MKNL_220.ZIP   66250 10-12-92  Make nodelist utility

--- BinkleyTerm 2.50 by V. Perriello

BNKB_256.ZIP  166423 10-12-92  BinkleyTerm 2.56 Wide Beta (DOS)

BDOC-256.ZIP  103559 19-03-93  Binkley complete documentation v2.56 beta

LOGE_006.ZIP    7454 10-12-92  Write Binkley format log entry

BTREP120.ZIP   89502 10-12-92  BinkleyTerm Log Report Generator

YAB110BF.ZIP  195128 10-12-92  YaBom 1.10 beta. Full Binkley outbound manager, with V7 support

FNEWSE31.ZIP   26312 06-08-97  FidoNews 14 31 1997

FNEWSE32.ZIP   15538 13-08-97  FidoNews 14 32 1997

FNEWSE33.ZIP   18686 03-09-97  FidoNews 14 33 1997

FNEWSE34.ZIP   15213 03-09-97  FidoNews 14 34 1997

FNEWSE35.ZIP   21133 03-09-97  FidoNews 14 35 1997

FNEWSE36.ZIP   13818 11-09-97  FidoNews 14 36 1997

FNEWSE37.ZIP   19753 18-09-97  FidoNews 14 37 1997

FNEWSE38.ZIP   16950 22-09-97  FidoNews 14 38 1997

FNEWSE39.ZIP   14097 29-09-97  FidoNews 14 39 1997

FNEWSE40.ZIP   18045 07-10-97* FidoNews 14 40 1997

POINT381.283    5610 08-10-97* CroatiaNet/Fidonet Network 381 Pointlist (283/1997)

FNEWSE41.ZIP   15761 15-10-97* FidoNews 14 41 1997

FNEWSE42.ZIP   13320 20-10-97* FidoNews 14 42 1997

FNEWSE43.ZIP   18229 27-10-97* FidoNews 14 43 1997

N381LIST.304    2728 28-10-97* CroatiaNet/Fidonet Network 381 partial Nodelist (304/1997)

Sekcija #34 - Astronomija, astronautika

--- DOS software

ASTRMT20.ZIP  579157 06-05-94  Astrometry for ST-4, ST-6 and TIFF images

ASTRO202.ZIP   90235 01-07-93  Athabasca University Micro-Planetarium

BRUNGSC1.ZIP   61106 04-03-94  Astronomy: Drawing a sky map using GSC

COSMO167.ZIP  179520 25-10-93  SVGA/Herc astronomy planetarium simulator

DS3D401A.ZIP  343099 12-05-94  Planetarium prog especially for observers, 1/2

DS3D401B.ZIP  584636 12-05-94  Planetarium prog especially for observers, 2/2

DSPACE51.ZIP 1379924 08-08-95  Observer oriented star mapping program for DOS

EARTHW20.ZIP  176095 13-07-93  EarthWatch timezone map by Lxxxx Nxxx

ESAO10.ZIP    740358 06-07-93  Esao v1.4 draws maps for whole sky - atlas

EXPWT20.ZIP    50739 11-04-94  Find relative weight on local planets

GALSAT50.ZIP   37508 26-10-93  Displays relative positions of Jupiter's Moons

HEAT0-1.ZIP    72707 29-11-93  Aurora Spacecraft heat shield design, w/source

JMOONS.ZIP     56844 06-07-93  Moons of Jupiter Orbital Clock

JUPSAT40.ZIP   50209 04-03-94  Jovian satellites simulator with animation

PLANET.ZIP     39149 12-07-93  Gives time/azimuth/coords for planet rise/sets

PLNWCH20.ZIP  320709 14-07-94  Solar system simulator and reference

PROBES.ZIP     17635 27-09-93  Text information on past and current space probes

SATSAT1.ZIP    63357 06-12-94  Locations of the moons of Saturn, D.Bxxxxx

SATVIEW2.ZIP   33646 08-07-93  A kind of drawing of Saturn from your angles (CGA)

SKYGL352.ZIP  278502 08-07-93  Skyglobe educational map of the sky by Mxxx Hxxxx

STARWRK2.ZIP  195028 10-01-94  Astronomical Planetarium Simulator (SVGA-HERC)

SUNOU332.ZIP   46958 13-07-93  Sun outage finder satellite dish utility v3.32

VSTR8911.ZIP   98213 13-07-93  A starmap program v8911, reqs 286+, VGA


--- Windows software

ECU15.ZIP     360116 31-01-94  WIN3: Earth Centered Universe planetarium pgm

HUBBLE15.ZIP  393414 07-07-94  Astronomy Planetarium Simulator, G.Lxx

SKYMAP22.ZIP 1255311 17-02-95  SkyMap windows planetarium, C.Mxxxxxxx

SKYVW30.ZIP   729077 06-05-94  Planetarium simulator for Win 3.1 386 Enh mode


--- Slike

ANTONIAD.GIF  105730 15-04-94  Antoniadi Crater, Moon 12-Mar-94, Clementine probe

AP08DISK.GIF   95680 14-03-95  An Apollo 8 view showing the roundness of the Moon

AP08HORI.GIF  121019 14-03-95  Earth from Apollo 8 over the Moon's horizon

AP08MISS.GIF  151676 23-03-95  Apollo 8 lunar orbital mission profile

AP09DOCK.GIF  119589 23-03-95  A rendition of the docking exercise of Apollo 9

AP09EVA.GIF   113478 23-03-95  Astronaut performing EVA on the Apollo 9 mission

AP09HATC.GIF  150342 23-03-95  A classic, Apollo 9 astronaut emerging from the hatch

AP09LEM.GIF   167919 23-03-95  Apollo 9 lunar module with Earth and clouds in background

AP09LIFT.GIF   69356 23-03-95  Lift-off of Apollo 9 from the launch pad

AP11ALDR.GIF   93117 17-02-95  Classic of classics, Aldrin with faceplate reflection

AP11BASE.GIF  176358 17-02-95  Tranquility Base overall shot on the Moon

AP11CREW.GIF  158354 17-02-95  Apollo 11 crew Armstrong, Aldrin, Collins

AP11DOWN.GIF  127514 17-02-95  Apollo capsule in the sea after the splash-down

AP11FLAG.GIF  189288 17-02-95  The American flag and astronaut on the Moon

AP11FOOT.GIF  140268 17-02-95  The famous spaceboot footprint on the Moon

AP11LAD4.GIF  111759 17-02-95  A four picture collection of decsending the LEM ladder

AP11LADD.GIF  144204 14-03-95  Aldrin stepping to the Moon from the ladder

AP11LEM.GIF    65692 14-03-95  The lunar module Eagle on the Moon

AP11LIFT.GIF  100387 14-03-95  Apollo 11 Saturn spectacular lift-off

AP11MISS.GIF  109659 14-03-95  Apollo lunar landing mission profile

AP11ORBI.GIF  120515 14-03-95  LEM starting descent with Earth on Moon horizon

AP11RISE.GIF  103973 17-02-95  Earthrise on the Lunar horizon

AP11SATU.GIF  184100 14-03-95  Upper part of Saturn rocket from control tower

AP11STAN.GIF   77423 14-03-95  Apollo 11 LEM's leg and astronaut

AP11STAT.GIF   98708 14-03-95  Apollo 11 science station and astronaut

AP12CARR.GIF   77168 23-03-95  Apollo 12 science package being carried on the Moon

AP12FLAG.GIF  153360 03-04-95  Hoisting the flag on the Moon on Apollo 12 mission

AP12PACK.GIF   93010 03-04-95  Apollo 12 astronaut lifting the science package

AP12SCIE.GIF  186630 03-04-95  Apollo 12 science station being prepared on the Moon

AP13EXPL.GIF  187568 03-04-95  The exploded service module intestines on Apollo 13

AP13FILT.GIF  130492 03-04-95  The carbon dioxide filter on the ill-dated Apollo 13

AP13PATC.GIF   76188 03-04-95  Apollo 13 astronaut jury rigging the filter

AP13SAFE.GIF  148710 03-04-95  Apollo 13 astronauts safely back

AP14CREW.GIF  155577 03-04-95  Apollo 14 crew presentation picture with emblem

AP14FLAG.GIF  126461 03-05-95  The inevitable flag presentation on Apollo 14 on the Moon

AP14LASE.GIF  140689 03-05-95  Laser reflector on the Moon for measuring Moon distance

AP14LIFT.GIF   92391 03-05-95  Apollo 14 mission Saturn lift-off

AP14STEP.GIF  188327 03-05-95  Apollo 14 astronaut walked here on the Moon

AP14TRAC.GIF  165949 03-05-95  Reflecting vehicle tracks on the Moon on Apollo 14

AP15ALSE.GIF  133376 03-05-95  Alsep panorama on Apollo 15 mission

AP15COMM.GIF  164281 03-05-95  Apollo 15 command and service module in Moon orbit.

AP15FLAG.GIF  167533 03-05-95  Saluting the flag with LEM and rater rim, Apollo 15

AP15HILL.GIF  191829 03-05-95  Apollo 15 rover and astronaut with hilly background

AP15LEAN.GIF  209237 03-05-95  Apollo 15 astronaut leaning with a gadget

AP15ROVE.GIF  188666 03-05-95  Apollo 15 rover and astronaut at LEM at a foothill

AP16BASE.GIF  169190 03-05-95  Apollo 16 base, LEM and rover

AP16DRIV.GIF  171925 16-05-95  Apollo 16 astronaut revving the rover on the Moon

AP16EART.GIF  127557 16-05-95  A view of Earth from Apollo 16

AP16LEAV.GIF  142051 16-05-95  Apollo 16 lift-off from the Moon

AP16LONG.GIF  145520 16-05-95  Apollo 16 long-distance shot of the rover

AP16SAMP.GIF  220803 16-05-95  Apollo 16 astronaut collecting samples at a crater

AP16STOP.GIF  185370 16-05-95  Apollo 16 astronaut stopping to explore

AP17CLIM.GIF  167448 22-06-95  Apollo 16 astronaut climbing a shallow slope

AP17DRI2.GIF  164056 22-06-95  Still driving on the moon on Apollo 17 mission

AP17DRIV.GIF  140927 22-06-95  Driving on the moon on Apollo 17 mission

AP17FLAG.GIF  118869 22-06-95  A classic, Apollo 17 astronaut, flag and Earth in the sky

AP17LEM.GIF   113886 22-06-95  Apollo 17 lunar module back in orbit

AP17ROVE.GIF  140745 22-06-95  Apollo 17 rover alone on the Moon

APOLLO8.GIF   118706 15-04-93  Snimak Zemlje iz svemira

ASTRONAU.GIF  133120 06-05-94  Astronaut u 'fotelji'

EARTHMOO.GIF  114146 15-03-94  Snimak Mjeseca i Zemlje

EARTH_FU.GIF  114315 15-04-94  Earth full view from the Moon orbit 13-Mar-94, Clementine

ELNINO2.GIF    88611 08-08-95  TOPEX/Poseidon satellite color maps of ocean elevations

EXLAUNCH.GIF   42525 23-03-95  Jupiter-C launch in 1958 of Explorer, first US satellite

EXPLORER.GIF   74689 03-04-95  Explorer, the first United States satellite

GALILEO2.GIF  126994 03-04-95  Rendering of Galileo's launch with the Shuttle

GALLDIAG.GIF  189703 03-04-95  Diagram of the Galileo probe

GALPROBE.GIF  138617 16-05-95  An overdone rendering of Galileo's Jupiter entry

HST22JU1.GIF   51617 11-08-94  HST image of Jupiter with several impacts visible

IDA.GIF       114136 25-10-93  Asteroid Ida image by Galileo spacecraft

IDAMOON2.GIF   23608 15-04-94  Blurred closeup of asteroid Ida's 1.5 km moon

JUP17JUL.GIF   12595 11-08-94  Jupiter with Io and Europa, Fragments A,C,E

JUPCOMET.GIF   87251 11-08-94  Rendering? of Shoemaker-Levy 9 approaching Jupiter

JUPHUBBL.GIF   91362 11-08-94  Jupiter by Hubble Wide Field Planetary Camera 2

JUPITER.GIF    74011 29-04-93  Planetary/Lunar GIF image for SkyMap v1.2

LUNA.GIF      105676 17-02-95  Full moon, image origin not known

MAGELLAN.GIF   45204 16-05-95  Magellan probe depicted in orbit around Venus

MAGNDPLY.GIF  532784 16-05-95  Releasing Magellan problem from the Shuttle gargo bay

MARIN10.GIF   120641 16-05-95  Mariner 10 probe that flew past Venus and Mercury

MARIN2.GIF    156084 16-05-95  The historical Mariner 2 probe that flew by Venus

MARIN4.GIF    106312 22-06-95  Mariner 4 probe that flew past Mars

MARIN5.GIF    102314 22-06-95  Mariner 5 probe that flew past Venus

MARIN67.GIF   105516 08-08-95  Mariner 6 and 7 probes that flew past Mars

MARS.GIF      187520 29-04-93  Planetary/Lunar GIF image for SkyMap v1.2

MERCURY.GIF   106112 29-04-93  Planetary/Lunar GIF image for SkyMap v1.2

MOON.GIF      174080 29-04-93  Planetary/Lunar GIF image for SkyMap v1.2

NEAR.GIF       36652 08-08-95  A grainy rendering of Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous probe

NEPTUN.GIF     60962 01-12-94  Osmi planet suncevog sistema

NEPTUNE.GIF    69135 29-04-93  Planetary/Lunar GIF image for SkyMap v1.2

NGC4881.GIF   169583 08-08-95  Distant, elliptical NGC 4881 galaxy in Coma Cluster

PLUTO.GIF     147674 29-04-93  Planetary/Lunar GIF image for SkyMap v1.2

PLUTREND.GIF  116727 08-08-95  Rendering of the flyby of the small Pluto Fast Flyby probe

PLUTSIZE.GIF   51968 08-08-95  Voyager, Galileo, Magellan, Cassini, Pluto probe sizes

SATURN.GIF     41472 29-04-93  Planetary/Lunar GIF image for SkyMap v1.2

SHUTTL08.GIF  233538 25-04-94  Shuttle liftoff

SHUTTL12.GIF  299455 28-04-94  Shuttle in orbit, gargo bay and EVA

SHUTTL17.GIF  164219 28-04-94  Rendering of the Shuttle Orbiter thermal system

SKYLAB.GIF    336577 23-03-95  Jury rigged Skylab in orbit with the Earth below, granular

SL9HST.GIF    145531 18-04-94  Comet P/Shoemaker-Levy 9 by the Hubble Space Telescope

SL9WFPC1.GIF  127039 11-08-94  Black eye on Jupiter by comet fragment A, Hubble

STARBRST.GIF   40550 10-06-94  Supernova in galaxy NGC 3690, 4 pic seriers, Hawaii

SURVEYOR.GIF  162140 08-08-95  Full-size engineering model of Surveyor lunar probe

TITAN4.GIF    129593 23-03-95  A four image view of Saturn's moon Titan by Hubble

URANUS.GIF     67267 29-04-93  Planetary/Lunar GIF image for SkyMap v1.2

VENUS.GIF     180227 29-04-93  Planetary/Lunar GIF image for SkyMap v1.2

VGRHELIO.GIF   68959 08-08-95  Drawing of Voyagers' heliopause evidence

VIKING.GIF    104134 08-08-95  The Viking probe

Sekcija #41 - Grafika

2L8FE110.ZIP   23770 17-02-95  TooLate graphic EGA/VGA Screen Font Editor, J.Mxxxxxxxx

2SHOW106.ZIP  205210 03-04-95  CompuShow 2000: GIF/JPEG/TARGA/TIFF view/print

3DEDB09.ZIP   132694 20-07-93  Editor for polygon-based 3d-objects, (VGA req)

3DGLOBE.ZIP    32498 22-12-92  3D Globus

AAPLAYW.ZIP   137789 05-08-93  Win player za 3D Studio animacije(sve rezolucije)

AMRH2332.ZIP  309256 13-10-94  Graphical Message Presentation System

ATIGIF.ZIP     21886 22-12-92  Prikazivanje GIFova na 8514A monitorima

BCUT.ZIP       93111 10-11-93  VGA protected mode PCX brush cutting utility

BMP2BGI1.ZIP   91476 09-03-93  Bitmap (.BMP) -> BGI konvertiranje slik

CAPTURE2.ZIP   15923 31-08-93  VGA screen grabber with exclusive timer system

CLINTERM.ZIP   63987 18-05-94  Nakon programiranja za razonodu pogledajte ovo.

CLIP12.ZIP     56529 09-03-93  Obrada GIF slika

CSHOW877.ZIP  204656 03-04-95  GIF/MAC/RLE view/print, Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA

DISP182A.ZIP  677025 28-06-94  Display/convert images/movies w/ many formats

DLVIEW22.ARJ   35645 16-12-92  Pregled animacija

EGADOC.ZIP     13311 12-03-93  EGA dokumentacija

FE10.ZIP       91606 13-06-94  FontEdit ][ v1.0 for EGA/VGA text modes

FE10SMPL.ZIP  174989 13-06-94  Sample fonts for FontEdit ][ v1.0

FEDIT12.ZIP    43606 30-06-94  Fedit v1.2: VGA Font editor. Req. VGA & mouse

FLASHER.ZIP    48977 29-09-93  Brainwave stimulator

FNTFORGE.ZIP   68621 03-11-93  Font Design and Generation Program

FNTHCK20.ZIP   21069 22-09-94  A bit-map screen-font editor for codepages etc.

FONTEDIT.ZIP   22173 08-06-93  EGA/VGA font editor (ASM source)

FRACXTR5.ZIP  524482 13-09-93  Lots of extras files for Fractint v17+

FRAINT19.ZIP  567304 08-08-95  Fractint fractal generator version 19.0

FRCAL040.ZIP  368716 25-05-93  Fast fractal plotter, lets user edit formulae

FRCEXT31.ZIP   17813 30-06-94  Force extended textmode 43/50 lines on EGA/VGA

GDRAW21.ZIP    84533 04-05-94  GraphDraw v2.1: Function plotting program

GDS31D.ZIP    348801 16-01-95  Graphics Viewer, P.Sxxxxxx

GEOCLK50.ZIP  306067 24-05-93  World map w/day-night terminator,times,EGA/VGA

GIFCAT20.ZIP   33142 26-01-94  Maintain catalogs of .GIF picture files

GIFCLP15.ZIP   34564 24-08-93  Clip/Crop GIFs, add text or GIF logo VGA/Mouse

GIFCMT11.ZIP   16810 02-11-94  Embeds/removes text comments in GIF files

GIFDSK45.ZIP   44127 14-07-93  GIF cataloguer. Capture multi-GIF images

GIFEXE44.ZIP   40588 28-04-94  Make GIFs into self-displaying EXE files. SVGA

GIFLT200.ZIP   66395 05-08-93  Kompresor za gifove

GIFPRT30.ZIP   40764 11-02-93  Ispis GIF slika na printeru.

GIFSZE15.ZIP   45539 24-08-93  Interactively resize GIFs. VGA/mouse req'd.

GIFWRP15.ZIP   49403 25-08-93  Warp/Bend GIFs for bizarre effects. VGA/Mouse

GIFXTS51.ZIP  331544 03-10-94  Convert GIFs to Counted Cross Stitch charts

GRAFX340.ZIP   32255 30-06-94  Screen captures for DOS and Microsoft Windows

GRFWK61V.ZIP  347984 25-05-93  View/cvt/print MAC/IMG/GIF/TIFF/EPS graphics

GRPHCA27.ZIP  295972 14-09-94  Graphica: System for drawing scientific graphs

GRPHME10.ZIP  178825 27-04-93  Simple-to-use 3-D graphing package, vers. 1.0

GWSWIN10.ARJ  241185 02-03-93  Graphic Workshop for Windows

IFSE100.ZIP   130283 22-02-93  ImgFun 1.0. A powerful GIF viewer, compressor

IMDISP79.ZIP  341147 21-07-93  Image Processing Software for JPL images

IMDISPD1.ZIP  864430 21-07-93  Collection of BAT & image files to demo IMDISP

IMDISPD2.ZIP  562628 21-07-93  Collection of BAT & image files to demo IMDISP

IMPROC42.ZIP  335590 18-06-93  Improces graphics editor. Req VGA/SVGA & mouse

ISHOW10.ZIP    67494 22-06-95  Ishow: FreeWare GIF viewer and slide show

IV1_02.ZIP    382810 14-01-94  View and convert GIF/BMP/PCX/TIFF/JPEG

JPGIDX13.ZIP   75409 22-07-93  JPEG contact sheet maker, requires CJPEG/DJPEG

JVIEW095.ZIP  140830 22-09-93  Jview v0.95 JPEG viewer for HiCol SVGAs

MAKAM122.ZIP  417656 28-05-93  VGA graphical message maker/presenter. Req 386

MAND32.ZIP     74959 05-01-94  2D/3D mandelbrot generator, SVGA 256/32k modes

NBIRD26.ZIP   111963 02-11-94  3D animation of bird in flight, reqs 386 VGA

NEOPNT2A.ZIP  627071 26-05-93  Neopaint v2.0a: Complete graphics workshop

NEOSHOW.ZIP   329541 26-05-93  Slideshow maker for use with Neopaint

NVIEW120.ZIP  185966 22-03-94  Graphics viewer/slideshow/catalog for SuperVGA

PCXCCS12.ZIP  361957 03-05-95  Convert PCXs to Counted Cross Stitch charts

PCXDMP92.ZIP  135032 16-01-95  TSR to dump EGA, (S)VGA screens to PCX-files, J.Fxxxxxxx

PEP15.ZIP     334271 22-11-94  PEP:Picture Editing Package 1.5 (drawing prog)

PICEM27.ZIP    64566 26-02-93  Pregled slika (.GIF, .PIC, .PCX)

PROPELA.ZIP   319438 05-08-93  3D Studio animacija propelera (by Sxxx S.)

PRTGF106.ZIP   73268 13-12-93  PRINTGF v1.06: GIF printer for DOS

PSPRO200.ZIP  605046 11-11-93  Paintshop Pro - Convert, view and manipulate images

QPEG13K.ZIP   349737 04-05-94  JPG/TGA/GIF/PCX/BMP viewer-FAST! Req 386+ VGA

READMAC.ZIP   216889 26-02-93  Pregled slika kreiranih na MAC-u.

READMAC1.ZIP  269463 26-02-93  Slike za readmac

RTAG21.ZIP     88713 27-12-93  Ray tracing animation generator by P.Sxxxxxx

SIMCGA.ZIP      2518 08-06-93  Simulacija CGA na Herculesu

SINUS.EXE       9489 21-06-93  It wil make you crazy!!! From:Mxxxxx Gxxxxx

SVGA112.ZIP    68471 22-07-93  Fast TrueColor GIF/PCX/BMP/TGA viewer

VFNTED10.ZIP   16984 08-06-93  Editor fontova za VGA

VGAGRAB.ZIP    63766 12-01-93  Resident VGA screen grabber, with TP6.0 source

VIRTUAL.ZIP    95489 26-05-93  Virtual reality demo

VPIC60E.ZIP   226224 17-05-93  GIF/MAC/PCX/ColorRix pics view/convrt, EGA/VGA

VUIMG340.ZIP  118512 14-07-93  GIF/GIF89a/PCX/TIFF view/print, zoom/pan/scale

--- OCR

OCR104.ZIP     93338 12-03-93  Pro-CR Prof. Optical Character Recognition

OCRPRO.ZIP     86299 08-08-95  Optical Character Recognition program + C Source

OCRSHR22.ZIP  389403 12-03-93  ShareWare Optical Chracter Recognition

OCR_VEC.ZIP    97109 12-03-93  Uceci OCR

--- CAD

ALLY21.ZIP    187348 20-04-94  Autolisp program analyzer

AMATE270.ZIP  160693 15-07-93  Auto-mate v2.70 menu/file management system

BCAD100.ZIP   315612 06-05-93  BCAD v1.0 CAD/CAM editor, VGA/286/386/486

DC20.ZIP      315029 15-07-93  Draft Choice v2.0 CAD program (great)

DCFONTS.ZIP    18574 15-07-93  Draft Choice fonts

LASI501A.ZIP  350939 03-04-95  LASI v5.0.1 IC layout CAD pgm; unzip in \lasi5

LASI501B.ZIP  343537 03-04-95  LASI v5.0.1 IC layout CAD pgm; unzip in \lasi5

LASI501C.ZIP  356786 03-04-95  LASI v5.0.1 IC layout CAD pgm; unzip in \lasi5

LASIDEMO.ZIP   19745 12-11-93  LASI v4.22 demo drawing: unzip in \lasi4\demo

MICROCAD.ZIP   55982 18-04-94  VGA drawing program (with C source)

TMC101.ZIP    138366 29-04-93  TextModeCad: CAD system in text mode envirnmnt

Sekcija #RA - Razno

ALTFAQ.ZIP     13694 13-09-97  Cesto postavljana pitanja na Alt::BBSu,

                               korisno i za korisnike FESB BBSa

BESTP28B.ZIP    9576 17-06-94  Txxx's choice of 28 best MsDos SW and PD packages

DISNEY95.ZIP  213373 08-08-95  Disney 1995 1.0 electronic information guide

BOCA144.ZIP    40098 14-03-95  Pomoc za korisnike boca 144 interne i externe modeme

BULGFACT.ZIP   20909 13-06-94  Tko pravi viruse i zasto text

DOSFV203.ZIP   50590 23-03-95  Comp.os.msdos.programmer Frequently Asked Questions

DREAM.ZIP      44321 19-03-95  Dream BBS list - popis BBSova u Svicarskoj

FAQC9411.ZIP   90146 22-12-94  Frequently Asked Questions of comp.compression

FAQP9405.ZIP   50843 05-07-94  Frequently Asked Questions of comp.os.msdos.programmer

FI941105.ZIP   43646 01-12-94  Phone number list of Finnish BBSes

FLIDOC.ARJ      6045 17-06-94  Opis FLI i FLC animacijskih file formata

GIFTECH.ARJ    31151 24-06-94  Opis GIF file formata

HACK92FA.ZIP   52635 21-06-93  The Hack Report - 1992 Full Archive Edition

HACK9401.ZIP   49718 02-03-94  The Hack Report for January, 1994

HIST93.ZIP      6852 05-01-94  Txxx's subjective look back at 1993

IPOZBROJ.ZIP    3724 21-06-93  Pozivni brojevi u medjunarodnom telefonskom prometu

ONLINE19.ZIP  337535 23-03-95  The Online World, a sw book on online resources

PCXTECH.ARJ     7891 24-06-94  Opis PCX file formata

REALPROG.ZIP   10988 21-06-93  LaTeX: Real Programmers dont use PASCAL

RI-MUZEJ.ZIP    3857 16-01-95  Muzeji u Rijeci

STAC0193.ZIP   89703 21-06-93  Stacker 3.0 tips & tech notes - 1-20-

TARGATXT.ZIP    4136 30-06-94  Opis TGA file formata

TSARC211.ZIP   16726 03-09-93  Details of the contents of each ts-package in zipped form.

TSFAQN41.ZIP   90113 05-07-94  Questions from UseNet and Txxx's answers

TSPOST00.ZIP   23117 18-05-94  Index for Txxx's FAQs and Information email + postings

TSPOST20.ZIP   27369 11-08-94  Information email + postings

USBBS130.ZIP  143714 03-04-95  USBBS National BBS List for March 1995

VGA.ZIP       129919 30-06-94  VGA programmers master reference manual.

                               Sadrzi cijelo programiranje i opise svih VGA

                               registara.Preko 650K teksta.Odlicno!!!!!!

TSPUN12.ZIP     6853 04-10-93  Txxx's nauseating groaners (a collection of puns).

TSPOST22.ZIP    7707 06-12-94  Information email + postings, from 18-Oct-94 to ...

TSGARB10.ZIP   15502 06-12-94  Garbo related utilities for the PC (gfind), T.Sxxxx

TSSERA.ZIP     39327 04-10-93  On the Classification of Financial Ratios, reseach publication

NET1028.ZIP    68291 21-06-93  Sazetak zbivanja u konferenciji Networks.38

BLOD001.ZIP    48466 15-09-93  SF fanzin Blodnjak br. 1 (09.93)

BLOD002.ZIP    76769 25-10-93  SF fanzin Blodnjak br. 2 (10.93)

CV23.ARJ       56673 16-01-95  Cyberspace Vanguard No. 23 - elektronski SF fanzin iz SAD

KLINGON.ARJ    31549 28-03-94  Ucenje klingonskog jezika - za ljubitelje Star treka

MISIJA01.ZIP    8841 21-06-93  SF fanzin Misija br. 1 (11.90)

MISIJA02.ZIP   40662 21-06-93  SF fanzin Misija br. 2 (05.91)

PAR50.ARJ      36685 24-06-94  PARSEK br. 50 - fanzin zagrebackog SF udruzenja SFERA

PAR51.ARJ      29818 24-06-94  PARSEK br. 51 fanzin zagrebackog SF udruzenja SFERA

SF48_22.ZIP    37372 21-06-93  Vodič za autostopere kroz galaksiju

                               (poruka 48.22 ZNANFAN konferencija)

SF58_1.ZIP      7695 21-06-93  Popis dobitnika nagrade HUGO (poruka 58.1 ZNANFAN konferencija)

SF_NEB.ZIP      3032 21-06-93  Popis dobitnika nagrade NEBULA

VOL11N21.ZIP   74007 21-06-93  PcMag: AltPause,Fontli,Incenv,Mlprin,Mono

VOL11N22.ZIP  110303 21-06-93  PcMag: Dvorak,Hdlock,Nts2,Strings2

EXCUSES.ZIP     1330 13-06-94  Isprike za svaku priliku

MURPHY.ZIP      7489 14-03-95  Razni zakoni kad stvari idu naopako!

DAFR9501.ZIP   39105 08-08-95  Filmske recenzije Dxxxxxx Axxxxxxx u

                               konferenciji TV&Film.HR (pocetak 1995)

PFLOYD.ZIP     32402 21-06-93  Tekstovi pjesama grupe Pink Floyd.

QUOTES.ZIP     89210 14-03-95  Citati iz najpoznatijih filmova (02/12/1994)

ROCK&SEX.ZIP   29104 10-01-94  Neka stajalista o legendama pop glazbe i

                               problemu pornografije na drzavnoj TV u SAD


CIVIL394.ZIP   24070 14-03-95  Nekoliko zanimljivosti o americkom gradjanskom ratu

CL_CRON.ZIP    38983 14-03-95  CLINTON CHRONICLES - zbirka antiklintonovskih pamfleta;

                               zanimljivo za one koji vole drzati lekcije o demokraciji

DADEKL.ZIP      6441 29-09-93  Programska deklaracija Dalmatinske Akcije

DRZAV.ZIP       4989 29-09-93  Zakon o državljanstvu RH (NN 28/92)

USA.ZIP        15336 06-05-94  Ustav Sjedinjenih Američkih Država

USTAV.ZIP      20898 27-09-93  Ustav Republike Hrvatske; remek-djelo Vxxxxxxxx Šxxxx


ZOO.ZIP       131745 16-01-95  ZAKON O OBVEZNIM ODNOSIMA

SENNA.ZIP       2835 12-05-94  Biografija Ayrtona Senne



!ESPERAN.ZIP   11085 14-03-95  Tecaj esperanta! Tecaj se mozda vec nalazi na ovom BBS-u pod

                               imenom 000espe.zip ili slicno, ali ovo je malo popravljena verzija.

!ESPWORD.ZIP   62764 14-03-95  Tecaj esperanta u Word 2.0 s odgovarajucim fontovima

                               (hrvatskim i esperantskim. DOS verzija: !esperan.zip.


DAFR9504.ZIP   42587 03-10-95  Filmske recenzije Dxxxxxx Axxxxxxx u

                               konferenciji Film&TV.HR (srpanj - rujan 1995)

GUIDA10.ZIP    57321 04-09-95  GUIDA #10. Hrvatski elektronski magazin u

                               ASCII, AmigaGuide, html formatu

GUIDA11.ZIP    48823 26-10-95  GUIDA #11. Hrvatski elektronski magazin u

                               ASCII, AmigaGuide, html formatu

GUIDA12.ZIP    29947 13-11-95  GUIDA #12. Hrvatski elektronski magazin u

                               ASCII, AmigaGuide, html formatu

GUIDA3!.ZIP    45733 14-03-95  Elektronski racunarski casopis GUIDA br.3

GUIDA9.ZIP     66901 13-07-95  Guida#guida - BESPLATAN casopis u obliku

                               datoteke na HRVATSKOM jeziku.

GUIDAFAQ.ZIP    2888 03-11-95  FAQ casopisa GUIDA

RT.LHA         16775 21-09-95  RayTrace - tekst (Gxxxx Pxxxxx)

GUIDA13.ZIP   116411 19-12-95  GUIDA #13. Hrvatski elektronski magazin

DAFR9505.ZIP   72721 02-01-96  Filmske recenzije Dxxxxxx Axxxxxxx u

                               konferenciji Film&TV.HR (listopad - prosinac 1995)

DAFR9601.ZIP   42898 05-03-96  Filmske recenzije Dxxxxxx Axxxxxxx u

                               konferenciji Film&TV.HR (sijecanj - veljaca 1996.)

WWW-FAQ.ZIP     2473 07-03-96  WWW-FAQ, (A. Ixxxxxxxxx, 2:381/102.14)

GUIDA15.ZIP    19260 08-03-96  GUIDA #15. Hrvatski elektronski magazin

GUIDA16.ZIP    33009 28-03-96  GUIDA #16. Hrvatski elektronski magazin

BBSKUL24.ZIP   14579 23-04-96  BBS kultura u mreznim konferencijama

                               (v2.3). Autor: Dxxxxxx Kxxxxx.

GUIDA17.ZIP    52867 08-05-96  GUIDA #17. Hrvatski elektronski magazin

DAFR9602.ZIP   48514 12-05-96  Filmske recenzije Dxxxxxx Axxxxxxx u

                               konferenciji Film&TV.HR (ozujak - travanj 1996.)

JAM-Q091.ZIP    4660 21-05-96  JAMFAQ v0.91 - FAQ o JAM v1.25 (Sxxxxx Axxxx)

VIC01-10.ZIP   72961 11-06-96  Vicevi iz VICEVI.HR 01-10. dio

VIC11-20.ZIP  149515 11-06-96  Vicevi iz VICEVI.HR 11-20. dio

KUH_9496.ZIP   48280 12-06-96  Kompilacija najboljih recepata iz KUHINJE.HR, tijekom 94-96.

K94_96HT.ZIP   81222 04-07-96  Kompilacija recepata iz KUHINJE.HR,

                               tijekom '94-'96 u HTML obliku

DAFR9603.ZIP   33972 14-08-96  Filmske i video recenzije Dxxxxxx

                               Axxxxxxx u Film&TV.HR (svibanj-lipanj 1996.)

BBS-SI.ZIP      1761 29-10-97* BBSovi u Sloveniji

PIN.MOD        64584 24-09-96  Muzika od autora Rxxxxx Oxxxxxxxx

                               "ENTER BBS" Varazdin 042-xxx-xxx MOD - format.

PRED.MOD       67688 24-09-96  PREDAH - Muzika od Rxxxxx Oxxxxxxxx

                               "ENTER BBS" Varazdin 042-xxx-xxx MOD - format.

PIJ.MOD        33654 24-09-96  PRIJATELJ - Mizuka od Rxxxxx Oxxxxxxxx

                               "ENTER BBS" Varazdin 042-xxx-xxx za gsp. Mxxxxxxxx...

REDKILL.MOD    75774 24-09-96  Muzika u .MOD formatu autora : Rxxxxx Oxxxxxxxx

                               ENTER BBS Varazdin 042-xxx-xxx 10.11.1995.g.

KOBILA.MOD    215274 24-09-96  Mod:Ja se konja bojim

ALLTHAT.ZIP    83313 14-03-95  Mod All that she wants

BEXPRESS.ZIP   36381 11-06-93  Balkan Express (.MOD)

DOMOVINA.ARJ   50544 03-06-94  Moja domovina MOD

DRUM01.ZIP      8835 03-06-94  Nije bas neki MOD, ali na nekoj dobroj zvucnoj karici moze proc.

FLT.ZIP        61444 25-06-93  Opusti se i uživaj (MOD); Upload by: Mxxxxx Gxxxxx

FYC.LZH        56033 12-05-94  "She drives me crazy", MOD

IMAGINE.ZIP    61127 14-03-95  A A mod IMAGINE - Lenon

LAMBADA.LZH    49350 12-05-94  Ime samo govori. LAMBADA-MOD

MAGNET.ZIP     30725 08-06-93  J.M. Jarre: Magnetic Fields (.MOD)

OXYGENE.ZIP    43826 08-06-93  J.M. Jarre: Oxygene (.MOD)

TAJCI.MOD      95686 14-03-95  MOD file

TAMARA.ZIP     79496 11-06-93  Tamara: Kuda idu izgubljene djevojke (.MOD)

DAFR9604.ZIP   32720 25-09-96  Filmske i video recenzije Dxxxxxx Axxxxxxx u

                               Film&TV.HR (srpanj-kolovoz 1996.)

HRBBSMAP.ZIP  154324 30-10-96  Karta mreza BBS-ova u HR. Adobe .AI format

                               (D. Kxxxxx & M. Axxxxx-Kxx)

HRBBSMAP.JPG   80206 30-10-96  Karta mreza BBS-ova u HR (D. Kxxxxx & M. Axxxxx-Kxx)

ZA_DOOM2.ZIP   68918 12-11-96  ZA_DOOM2.WAD i U_BOJ2.WAD - dodatni .WAD-ovi za Doom2 (AS)

DAFR9605.ZIP   60905 19-11-96  Filmske i video recenzije Dxxxxxx Axxxxxxx u

                               Film&TV.HR (srpanj-kolovoz 1996.)

DAFR9606.ZIP   61914 07-01-97  Filmske i video recenzije Dxxxxxx Axxxxxxx u

                               TV&Film.HR (studeni-prosinac 1996.)

BBSOVI.ZIP      1346 11-01-97  Popis BBSova u Hrvatskoj

VIC21-30.ZIP  185746 23-01-97  Vicevi iz VICEVI.HR 21-30. dio

HALEBOPP.ZIP  378088 07-03-97  HALEBOPP.FAQ na Hrvatskom i dodatni

                               tekstovi i slike o Halle-Bopp kometu (J. Cxxxxxxxx)

DAFR9702.ZIP   60153 09-05-97  Filmske i video recenzije Dxxxxxx Axxxxxxx u

                               TV&Film.HR (ozujak - travanj 1997.)

ZELENI.ZIP     50295 04-06-97  SF-prica s puno aktuelnih elemenata ili

                               Balkanski rat u svemirskom izdanju (G. Vxxxxxxx)

XFHR302.ZIP    31146 10-06-97  X-Files.HR FAQ v3.0.2 - sve o seriji DOSJEI X (D. Axxxxxx)

CRONET.FAQ      8654 06-07-97  Sve o GSM CRONET mrezi (Z. Cxxxx)

GSM.FAQ        27572 06-07-97  Sve o GSM mrezi (Z. Cxxxx)

T&T.FAQ         5740 06-07-97  Kako iz GSM-a izvuci maksimum (Z. Cxxxx)

DAFR9703.ZIP   57635 11-08-97  Filmske i video recenzije Dxxxxxx Axxxxxxx u

                               TV&Film.HR (svibanj - srpanj 1997.)

HRBBSLST.017    7658 20-08-97  HR BBS LISTA br. 17 od 20.08.1997.

IMP9709.ZIP     4348 11-09-97  Impulsi - Cjenik telefonskih razgovora (by Bxxxx)

SKOLAASM.ZIP   35137 02-10-97* Skola x86 Assemblera (by Sxxxxx Sxxxxxxx)

HRBBSLST.019    7626 14-10-97* HR BBS lista br. 19 od 14.10.1997.

KBD10.ZIP       7683 22-10-97* KBD 1.0 - Naputak i raspored tastatura po svim

                               standardima pisanja Hrvatskih slova u

                               Windowsima 95. (c) Ante Bućan

PEDIATR3.ZIP  168692 30-10-97* Namijenjeno PEDIJATRIMA, LOGOPEDIMA,

                               PSIHOLOZIMA, svima koji rade s djecom i

                               adolescentima. Baza "PEDIATRICS" clanaka.

NOGOMET.ZIP    12126 23-10-97* OVO JE REFERAT O NOGOMETU ! Autor: Exxxx Mxxxxxx

                               Sadrži: Dimenzije igrališta, pravila, taktiku

TENIS.ZIP      13053 24-10-97* Referat o tenisu. Autor: Exxxx Mxxxxxx

                               Sadrži: Pravila, taktiku, tehniku...

Sekcija #71 - Informacije o FESBu

--- Matematika

M1SBPODP.ZIP   29909 06-12-94  Podsjetnik za pripremanje ispita iz

                               Matematike I za studente VII stupnja

                               strojarstva i brodogradnje (PostScript verzija)

M1SBPODL.ZIP   33275 06-12-94  Podsjetnik za pripremanje ispita iz

                               Matematike I za studente VII stupnja

                               strojarstva i brodogradnje (verzija za HP LaserJet)

M2SBPODP.ZIP   31258 06-12-94  Podsjetnik za pripremanje ispita iz

                               Matematike II za studente VII stupnja

                               strojarstva i brodogradnje (PostScript verzija)

M2SBPODL.ZIP   33056 06-12-94  Podsjetnik za pripremanje ispita iz

                               Matematike II za studente VII stupnja

                               strojarstva i brodogradnje (verzija za HP LaserJet)